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Started by =^TrackZero^=, January 18, 2014, 12:32:47 AM

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I want  to announce that Dragon's Network Interlude server Tarantula is officially opened. We apologize once again for small delay , but some things didn't really depend on us. I wish to thank also to all the players who have been patient and supporting us, thanks for that. Congratulations to whole Tarantula team for such achievement and wish us all best of LUCK!


To play on Tarantula Server you need Interlude Client , that can be downloaded from here:


After you installed clean Interlude client , you need a patch in order to play on Tarantula. Patch can be found here:


Eventually you can take just a Launcher :


Just for precaution reasons:

>Start exe as administrator
>Put it on exception in antivirus, or any malware you may have at least for the 1st time


Change-log for now will be in this topic:

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In game rules can be found here:



-Other information and news will appear during the weekend. We appreciate for your patience.
-GM-s Weekly Schedule will be posted after time is arranged with all of them. After that expect full list of 7 days plan. (Not counting here random logging which will be more often anyway)
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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on January 18, 2014, 01:03:36 AM
In game rules can be found here:


Rules are updated, read them carefully and learn them !

Thank you
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- Spoil issue with not turning mobs fixed (*read additional topics about it in bug section)
- Tarantual rates :
- Enchant Diagram for each step:
- AI of moving Golkondas fixed
- Double mammon spawning fixed (requires reboot)
- Players Data will be available tonight on our homepage
- New pathnode installed (you should have much less issues now)
- Fixed missing incosn
- Fixed in game commands (fullcheck)
- Qust Golkonda Locations:
- Clan list of Tarantula added: (*if you dont see your clan on the list make a new topic in clan section and it will be added)
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- Mass pvp zone and Epic boss dungeon has been unlocked:
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After some DDoS attacks that yesterday threatened the stability of the servers and the quality of the gameplay, we upped an anti-DDoS protection system.

At login you will probably notice that there are now up to 3 servers to choose from (center EUropa, middle RUssia, south ROmania).
Simply take the one with better connection for you (try them all, but usually just take the one that is probably nearer to your country).
Lowest ping = better connection
(If we see the three servers are not enough, we will add more.)

The login/gameservers are up and running fully.

All secondary services will slowly be restored, for the end of the day it should be all back to normal (webserver, patcher, etc... can have some quirks and behave weird)

Thanks and sorry for the nightly interruption.



tarantula full droplist with actual calculated drop/spoil rates is now accessible online.

monsters positions on minimap will be added later (meanwhile refer to monster positions of dragon, should be correct in 80% of cases)
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- Regarding Spoil:

Regarding the spoil chances, i guess it requires some explanation for who did not followed the topic related to it:

The Beginning:
Initially we had "just" dynamic rate curve and generic craft mats had 3x max quantity

The Complain:
Some people complained that, by unluck, item had a bad feeling of spoiling because ok you was getting 1-3 quantity (instead of 1) but chances was 3% so over 100 mobs usually 97 was empty. Bad Feeling and ragequit.

The First Solution:
Change the boost from quantity to a boost to chances (using correct math approach so the conversion rate remains same (1% rate = 2% max quantity))
This way, over 100 mobs, instead of have 3 lucky mobs that can give you 1-3, you have 6-7 mobs that each of them gives 1.
Is a bit better feeling as you feel more rewarded (less empty mobs).

The Problem (second complain):
The spoil is caplimited to 99% chances, so items that was already at 99% (or near that value) had NO benefits from the change of "quantity-to-chances".
The First Solution was basically giving more reward toward mid-low level monsters and basically zero boost rewards to high level monsters.

The Second and Final Solution (right now active):
When adding the extra chance, the value that goes over 99% is considered Overflow.
The Overflow is then recalculated and feeded back the the max quantity (same ratio 1% chance = 2% max quantity)

examples spoil of Crafted Leather:
here it overflows (with the boost it was going over 99%) so the chances are caplimited to 99% and quantity is raised accordly:

here it does not overflows (under 99%) so the chances is raised but not the quantity:

The values you see on Monster Finder are already final and fully calculated.
(Spoil skill level may reduce the % of spoiling from the enlisted values)

The system, this way, seems pretty solid and fair for all levels and i dont see further development required over it (finally i can focus on other stuffs)
Enjoy your spoiling!


- Players data for Tarantula :



- Drop Calculator for Tarantula:

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As you have probably noticed, we had DDoS issues that have been resolved using proxies.
Tonight have been done some additional fine tuning for who was experiencing disconnections and have been added a 4th p. to the list.


Mailserver have been restored.
In case you need reset/change password or register a new account: now you can again.


- Failure at datacenter, they are solving the issue. Waiting support ticket for the ETA.

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Quote from: =^TrackZero^= on February 03, 2014, 10:32:47 AM
- Failure at datacenter, they are solving the issue. Waiting support ticket for the ETA.

Machines are all up, servers should follow in a bit.

Thank you and apologize for unplanned inconvenience.
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