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Started by our4n0s, June 04, 2009, 03:22:13 PM

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   there is life before death?


well Erase doesnt really matters 2 me :P cause Mhmm lets see i dont have any summon . xD :P  But fak . Mages r suposed to be balanced vs. faking fighters if track keep this shit up . there will be no mages IG left . pff



Quote from: Proku on June 09, 2009, 02:30:38 AM
well Erase doesnt really matters 2 me :P cause Mhmm lets see i dont have any summon . xD :P  But fak . Mages r suposed to be balanced vs. faking fighters if track keep this shit up . there will be no mages IG left . pff
i'll always stay mage for 1 thing for sure:

mages have lots of skills to use, fighters got way less.

today@ enchanted megaliths i was alone with GummyBears (pr/ol) and i was using surrender to water, hydroblast, ice vortex, frost bolt, throne of ice, mass surrender to water, diamond dust, weakness, wind shackle, servitor heal, servitor recharge, battle heal, Boxer's MP recharge, sleeping cloud, fear

and that on almost each attack on 2-3 mobs.

The archer i was with used attack, hamstring (or w/e is their slowing hit called), chant of life and drain from time to time. and that's even better than most archers which are f1f1f1f1f1 bots, while mages use ~10 or more skills currently

Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: WindPhoenix on June 09, 2009, 03:55:52 AM
i'll always stay mage for 1 thing for sure:

mages have lots of skills to use, fighters got way less.

today@ enchanted megaliths i was alone with GummyBears (pr/ol) and i was using surrender to water, hydroblast, ice vortex, frost bolt, throne of ice, mass surrender to water, diamond dust, weakness, wind shackle, servitor heal, servitor recharge, battle heal, Boxer's MP recharge, sleeping cloud, fear

and that on almost each attack on 2-3 mobs.

The archer i was with used attack, hamstring (or w/e is their slowing hit called), chant of life and drain from time to time. and that's even better than most archers which are f1f1f1f1f1 bots, while mages use ~10 or more skills currently

daggers/glads/orcs doesnt count, i know u might say that they r f1 chars aswell, but they use 5+ skills to play.... and a regular sps uses kinda the same: surrender+cancel+vortex+blast....and if it is a trance whore then +trance....

there u go



Quote from: cristianvernal on June 09, 2009, 04:50:46 AM
daggers/glads/orcs doesnt count, i know u might say that they r f1 chars aswell, but they use 5+ skills to play.... and a regular sps uses kinda the same: surrender+cancel+vortex+blast....and if it is a trance whore then +trance....

there u go
well, i was speaking about archers :P i know daggers for example use medium if not many skills
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: our4n0s on June 08, 2009, 11:53:33 AM
First of all, erase's nerf is nothing, noone cares about 1 sec reuse or 2 sec reuse, better /2 the land rate of erase, this would have some sence since it's always annoying to switch target between players and pet but, keeping 70% rate with just the reuse x2 only is absolutly nothing, it doesn't matter at both PvP and oly.

Concerning mana burn, it got nerfed at the same time as erase, you are posting there saying it needs a nerf cause you can't even understand the kind of nerf it suffered, it is nerfed in the landing rate retard, the freaking landing rate, which means 'Attack Failed' 50% of the time you try mana burn, it's worse than reuse x2 btw, why? because we waste mana on it.
And Mana burn mcrit rate has been lowered, its like /2mcrit rate.
So, next time, before you start a river you better check what has been done.

About oly augments removing, well it makes me laugh, go do it, kazimira and i will still roll your ass, because NM is actually filled with ppl that still, after 4 years of playing this game, don't understand anything about l2. Fact is removing augments won't change a sh1t, i ll be laughing when you finally notice it.
Oh sws/ee would be over, but this is not the current farmer, and we will find lucif another char to keep rolling.

With some compassion, wishing you to keep owning yourself everytime a slice more

Removing agumentation skills and buffs ( passive and active ) is priority as we all touched that , olympiad games became so boring even to be observed since ends are already known , I didn't mean specific person by removing his agumentation . thats my opinion which I think most of nm players agree with me , avoting topic about removing agumentation from oly would be fair enough  to prove that our community is not comfortable with that .


Quote from: SysTemHacK on June 09, 2009, 05:14:15 PM
Removing agumentation skills and buffs ( passive and active ) is priority as we all touched that , olympiad games became so boring even to be observed since ends are already known , I didn't mean specific person by removing his agumentation . thats my opinion which I think most of nm players agree with me , avoting topic about removing agumentation from oly would be fair enough  to prove that our community is not comfortable with that .

removing augments .. wont help u or others or wont change anything inside oly .. only ppl would get affected .. is one SWS/EE and one TK/EE .. laymedown and kazimira would still rape the shit out of all of u , u wont get a better chance at oly when augments is gone .. and noone else .. everything staying the same..i dont get it why ppl cry too much for augments .. with or withotu it .. u still lose to 95% of ur fights

i dont talk about u only i mean in general .. just some ppl cant stand the fact that there r some classes or combos that better than them so they will keep crying rivers to nerf them


Quote from: WindPhoenix on June 09, 2009, 03:55:52 AM
i'll always stay mage for 1 thing for sure:

mages have lots of skills to use, fighters got way less.

today@ enchanted megaliths i was alone with GummyBears (pr/ol) and i was using surrender to water, hydroblast, ice vortex, frost bolt, throne of ice, mass surrender to water, diamond dust, weakness, wind shackle, servitor heal, servitor recharge, battle heal, Boxer's MP recharge, sleeping cloud, fear

and that on almost each attack on 2-3 mobs.

The archer i was with used attack, hamstring (or w/e is their slowing hit called), chant of life and drain from time to time. and that's even better than most archers which are f1f1f1f1f1 bots, while mages use ~10 or more skills currently

try playing aw/bd against all these freaking overpowered mutants and shit!!! :P

i use ALL my skills with aw/bd and se/sk.   if you don't you get raped even harder than i do now with my shitty gears :P
Saorin     SE//SK 79/79main   noble//PR  - - Sa0rin   AW/BD 79/79main  --  0wNz     Bish//TH  :P c4 ownZor  --   Zizzifixer    SWS/EE

          If they ask you to believe it question whether it's true
                           If they ask you to achieve, is it for them or for you?


Quote from: Diabolical on June 09, 2009, 05:57:28 PM
removing augments .. wont help u or others or wont change anything inside oly .. only ppl would get affected .. is one SWS/EE and one TK/EE .. laymedown and kazimira would still rape the shit out of all of u , u wont get a better chance at oly when augments is gone .. and noone else .. everything staying the same..i dont get it why ppl cry too much for augments .. with or withotu it .. u still lose to 95% of ur fights

i dont talk about u only i mean in general .. just some ppl cant stand the fact that there r some classes or combos that better than them so they will keep crying rivers to nerf them

lol, still a regular mage have a lil chance against a es/ee or a pp/wk.... and a good played warrior/buff can too..... but u gotta agree that when some1 stands against agil on olys, the only chars that have a bit of chance was a th...with an instant kill, and even with that agil can heal fast enough to sorvive some of those instans.....

so, stop that pro shit, cos now olys will be more fun, and i thouhgt u now started to work, so u wont be all days(HAHAHAHA) plus the time with ur gf(HAHAHA x2), so the only one to care about will be kazimira......let the fun start imo



Quote from: Saorin on June 09, 2009, 06:09:24 PM

try playing aw/bd against all these freaking overpowered mutants and shit!!! :P

i use ALL my skills with aw/bd and se/sk.   if you don't you get raped even harder than i do now with my shitty gears :P

if u dont like yr char then
start new char and stop cry :o

   there is life before death?


Quote from: Diabolical on June 09, 2009, 05:57:28 PM
removing augments .. wont help u or others or wont change anything inside oly .. only ppl would get affected .. is one SWS/EE and one TK/EE .. laymedown and kazimira would still rape the shit out of all of u , u wont get a better chance at oly when augments is gone .. and noone else .. everything staying the same..i dont get it why ppl cry too much for augments .. with or withotu it .. u still lose to 95% of ur fights

i dont talk about u only i mean in general .. just some ppl cant stand the fact that there r some classes or combos that better than them so they will keep crying rivers to nerf them
lol, you're funny. one sps/ee has only to land a lucky erase on laymedown's unicorn and then stay close to spam aura flash if Laymedown tries to resummon.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: WindPhoenix on June 09, 2009, 07:09:19 PM
lol, you're funny. one sps/ee has only to land a lucky erase on laymedown's unicorn and then stay close to spam aura flash if Laymedown tries to resummon.

laymedown or kazimira would win u easily wind .. please dont start giving me teh crap about how pro u r .. even my bd / ps could kill u
Quote from: cristianvernal on June 09, 2009, 06:21:31 PM

lol, still a regular mage have a lil chance against a es/ee or a pp/wk.... and a good played warrior/buff can too..... but u gotta agree that when some1 stands against agil on olys, the only chars that have a bit of chance was a th...with an instant kill, and even with that agil can heal fast enough to sorvive some of those instans.....

thats funny .. olympiad is not fun anymore because of 1 person ? and no .. no th/pp or orc/wc or ol managed to kill laymedown or kazimira even before olympiad .. there r exceptions of course but the chance to win them with fighter / mage is pretty low ..

Quote from: cristianvernal on June 09, 2009, 06:21:31 PM

so, stop that pro shit, cos now olys will be more fun, and i thouhgt u now started to work, so u wont be all days(HAHAHAHA) plus the time with ur gf(HAHAHA x2), so the only one to care about will be kazimira......let the fun start imo

r u trying to flame me or what .. coz thats ended up with big failure , or u just cant believe it i have work and gf and im still able to play oly ? .. need advices on how to organize ur day ?
let me know