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Will Fist Fury Work with other weaponz - Song/dance time here tooo - Page 4



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Will Fist Fury Work with other weaponz - Song/dance time here tooo

Started by One Live, May 14, 2009, 01:15:32 PM

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One Live

Oi 2 things
1. this topic is about Fist Fury (mostly for POLE so TY/Spoiler TY/DE TY/xx Can Train again in peace)
2. People who bot will always have dance/songs L2W+Shihld Baff and he can farm in peace. Is the people who are playing there chars on siege/pvp will cry coz any archer/mage WILL run out of mana in 6 mins after 3 redances/songs. Com on it cant be like that lol... :/
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Quote from: Khaot on May 14, 2009, 09:57:33 PM
why? maybe ppls will be play again with BD/SWS/SE active then use only bots.

2mins is equal to PVP , why u want more minutes? if u have active BD/SWS/SE/EE/WC why? doesnt matter, if u have active players in party.

I don't agree.

Sure if it was like retail we would have a BD with fighter attack speed, playing as BD with duals... then there would be no problem. He's main job is to dance.
Here BD/SWS is half your char..... and its never played as BD nor SWS, that always just your secondary option. Not to mention taht everyone starts spamming you to dance/sing as soon as the countdown starts wich now is every 1 mins.
In the case of for example BD/SE in a mage party where your attackspeed makes dancing rather slow, you will do nothing else then dance, and try to regain your MP for the next round of dances.

You can argue that it's doable..... and sure it is. But who's gonna bother playing a char like that?  I enjoy playing supports, always have always will. And i was pretty sure i was gonna go back to Bd/Se now in hellbound since mutants got lvl cap.
Buuut after trying it out i realised that it's only a dancer now..... might aswell discard the SE subclass.



Quote from: TomekAlmighty on May 15, 2009, 09:47:23 AM
Wow, calm down lol, actually dont give a shit about it tbh, but there is lots of solo farming with bd/sws bots and also lots of pvping at varka with those bots so this might reduce this.  ;)
I was calm ;> mb the words a bit harsh tho :$
anyway, xp is pretty much impossible w/o trains now, with these dances, cause the bd se s out of mp all the time :P
Quote from: Kikolina on May 15, 2009, 09:13:21 AM
this also happend on the begging of the il, but it was changed later, so patience.. im talking about dances ;p

about easier enchantings,  %s remains the same, u just get those crazy bogs that keeps the lvl if they fail :)
success rate to +11 70%, rates same as before? wasn't it 30% before? lol why ppl talking about shits they don't know?
rate may even be bigger at lvl 82/83/84/85.

One Live

Quote from: our4n0s on May 15, 2009, 11:43:55 AM
I was calm ;> mb the words a bit harsh tho :$
anyway, xp is pretty much impossible w/o trains now, with these dances, cause the bd se s out of mp all the time :Psuccess rate to +11 70%, rates same as before? wasn't it 30% before? lol why ppl talking about shits they don't know?
rate may even be bigger at lvl 82/83/84/85.
to get to 81/2/3/4/5 U need TRAINZZZ ^_^ and yes TY/DE can still train on just SE bufs... but he is slow like hell since Fist Fury No longer work with Pole tralalalla PWND :D
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Quote from: One Live on May 15, 2009, 11:47:27 AM
to get to 81/2/3/4/5 U need TRAINZZZ ^_^ and yes TY/DE can still train on just SE bufs... but he is slow like hell since Fist Fury No longer work with Pole tralalalla PWND :D

Why do you need trains? oO And why would you need fist of fury for trains?

I used to train with pal/wl and imo that was fast enough. Lvl 76-80 is freaking fast with normal mobs. 80-85 is supposed to be hard.... But it's not impossible w/o trains.



Quote from: Kikolina on May 15, 2009, 12:06:43 PM
sorry im not frm nightmare :) i was on arena enchanting during the beta and the rates were the same =)
Quote from: kidicarus on May 15, 2009, 12:05:07 PM
Why do you need trains? oO And why would you need fist of fury for trains?

I used to train with pal/wl and imo that was fast enough. Lvl 76-80 is freaking fast with normal mobs. 80-85 is supposed to be hard.... But it's not impossible w/o trains.
yeah i did train last days, xp is really really fast, ty de is as OP as before concerning trains, can even do it with these dance times w/o problem. Well thats true tho i m training with hero pole, hero skills


Quote from: Kikolina on May 15, 2009, 12:06:43 PM
sorry im not frm nightmare :) i was on arena enchanting during the beta and the rates were the same =)

you are wrong, on lvl 79+++ enchant rates were higher on arena than in IL
higher means for skills +10 and more, below +10 max rate already on lvl 78


Quote from: Kikolina on May 15, 2009, 12:59:51 PM
omg i failed like 10 blows on 9 10 dont tell me :d or hm mb i was under 79 xD
and i burnt some bogs from 0 to +1 on lvl 78 (IL), you should know how "chance thing" works

anyway ty/de needed only pp buff for trains, now add dance instead of FF and all is back to normal
Our beloved admins try to make us having fun whatever it costs to us....


try to train with a mage and you'll never go back to ty/de or other fighters

while you take 30-50s to kill a train with your orc, if you do it with a mage it takes 3-5s

all you need is valakas and bufs ofc :P (and im talking of ty:de with boss set and full bufs as well)

(this is also true in IL)


80-81-82-83 .. is easy :) in duo, selfbuffs. no joke !! did 56% in 10 mins i think from 79.10 to 79.66%.
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on May 15, 2009, 09:47:23 AM
Wow, calm down lol, actually dont give a shit about it tbh, but there is lots of solo farming with bd/sws bots and also lots of pvping at varka with those bots so this might reduce this.  ;)
he dont know :D

I just play support chars and i didnt complain about reuse or time for SONG/DANCE.If u want farming use bot, if u want ppls for PVP make party with active chars not bot.Bot is sux in party.I know what i talk because passive chars with songs/dance arent enought in game and i never was out of mana why?

One Live

Coz U never had good party like CB got :P We always got bd/sws and believe me or not we run out of mana in few secs.... bots dont run out of mana coz of shild baff:P
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