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Remember old times?

Started by K44, June 17, 2009, 05:08:27 PM

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Quote from: TrackZero on June 18, 2009, 02:16:03 PM
You are reasonable person dusaka, we know each other long period, and comon you know thats aint true i care for everyone on NM but i simply cant be 24/7 on and simply cant 100% help to all people but im giving my best here, you should know this you play on NM :S

yea but ur the only 1 doing it... return nerfed? anyone thought about the rich clan/ally/people killing someone trying to xp alone with his pp lvl 50 bot? Finally he made his lvl 50 but he cant return no more NO now this skilsl is only a unstuck that reuse faster, piece of crap. I dont care about this skill at all but I try to think about evryone and evry single player and I aim at finding solution that will help the majority, not the big wallet, wich is the oposite of most DN admin/gm/modo atm. Good for you you are good in NM, but DN got shit and nothing's moving. Its annoying as fuk. People tell me : stop talking and move but what can we do? NOTHING. We got no exit for gm abuse other then "thrusting" the other gm's. Just now look how stupid fix they do, pointless shit worth nothing...  I tried to wake up some people abotu the problm and what I got ? Cry more nuub pff see for urself :


people are stupid and if the Dev's dont start heading theire shit str8 with an ordered planning this server wont last long and if it does, it will be a babel tower.
The last of his kind
Tk/Es 80 -> sorc 76
Quote from: Brownxtown
he pwns ppl, they see his pink poney and there like OMG GHEY PONEY and they dont hit it then the pony uses its pro pink powers and they die and the dead ppl go WTF PONY HAX



Quote from: Chicks on June 18, 2009, 06:29:26 PM
yea but ur the only 1 doing it... return nerfed? anyone thought about the rich clan/ally/people killing someone trying to xp alone with his pp lvl 50 bot? Finally he made his lvl 50 but he cant return no more NO now this skilsl is only a unstuck that reuse faster, piece of crap. I dont care about this skill at all but I try to think about evryone and evry single player and I aim at finding solution that will help the majority, not the big wallet, wich is the oposite of most DN admin/gm/modo atm. Good for you you are good in NM, but DN got shit and nothing's moving. Its annoying as fuk. People tell me : stop talking and move but what can we do? NOTHING. We got no exit for gm abuse other then "thrusting" the other gm's. Just now look how stupid fix they do, pointless shit worth nothing...  I tried to wake up some people abotu the problm and what I got ? Cry more nuub pff see for urself :


people are stupid and if the Dev's dont start heading theire shit str8 with an ordered planning this server wont last long and if it does, it will be a babel tower.
+1... ;D
"I feel so insulted with this common appearance of modernity"


Quote from: Chicks on June 18, 2009, 06:29:26 PM
yea but ur the only 1 doing it... return nerfed? anyone thought about the rich clan/ally/people killing someone trying to xp alone with his pp lvl 50 bot? Finally he made his lvl 50 but he cant return no more NO now this skilsl is only a unstuck that reuse faster, piece of crap. I dont care about this skill at all but I try to think about evryone and evry single player and I aim at finding solution that will help the majority, not the big wallet, wich is the oposite of most DN admin/gm/modo atm. Good for you you are good in NM, but DN got shit and nothing's moving. Its annoying as fuk. People tell me : stop talking and move but what can we do? NOTHING. We got no exit for gm abuse other then "thrusting" the other gm's. Just now look how stupid fix they do, pointless shit worth nothing...  I tried to wake up some people abotu the problm and what I got ? Cry more nuub pff see for urself :


people are stupid and if the Dev's dont start heading theire shit str8 with an ordered planning this server wont last long and if it does, it will be a babel tower.


Quote from: Chicks on June 18, 2009, 06:29:26 PM
yea but ur the only 1 doing it... return nerfed? anyone thought about the rich clan/ally/people killing someone trying to xp alone with his pp lvl 50 bot? Finally he made his lvl 50 but he cant return no more NO now this skilsl is only a unstuck that reuse faster, piece of crap. I dont care about this skill at all but I try to think about evryone and evry single player and I aim at finding solution that will help the majority, not the big wallet, wich is the oposite of most DN admin/gm/modo atm. Good for you you are good in NM, but DN got shit and nothing's moving. Its annoying as fuk. People tell me : stop talking and move but what can we do? NOTHING. We got no exit for gm abuse other then "thrusting" the other gm's. Just now look how stupid fix they do, pointless shit worth nothing...  I tried to wake up some people abotu the problm and what I got ? Cry more nuub pff see for urself :


people are stupid and if the Dev's dont start heading theire shit str8 with an ordered planning this server wont last long and if it does, it will be a babel tower.
DN is based on the fact you can make stacking subs, you can't think of people who have no-sub and compare them with people who do

Everything goes slow, who cares, whining aint gona help you, don't like it, go away. This is how private servers work.
Drake once cared maybe, but not everyone remembers how it went in the old days, everyone keeps saying those times were so great, but guess what? Best days on DN were on an extremely bugged C3/C4, where a lot of things didn't work how they were supposed too, and the fixes also took very long, the nerfs also took, very long to come.

Wanna know why everyone keeps whining now? Because they already played later chronicles and nothing is new anymore in L2, most people who joined DN on C2/C3 were 'new' to L2, new chronicles new skills, new everything, they still needed to find out how everything in the game works.
Nowadays everyone knows how it works, that has nothing to do with DN, but simply L2 being out-dated and plain OLD.

Private servers are based on money, why would anyone start a server if the only thing he would do is lose money, for fun? Or why doesn't anyone here start his own server if he seems to know everything so much better? Oh wait, they don't get "paid" for it or don't have the money/time for it, so there's your answer. Don't want that? Go to official, but wait, even that is based on money...

Money makes the world turn, learn to live with that or migrate to the rainforest.


Quote from: duleO81 on June 18, 2009, 08:54:12 PM
6650 post lols no life forum bitch ;D
7 posts a day isn't so hard.


Quote from: Chicks on June 18, 2009, 06:29:26 PM
yea but ur the only 1 doing it... return nerfed? anyone thought about the rich clan/ally/people killing someone trying to xp alone with his pp lvl 50 bot?

Ok im sorry, but that is absurd. When have anyone ever seen a clan go out to kill a lvl 50pp? I have never seen anyone killing a low lvl PP thats out lvling.

Return was abused 99% of the time and used for legit reasons the remaining 1%.... makes no sense keeping it the way it was, especially not on servers that have 15/30x xp.



The game is not what it used to be... or maybe i am not what i used to be :)

My friends... most of them left... or worse, they become something i'd hope they never become...
I'm falling behind in terms of gear because i dont have time to farm, nor i donate...

My skill is all i have left, but what good is that i know how to play my char like the back of my palm if i get 7 lethals in 9 vs daggers in oly for example (happened to me today) or i lose because i sustain too much damage in DC set...

Is not what it used to be anymore, sadly, but true... i wont say "i quit", if i wanted to leave with a bang, i should have done it when i was a hero on my own forces, with no transfer and shit... but that time has passed and my char is growing old and he's fading away... i am growing old too maybe...

I guess i'll log from time to time while i still have some friends in... when the last one leaves, my elf will return from forest in which he took birth and it shall rest there forever :)
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: WindPhoenix on June 18, 2009, 10:25:51 PM
The game is not what it used to be... or maybe i am not what i used to be :)

My friends... most of them left... or worse, they become something i'd hope they never become...
I'm falling behind in terms of gear because i dont have time to farm, nor i donate...

My skill is all i have left, but what good is that i know how to play my char like the back of my palm if i get 7 lethals in 9 vs daggers in oly for example (happened to me today) or i lose because i sustain too much damage in DC set...

Is not what it used to be anymore, sadly, but true... i wont say "i quit", if i wanted to leave with a bang, i should have done it when i was a hero on my own forces, with no transfer and shit... but that time has passed and my char is growing old and he's fading away... i am growing old too maybe...

I guess i'll log from time to time while i still have some friends in... when the last one leaves, my elf will return from forest in which he took birth and it shall rest there forever :)

Drama queen  ;D



Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


ppl the problem  is in economy of server
it is very difficult for somebody that begins for first time in server to xp and it grows that does not exist bssd-ssd
those who exist they is forbiten to buy it tha will be good to sell again ssd-bssd in npc
and what about event???
gm try to do event but it is not enough... i think auto event will make some fun to older char
I believe it is not difficult for modarator to make topic in forum that explain in new chars  5 basic things for their economy also will be good to upgrade the drop list it is the same from c4
that from me
ty for listen
p.s: lol ppl wtf is this???
Full Hellbound OFF,x5 x10 x15 x30 x200 rates, over 7000 players! 99% uptime. Custom potions,stackable sub system. Never wiped over 5 years.
that is not promosion replace it
sry for my english
HEMO sh/se 79lvl clan GreekMafia
KillVanHemo ol/des 82lvl ex leader clan/ally OlympiansGods/GreekSoul
GreekSoul sk/des clan leader of OlympiansGods


Quote from: WindPhoenix on June 19, 2009, 03:29:23 AM
emoticon alert!

I was gonna write w/o emoticon first.... or actually i did. But it looked kinda harsh so i put one of them gay smileys there. Not my proudest moment.



I remember the times when everyone was in B grade and the only difference that was between the players were how skilled they are.
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"