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please help

Started by singero, June 16, 2008, 04:07:15 AM

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2008.6.15 21:04:14
OS : Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600)
CPU : GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 2398 MHz with 767MB RAM
Video : NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200  (6172)

Assertion failed: InPos<=Size [File:..\..\Core\Inc\FFileManagerWindows.h] [line: 185]

History: FArchiveFileReader::Seek <- ULinkerLoad::Seek <- TLazyArray<< <- FMipmap<< <- SerializeMips <- UTexture::Serialize <- LoadObject <- (Texture LineageMonstersTex.death_knight.death_knight_t00 99684524==99684524/133323252 99683358 132383) <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- PreLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.Texture LineageMonstersTex.Death_Knight_T00 NULL) <- UOrcMove::CalculateCRC32 <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine

this pops up when i try to start after hitting start in the loader please help me i was really wanting to try this server out


Servers are down till  wednesday.


Quote from: banas on June 16, 2008, 09:02:53 AM
Servers are down till  wednesday.
Dude it not because of that,ive had this game for a while and its thursday still keeps giving me that error.I've extracted the folders got the loader (bake ice) patched it up,switched to every mode i could switch to (full mode,window.etc.) and still theres no way i can play.And i hate to admit it cause im gonna get flamed for this but...The admins in this server arent even helping a bit,its like they dont even know how to work the server.Theres all these people who need help working the server but most of you are like "sorry dont know." Im really sorry for saying it but its kinda true. :o :-\ :'(     p.s. i run windows xp on my computer,if anybody could help,it would be apreciated...



Did you read this link and check 1 by 1 ?
Install Guide - Check this before asking (http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,120270.0.html)

If you did everything properly and still getting that error, try deleting lineagemonsterstex.utx in the "systextures" folder. Then check full.
Hope this solve your problem.  ;)

Btw, ppl put the copy of the error log to make this kind of report easy to search in web as well.

When you meet an error, try searching by the error name.
In your case, Assertion failed: InPos<=Size [File:..\..\Core\Inc\FFileManagerWindows.h] [line: 185]

And this is the search result by Google (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Assertion+failed%3A+InPos%3C%3DSize+%5BFile%3A..%5C..%5CCore%5CInc%5CFFileManagerWindows.h%5D+%5Bline%3A+185%5D&btnG=Google+Search&aq=-1&oq=)
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTUwqxHpXMY]Dancing Android - new Sony Xperia Arc cellphone[/url]