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AKAMANACH/ZARCHIE BUG (and exploiting time)



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AKAMANACH/ZARCHIE BUG (and exploiting time)

Started by Tehensis, June 13, 2009, 03:23:32 PM

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Like freeman said on other topic:

Quote from: freeman on June 13, 2009, 11:46:59 AM
I think they should have a few added things to them...

- No logging out with them.
- 24 hour time limit.
- It can only drop 2 times. Once for the original person, and once again for a new person. If you grab the akamanah, the 24 hour time starts over. Once the second person drops them or the time limit runs out for either of them, the swords restart and become a monster drop.

Now from 2 days Davy have akamanah on Hellbound area, have in party sws/ee and get bufs and songs from him.
They use this bug and drops ews / ees / Soul cry. 80lvl.

GM, Davy knows that he using bugged akamanah and he using this to get a lot stuff, its a foking ur economy
and we got enought of that kind of exploiters

Fullbuffed, with speed 400, hits for 60k, its joke?

Infinity x5


loel wasnt know that u can  be in party and get buffs  when u have zariche ;)

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


Quote from: Meto on June 13, 2009, 08:21:10 PM
loel wasnt know that u can  be in party and get buffs  when u have zariche ;)

y, he loves, mostly songs :p


this is freaking joke!?
i reported this on arena 2 months ago and they did nothing!

when 24h ends u can do all with this shit... get buffs, get party, be healed, kill mobs, PWN ALL!....
its freaking sick that they at least dont SHUT IT OFF!!

GMs/Admins if u are so irresponsibility to let it happen now u must take suffer and do something with it...
freaking joke...