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Hellbound - patience and Bug report

Started by Asgalus, May 12, 2009, 06:18:53 PM

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Quote from: TomekAlmighty on May 16, 2009, 01:36:18 AM
From the info i got from some forums the dance against archers should last 15 seconds and increase bow ressistance 90% and the cool down for the skill should be arround 5 minutes and it also decreases m.attack, while the song against archers should increase the bow ressistance 50% and last 2 minutes, and should have no cool down.

Did you test how much % do the buffs actually give?
On NM song gives +30% to ressistance to bows + there is chant of protection which gives next 30%. In pt with wc and sws archer gives u more than half dmg less from crits. And about dance yes it gives + 90% to ressistance for 15 sek. and it takes - 80% from m attack


Quote from: QuaredPL on May 16, 2009, 09:29:55 AM
On NM song gives +30% to ressistance to bows + there is chant of protection which gives next 30%. In pt with wc and sws archer gives u more than half dmg less from crits. And about dance yes it gives + 90% to ressistance for 15 sek. and it takes - 80% from m attack
Dance of Blade Storm     - Temporarily increases the party member's resistance to bow + 90 and decreases magic power 99%. Additionally increases MP consumption when singing while song/dance is in effect. Available to use when dual weapons are equipped. Diration 15 seconds.


all ork skills have big reus
criple +swiftness dont work


What pi.ss me fu/cking off too much is that server isn't stable and so many crit errors. That is the general feeling. Problems I noticed:
1. If I try to freight items, in the freight window shows only 6x3 item box from my inventory, not all items. The box that can be seen and freight is the made by the line 1-3 and column 1-6 from the inventory tab.
2. When I acces the adventurer guildsman to exchange old clan stones to crystals stones, game freeze for more than 30 seconds.
A strong principle: "As long I can't kill all my enemies, I use to run away"
When I was young I believed that money and power will make me happy. I was right (Bill Gates)


crypt guard in catacomp of wich dont drop the forgoten scroll i am there 3 days and no result perhpas there is bug becouse the chance of droping it is 1.53% ater 3 days there it should be droped but till now nothing  take a look at that plx
To say I love you is easy
But to prove it is the most difficult


Fenrirs bug:

1. they dont have all the skills. they have only one bite attack, and they should have like 4 on level 72.
2. where i can make snow fenrirs? i dont see the option at any pet manager and neither at clan hall manager. (yes, my clan has a clan hall in Aden)
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


throne of wind giving mass root but mobs still fallow u

and when u set up /buy shop   when u want to leave u write /buy and then /stand   2 commands instead of one
only your charm


Quote from: Furesy on May 14, 2009, 01:25:33 PM
I think that's disabled in HB (like it was in IL it doesn't work like that anymore)
I kinda prefer I can put items on spots where I want them and they stay there tbh ;O
Isn't disable, just push the buton
A strong principle: "As long I can't kill all my enemies, I use to run away"
When I was young I believed that money and power will make me happy. I was right (Bill Gates)


i dont find seal of blockade to learn,i cant give allly/clan buff to my pet,is that a bugg or simpl cant give that buff?i think all personal buff should be work in pets,i cant use freight whit coins,i cant open inventory when i have wh open. im dominator/doomcryer.


Golkonda at Elven Village is bugged cannot be killed atm;/


Bishop's Balance life skill reuse is insane...i know it was  pretty long before, but now is worse.


Abyss walker's LURE skill doesn't work ... it worked on the 1st day HB fine .. since like 3 days it just does NOTHING when i use it by my sk/aw  .... hope this will be fixed soon ....

ah .. and another thing about sk ... Iron Shield skill ... i saw it on many other servers .. it's just 3 minutes buff .. and it does stack with aura defence and shield buff ... as it's supposed to increase shield defence power .. not p.def ... but here on nm .. it's just an extremely weak p.def buff that lasts for 20 minutes .. and any shield buff or aura defence just removes it .... hope this isn't just a nice nerf .. and will be fixed too ...

Counter attack of AW ... guess track mentioned something about that it will be working fine on HB ... but from what i see it's still not working at all ...

Dagger Mastery , on official it's said that it decreases mp consumption of all dagger skills ... but here i guess this thing doesn't exist at all ... dunno either if it's a nerf , it's not HB , or it's just another bug

hope that someone rly care about things posted here :)