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TO INFINITY GM's - ^CUTTER^/^EVA^---- lf S.GM help



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TO INFINITY GM's - ^CUTTER^/^EVA^---- lf S.GM help

Started by choose, March 16, 2009, 09:30:40 AM

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You should ^cutter^ respect more ppl who playing on Infinity, this forum isnt for You, its for us. We got full rights to report this what isnt fair in our minds, so block Yourself not our topics....
(blocked topic:  http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,182444.0.html )

We got enought of GM's behaviours, like ^EVA^ when  she helping to our enemies on pvp - she ress them. Its normal??!!!!!!! And for killing GM she gives ban : ] She play also on char named Airmeth as enemy!!!

Ppl already report once about her on dragon-network  forum:
http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,181202.0.html        <---with screens

If You dont like Your work, and u dont do anything for players, noone hold u here on server, what for we need lazy GMs as u are on 20 banned Cutter banned 2?

freak You, just leave if u dont want work for Infinity server

We all see how u protect Your friends in section "Bad users"

I popose to tell truth to Drake that u both dont got time for work for infinity and ll be fine, cause seems he think its ok now, but isnt....

Infinity server = Infinity GM's Corruption


1. Do you have good proof that proves Airmeth is Eva's char ?
2. Why do you have to include flame on all of your enemy ?

I'm not playing in infinity so there is no way/free time to make myself to believe your word.

I'm not going to go against anyone nor any flame posts cause of this. If you won't show reasonable answer here in a week, I will just delete this topic since it's considered as personal obstruction tactics against your enemy or simply, wrong section. That's worse more than an indiscretion of a padawan who ressing a char surrounded by a group of enemy. xD
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTUwqxHpXMY]Dancing Android - new Sony Xperia Arc cellphone[/url]


Quote from: Finisterre on March 16, 2009, 01:09:38 PM
1. Do you have good proof that proves Airmeth is Eva's char ?
2. Why do you have to include flame on all of your enemy ?

I'm not playing in infinity so there is no way/free time to make myself to believe your word.

I'm not going to go against anyone nor any flame posts cause of this. If you won't show reasonable answer here in a week, I will just delete this topic since it's considered as personal obstruction tactics against your enemy or simply, wrong section. That's worse more than an indiscretion of a padawan who ressing a char surrounded by a group of enemy. xD

1. Yes we got proof, was topic with screens where she said that, unfortunally Cutter removing and blockin whole topics where ppl said smtg against GM "work", everyone saw that on infi


I didn't sorry. You have 1 week left to contact with the person who posted the "proof".
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTUwqxHpXMY]Dancing Android - new Sony Xperia Arc cellphone[/url]


proofs, proofs, proofs...

Have you any archive from Infinity ban list?
When she get GM right of Infinity, she started ban. Ok... new GM, new regime :) and at that time we saw on our banlist:
Date   Time   Player Nick   Time of ban   Date of end ban   Time of end   ^Eva^   reason
Date   Time   Player Nick   Time of ban   Date of end ban   Time of end   ^Eva^   reason
Date   Time   Player Nick   Time of ban   Date of end ban   Time of end   ^Eva^   reason

But some day something was strange.
On some moment we saw on our banlist on GM's name column not "^Eva^", but "^Kimmy^":
Sep 26 2008   6:43PM   MonteCarlo   720   26 October 2008   4:43 pm   ^Kimmy^   Proven Store Bot & Scammer
Sep 26 2008   10:38AM   smierc   720   26 October 2008   8:38 am   ^Kimmy^   Selling Bronze helmet for 50kk as draco helmet
(this is old version what I copied from banlist Infinioty to one topic on our clan forum)
But... I dont wanna be groundless:
***link deleted by Finisterre

We thought we have new GM. But who is GM ^Kimmy^. We didnt see him/her on server.

What is the problem?
Now pls... look on ***link deleted by Finisterre
What do you see at Website?  

Now do you know what I have on mind?
Pure chance?
I dont think so...

Another thing is this what told me my friend. Unfortunately I dont have any screens, so... believe me or not.
My friend want some help from her. He wrote to her an email on address what she put on forum, and on Announcements in game (GMEva... bla bla bla). But he didnt get answer. So some his friend gave to him her private msn (he said it works, couse he talked with her about game problems).
And that my friend told me that in profile of her msn, she put a picture with her face, but she deleted it during his conversation with her on msn.
After that i showed him that site. He told me that it was she... he recognize her. Unfortunately didnt know that she probably is Airmeith, so he didnt make screens.

Anyway you can always check her and Eva's IP on forum, in game, ect.

Kenna he/pp - unactive
Riverdance bd/wk - Kenna's tail
Aenyweddien sps/tk - unactive

...::: l2ex - aenyweddien :::...


I am not asking proof coz of my interest. If you don't want to prove about you gonna talk, do that in other way, talk that to your dog/cat w/e. Even in flame section, you can be punished for false accusation (if there is any active admin. :P)

I am asking because writing a player char name regarding to GM corruption can harm that char's life in game. You don't care ? So I want you to be tolerant about trouble in game as well.

Anyway I'm reading reply. Thanks for your attention.

According to your "proof", GM Eva looks like unguarded person. Well...

Eva will be annoyed by his/her own inexperience coz ppl knows that Eva gives a "free" ress. Everytime he/she logs in to Eva or personal char, ppl will ask for ress/items/corruption. I think this is enough at this time.

I don't think drake gave a power to an apprentice GM enough to destroy his server. Also ressing your enemy by his/her inexperience for one time might not be serious for drake. Ofc this should not be done because helping a side of war by using GM port and ressing would ruin the position of all GM, not because it's any sort of corruption.

I will edit your post regarding to personal information.
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTUwqxHpXMY]Dancing Android - new Sony Xperia Arc cellphone[/url]