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free valakas neck :D



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free valakas neck :D

Started by kasha, July 03, 2009, 11:30:30 AM

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vote :D

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The sky is the limit.


whoever voted no, shall mention his name.
because we know its just a bad joke, that they voted no.


I voted no ofc,im a fair player 8)
Salerano ~ PenaFuriqta ~
Team Severance


6Mylady9 - b00m>>>>best sh0t
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should have change the poll into:

Yes, i would take the ban for something worth of 200 coins
No, because (whoever votes no gives a reason)

whoever doesnt give a reason, that vote doesnt count.

so technically its only 2 no votes.
1. vote: claims that he would never violate rules.
2. vote: kasha hater.


I vote no, because I don't want a Valakas necklace.  Now if I could get the 200 coins... hell yeah, 2 weeks is nothing, I could come back and buy what I really want

note, I do not say I would cheat for it... I wouldn't.  but if a GM walked up and said they would give me 200 coins, but the moment I took them my char would be banned for 2 weeks... I'd shout "trade me" so fast his little animated head would spin like Linda Blair.......


i wanna a free valakas neck :D  i will sell and i will get much coins :X haha



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Quote from: ChillyWilly on July 05, 2009, 09:34:49 PM
I vote no, because I don't want a Valakas necklace.  Now if I could get the 200 coins... hell yeah, 2 weeks is nothing, I could come back and buy what I really want

note, I do not say I would cheat for it... I wouldn't.  but if a GM walked up and said they would give me 200 coins, but the moment I took them my char would be banned for 2 weeks... I'd shout "trade me" so fast his little animated head would spin like Linda Blair.......

that means yes, not no.
selling the valakas is no problem at all. (its about the mere fact that cheating would give u 2 week ban but something worth 200 coins)


Quote from: Futile on July 06, 2009, 03:17:22 PM
that means yes, not no.
selling the valakas is no problem at all. (its about the mere fact that cheating would give u 2 week ban but something worth 200 coins)

that's why I still voted no.  Even though it wasn't specified in the question, cheating was implied, and that I wouldn't do.


Quote from: ChillyWilly on July 06, 2009, 03:23:15 PM
that's why I still voted no.  Even though it wasn't specified in the question, cheating was implied, and that I wouldn't do.

nobody has to know(except u and the gm), and your reward is 200 coins, thats not even possible to farm with convetional methods in six MONTHS.

u are not even tempted to commit a tiny crime (in a virtual game) to be stronger and possible to oppose your common enemy?
u just do it 1 time. and afterall YOU DO GET PUNISHED for it.
its not for free. u get a full two week of punishment.

im not saying that i would do it. but i can understand how from 1000 players, that there are at least 950 that would do take
TWO week vacation from the game for 200 coins.
even if its all on chars that he has which it isnt by the way, the current dragon rules state that its just 1 char.

2 week vacation for 1 char, for 200 coins.
my theory was that 95% would take this punishment.

and the reason for all this is to show how weak the dragon rules are right now.

Weak rules, wont keep the players on a server. weak rules wont increase donations.
i stay in my opinion that on first violation, there should be 1200 hour ban. second violation = permanent ban for the char.

and even these are sissy rules, because only 1 char gets banned, on the 2nd warning.

i would wish for permanent bans without warning. on first violation for the char.
on 2nd violation all chars banned.

Whoever thinks that is unfair, is obviously allrdy cheating.
if we get hard rules:

1. dragon-network will become a ghost town, because players cant play the game without violating the game rules.

2. people will use their brain and finally yeild under the strong rules and play the game as its meant to be plaied.

The Current Dragon Banlist CLEARLY shows, how hundred of players on Dragon dont care at all about the server rules.


I am not disagreeing with you, in fact, I think you are 100% right.  It's just that I'm one of the ones who wouldn't cheat.  I would be tempted, but in the end would decide not to.  Why?  For the same reason I don't cheat at cards, or board games, or any other game I play.   The rules exist to keep the game interesting, fun, and fair for all.  Once you start cheating, it becomes too boring to bother with.

However, if some GM sees this, and wants to pay me 200 coins to take that 2 week ban on all my chars ........  lolz

edit:  btw, my willingness to leave the game for 2 weeks to get those coins just proves your point... it's NOT a high enough price to pay, especially for those who are lame enough to be willing to cheat anyway, for much less.


Quote from: ChillyWilly on July 06, 2009, 04:41:04 PM
 For the same reason I don't cheat at cards, or board games, or any other game I play.   The rules exist to keep the game interesting, fun, and fair for all.  Once you start cheating, it becomes too boring to bother with.

imagine playing poker (or one of your favourite board games) with 4 others.
you are the only one not cheating.
wouldnt u feel foolish not to cheat yourself?
without judging the others motives. u are the only one playing by the rules.
are u really sure, u wouldnt want to cheat too?

the current situation on dragon is, that the majority is violating the rules. the minority playing by the rules, is so slim it can be seriously ignored.
only 10% of all rule violation are caught on the server.
the real number of violations exceed the tiny ban list by far.
the gm's just cant catch them all. especially while often simultanously playing on the server.

hard, absolute rules would reduce the amount of rule violations.