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Still active??

Started by Lord Mac, May 01, 2009, 12:18:21 PM

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Lord Mac

Are there many siegs? and raids? I take it most users on NM are max levels + sub?


sorry, but i didnt seen that post. i wanna say u .. : active :P
U got new house?


Quote from: Deavon on May 01, 2009, 03:55:58 PM
If you asking about NM ,no almost not pvp at all at varka.
You can find pvp/fun only if you go to any siege or go to mess with campers of epic raids.

PvP at Varka is of the past. But almost everyday I see pvp at HB/Wastelands. TBH sometimes pvp happens at Varka but not as in the old days. Anyway if you want pvp you will find it, you just gotta look for it or be in a clan with a lot of wars :P as usual.