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Not fullscreen but window setting on Hellbound



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Not fullscreen but window setting on Hellbound

Started by ardelamontagne, June 09, 2009, 10:53:32 PM

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Just installed Hellbound. I cannot find a button to play with in a window instead of fullscreen.
TXS in advance


Open Loader, on the right top corner there's 'settings', press it, uncheck 'full screen' and start.

Else just ALT + ENTER while ingame, should make your full screen go to window.


Quote from: ardelamontagne on June 09, 2009, 10:53:32 PM
Just installed Hellbound. I cannot find a button to play with in a window instead of fullscreen.
TXS in advance
Also u got some basic video settings on DN Launcher


Don't use the launcher. Just run l2.exe. While in game hit alt+enter to goto windowed mode. Exit game. From now on when you open it, it will be in windowed mode.


no offense but i cant believe u dunno the alt + enter option xD


Quote from: ardelamontagne on June 09, 2009, 10:53:32 PM
Just installed Hellbound. I cannot find a button to play with in a window instead of fullscreen.
TXS in advance

lul u know how  to use the mouse?  :P

   there is life before death?



press "alt" on your keyboard.

now press "enter" on your keybord.

so far so good??

no lets take it to the next level, shall we?

press them both at the same time!

now, open l2 and after it's loaded, press them at the same time.

and now you're a rocket scientist!
* LinK187 gives you cake!


Quote from: Kikolina on June 10, 2009, 07:23:43 PM
imo the point of the topic was that alt + enter doestn work and he s looking for another solution to all the wnbes :)

Manually edit the ini would be the most surefire way.

However, If using vista/w7 alt+enter may not work due to not running l2 as admin. I found that in vista i have to run ventrilo as admin or else it only detects my xmit button when i have the ven window in focus. Something similar may be occuring.


Quote from: Kikolina on June 10, 2009, 07:23:43 PM
imo the point of the topic was that alt + enter doestn work and he s looking for another solution to all the wnbes :)

thats kinda like impossible i guess

Quote from: LinK187 on June 10, 2009, 09:37:50 PM
Manually edit the ini would be the most surefire way.

However, If using vista/w7 alt+enter may not work due to not running l2 as admin. I found that in vista i have to run ventrilo as admin or else it only detects my xmit button when i have the ven window in focus. Something similar may be occuring.

u need to turn UAC from user accounts and u will never need to run anything as an admin anymore


Regardless, using windowed mode in any of the above mentioned ways is far from rocket science, I see no reason it's not working for him other than using some cracked out foreign keyboard...