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Corrupted GM on infinity?

Started by AHMEED_terrorist, March 13, 2009, 08:50:27 PM

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Quote from: AHMEED_terrorist on March 13, 2009, 11:26:04 PM
unfortunatelly we did and we sick of that... thats why this topic has been made.... only some little hope that drake will read this and do sthg about this...

in our case corrupted shit was drake's RL friend. as he said he just wanted "to play in peace" so he banned all enemies who made problems for him :> and we could do nothing.

fortunately he didn't show up for some months so it's better now.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: AHMEED_terrorist on March 13, 2009, 11:26:04 PM
unfortunatelly we did and we sick of that... thats why this topic has been made.... only some little hope that drake will read this and do sthg about this...

drake? check last login   :D


   there is life before death?


QuoteSorry AHMEED_terrorist, you are banned from posting or sending personal messages on this forum. posting nice

nice now i got ban on forum... for making such topics... of course without a word what i did wrong or sthg and this reason in msg... posting nice? maybe eva u will show me where did i post those nices?... so now its even forbidden to talk about this..

topic on infinity section closed without a word of explanations...

maybe some gm with higher morality can ask drake to read this topic...



AHMEED_terrorist got ban and topic on Infinity section about ^Eva^ closed without any explanations.
I want to know WHY?
Cause he wrote some words of truth? Cause he was inconvenient to her? Or made some inconvenient topic about her? Screens from actions, from chat...
Better way is close the topic, quiet ppl than explain everything...

Im curious...
Will I get ban too? Not necessarily from her on forum (she isn't moderator on that section), so maybe in game?
Im curious the reason...
Insulting GM?

Kenna he/pp - unactive
Riverdance bd/wk - Kenna's tail
Aenyweddien sps/tk - unactive

...::: l2ex - aenyweddien :::...


Quote from: Aenyweddien on March 15, 2009, 07:25:12 PM

AHMEED_terrorist got ban and topic on Infinity section about ^Eva^ closed without any explanations.
I want to know WHY?
Cause he wrote some words of truth? Cause he was inconvenient to her? Or made some inconvenient topic about her? Screens from actions, from chat...
Better way is close the topic, quiet ppl than explain everything...

Im curious...
Will I get ban too? Not necessarily from her on forum (she isn't moderator on that section), so maybe in game?
Im curious the reason...
Insulting GM?

ye, kinda lame but thats it we cant do anything :-\

   there is life before death?


you all can do smt about this but the problem is most ppl don't care about fixing these things  ::)


Ladygoosha  SpS/EE 80 , noblesse mode ON



She ban  in game,she ban on forum  without reasons.Its news?Nope.Its proof something is works wrong.

Kenna be carreful,maybe soon you get ban too:)You talk too much on hero chat,and you have too many proofs about our super gm:P


My topics about that Was removed by GM ^Cutter^,  they making only mess on server, both!

As ^Cutter^ know, he giving IP numbers to other ppl to check them, DDOS attack was easy to do when Cutter sold IP numbers of future zombie computers to attack whole network, noone talking about it.

With IP numbers ppl can use opened ports for server connection to hack them, its one big shit.
^cutter^ did u gives IP numbers on pm's, mails etc? i know that YES!


Quote from: choose on March 16, 2009, 02:32:00 PM
My topics about that Was removed by GM ^Cutter^,  they making only mess on server, both!

As ^Cutter^ know, he giving IP numbers to other ppl to check them, DDOS attack was easy to do when Cutter sold IP numbers of future zombie computers to attack whole network, noone talking about it.

With IP numbers ppl can use opened ports for server connection to hack them, its one big shit.
^cutter^ did u gives IP numbers on pm's, mails etc? i know that YES!
i dont like eva cuz of her stupid rules for spawn kill, and things like 1200h ban to nusiek for hit some1 throu door

but you know your seriusly being retarded with your cry-ing for ress 1 person (ofc now she is against all your ally!), and this post is just  :-X :-X  :D


Quote from: wildpussy on March 16, 2009, 03:12:11 PM
but you know your seriusly being retarded with your cry-ing for ress 1 person (ofc now she is against all your ally!), and this post is just  :-X :-X  :D

Well, she has done it once, can't see the reason why wouldn't she do it again.


i count here much more reasons then this ress..  read all... and tell me its not true... that she ban ur ppl for spawn killing too...

anyway now she removed all my topics in infinity section... no answer, no nthg just removed... so who is for who? shes a God here that she doesnt have to answer to any player questions...? she can ban whoever she wants to with any reason she imagine? or she should helping players with any kind of way?