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Hellbound - patience and Bug report

Started by Asgalus, May 12, 2009, 06:18:53 PM

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white talisman yeti transform - no work
black talisman espace - no efect (dont cancel hold)
Red talisman of meditation - work (like mana potion in 15x) long reuse
Yellow Talisman of alacrity - no work ( it make +3 accuracy and dont increace atack,magic and speed)
Yellow Talisman of violent haste - no work (dont increase atack speed)
white talisman buffalo transform - no work
from all new skills only  Eva’s Will,Touch of Eva,Hell Scream works .... like arena nothing changed or fixed.... m crit rate is still 80-90% ?


i cant destroy talismans for branselet from inventory
Dylvish SPS/SPS  :D
I come in peace,u go in pieces..
How to improve L2 texture loading:


Gatekeeper Mellon not workin' at Stronghold I in Kamael. :-\


Quest "More then Meets the Eye" don't work,so we can not get transformation.


Quote from: digunan on May 13, 2009, 08:22:46 AM
"A skill that permits battle efficiency by receiving two types of buff effects with just one buff has been added.


Improve Combat: Shield + Might (Level 70)

Improve Condition: Bless the Body + Bless the Soul (Level 70)

Elven Elder

Improve Shield Defense: Bless Shield + Advanced Block (Level 70)

Improved Movement: Wind Walk + Agility (Level 70)

Shillien Elder

Improve Magic: Empower + Magic Barrier (Level 70)

Improve Critical: Focus + Death Whisper (Level 70)


Chant of Combat: Shield + Might (Level 70)

Chant of Critical: Focus + Death Whisper (Level 72)

Chant of Blood Awakening: Vampiric Rage + Haste (Level 74) "

Not work i think at least for prophet and warcryer ( i cant find from where to learn )

All these skills + also all the Hellbound skills cant be learned at the skill maneger, you learn em when you kill antharas, valakas, baium... and you double click on the item that these raids drop. Now stop spamming about these skills.
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


I can use Symbol of Noise but it  have no effect.


I can't use Raing Waves at all.

Song and Dances don't have thier own slot.


Quote from: ohaem on May 13, 2009, 12:55:43 AM
-crystalize items? ond dwarf? or im noob and cant find crystalize icon...
when you delete item it should be auto crystalized

btw i cant find tattoo shop anymore
also grade expirience dont autolearn anymore
SK/PS - on x15 server since C2 ... ex-HERO /OFF
BP/DA - first on x15 /OFF
BD/SE - buff bot... /OFF
TH/PP - DF ninja /OFF
PR/WL - PWN-Dwarfie /RIP


Smart cubic spellbook drops in Hellbound area which is currently unavailable due to bugged npc Kanis. Classes with smart cubic skill are : TK, SK, PS, ES, WLK.


This npc's language is a bit strange^^

Also i have a question about clan skill items.
At Adventure Guildsman is said that there are now non graded clan skill items, u can even exchange old graded for new ones.
But to learn skill u still need A-grade ones.
So, should it be like this? Or what for are new non graded items? Is it possible to exchange non graded for A-grade items?
Here is what i'm saying about:
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Another one weird thing .

On Interlude i was used to carry 700/700 cp/small cp without any weight penalty and with a shit load of potions on me.

Now on Hellbound i got weight penalty from 300/300 cp/cp like i m a damn dark elf T_T

p.s: my char is HE/WK.


~ Tattos fixed
~ Icons missing fixed
~ Giant book is 5500 now
~ trigger augment 2min = feature  (it is not BUG it is working like that)

All fixes are available from 1st restart of server,and dont forget from time to time FULLCHECK
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B items at luxury missing , teleport to fantasy isle don't work in all cities ,



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