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Nightmare X30 CONVENTION 2009.

Started by =^TrackZero^=, November 06, 2008, 09:20:14 PM

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Would you come?



Quote from: mortal on November 20, 2008, 10:09:24 PM
benne your language is funny you brain is funny you are funny person xD stfu

shhh Benne is a funny person  ::) ::)


Quote from: mortal on November 20, 2008, 10:09:24 PM
benne your language is funny you brain is funny you are funny person xD stfu
well , i donno about him personally .
but i can see that his post is funny :D


Why would I lie
nigga you a pussy
Hope you got 9 lives


Quote from: XForCE on November 20, 2008, 09:49:26 PM
OMG TrackZero courroption !
though i dont like any of DNET GMs (except for impulse cuz i heared that he is good)
but i dont think that track is corrupted ;D
i think duxi should try Dragon server :)

The example more recent and popular is:

He baned 5 of my ppl clan (including 2 of this 5 chars was lvl 43) for use mistic inmunity without any proof !
Then i post screens where u can see clearly, that temps was hiting Ant Queen picking raid curse,
paralizis, and he didnt ban they for it.

Other case`s i wont mention, cause i wont stir so much in the past.

All players of NM server afraid to be spamed by others talking the trust about gm things, im not !
You all can flame me non stop, but want it or not, i telling the truth.
Why all want be a friend with a GM ? he will dont give u a sh1t, cause he is not ur friend,
its more, he want be a nice man answering to you "yes" or "no", in whole of ur questions,
but insaid, he just dont have so much "friends" (for call it friend), to who he realy speak and listen.

The "White" cant live without "Black". And no, tracki is not a Drake.
For retard of elcesaria - trust me, if FBI or hell`s know who is implies in all this sh1t with game`s,
if they realy want to catch for Drake, they has did it long time ago, but as u can see,
Drake have own defence`s.
Do you think they dont know where is Drake lives ? Thar is more then u can imagine.

TheLOX, u wrong about myspace. Catch Tracki is more easy than he`s friends.

Float like a butterfly sting like a bee.


Quote from: Duxel on November 20, 2008, 10:24:02 PM
The example more recent and popular is:

He baned 5 of my ppl clan (including 2 of this 5 chars was lvl 43) for use mistic inmunity without any proof !
Then i post screens where u can see clearly, that temps was hiting Ant Queen picking raid curse,
paralizis, and he didnt ban they for it.

Other case`s i wont mention, cause i wont stir so much in the past.

All players of NM server afraid to be spamed by others talking the trust about gm things, im not !
You all can flame me non stop, but want it or not, i telling the truth.
Why all want be a friend with a GM ? he will dont give u a sh1t, cause he is not ur friend,
its more, he want be a nice man answering to you "yes" or "no", in whole of ur questions,
but insaid, he just dont have so much "friends" (for call it friend), to who he realy speak and listen.

The "White" cant live without "Black". And no, tracki is not a Drake.
For retard of elcesaria - trust me, if FBI or hell`s know who is implies in all this sh1t with game`s,
if they realy want to catch for Drake, they has did it long time ago, but as u can see,
Drake have own defence`s.
Do you think they dont know where is Drake lives ? Thar is more then u can imagine.

TheLOX, u wrong about myspace. Catch Tracki is more easy than he`s friends.

ok i didnt read it all
but i dont know about what happened at QA and i even dont know that useing MI Vs low lvl RB is a bad thing :) , i stopped long time ago .
i tryed this system with other RB , MI the bishop who cleanses the RB killer who is high lvl char .
but looks like i tryed it with a smart RB cuz he cancels then make raid curse and we ended all dead ;D
PS that was a long time ago , and this is the 1st time i heared that this thing actually worked .
any way
if u are lieing to a gm then ur fuked badly cuz GMs have some sort a very very detailed log (says every thing in that kind of booring details)
and if track is really what u are saying (only if he really if) so that means that u cnt do any thing about it .
the only thing u can do is just leave the server , and start learning egnlish and join us the spammers :D


Quote from: XForCE on November 20, 2008, 10:35:40 PM
and start learning egnlish and join us the spammers :D


vote vote vote xDD
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: Neozinhu on November 20, 2008, 08:52:52 PM
ok...sry for this spam but...

3rd...said ("to" is used in "to say" only)
4th...Is..not you are
5th...find a better translator  :-*

You ARE, not - you is...


Quote from: TheLox on November 20, 2008, 10:46:41 PM
You ARE, not - you is...
i'm talking (remove "you are" and put only "Is") :P

Edit: Its*...:P
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: TheLox on November 20, 2008, 10:46:41 PM
You ARE, not - you is...

:D :D :D

Pseudo grammar nazi who doesn't know the conjugation of to be :)
Does is qualify for an epic fail?

ps. "it's" or "its" (which are 2 different things) don't make any sense as Duxel referred to a person.

double epic fail... I'd stop embarrassing myself if I were you Neo.


Quote from: Parabol on November 20, 2008, 11:00:46 PM
:D :D :D

Pseudo grammar nazi who doesn't know the conjugation of to be :)
Does is qualify for an epic fail?

ps. "it's" or "its" (which are 2 different things) don't make any sense as Duxel referred to a person.

double epic fail... I'd stop embarrassing myself if I were you Neo.

ok...my bad...i read wrong the duxi msg :P

i read smth like "it's more simple than find u in game"

my english isn't so good...  >.>

Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Then dont try to correct some1.  :P

Quote from: Parabol on November 20, 2008, 11:00:46 PM
:D :D :D

Pseudo grammar nazi who doesn't know the conjugation of to be :)
Does is qualify for an epic fail?

ps. "it's" or "its" (which are 2 different things) don't make any sense as Duxel referred to a person.

double epic fail... I'd stop embarrassing myself if I were you Neo.

Helloz there!


Quote from: TheLox on November 20, 2008, 11:08:19 PM
Then dont try to correct some1.  :P

i'm just spamming :P

bored doing some homeworks >.>
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008