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L2 Free Private Servers vs Official Lineage 2 server - Page 2



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L2 Free Private Servers vs Official Lineage 2 server

Started by dusaka, July 08, 2009, 10:44:02 AM

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Quote from: benonslyp on July 10, 2009, 02:34:21 AM
hehe then u dont go to the movies? to the beach? to a park? the "mere entretainment", as you call it... is all the same.. only that mmo's can be a little adictive "mere entretainment".

P.S. psp, xbox, movies dvd, ps3, wii... ALL COST MONEY HONEY  ;)
You don't pay monthly for it to keep on playing it. (xBox live you do, but it's far less and you can play way more games online than just 1)

And concept of official L2 is purely grinding untill you drop dead, you need to really play a lot to get somewhere, and killing over a zillion mobs to merely get to the top levels. It's based on having people to spend so much time doing that, to keep them busy, to get more and more money out of them.

Don't come to me with that plain bullshit, everything in this world costs money, but if you didn't get my point than don't bother to reply.

PS: Dunno where you come from but Beach and Park are free at where I live :p


Quote from: Furesy on July 10, 2009, 11:36:38 AM
You don't pay monthly for it to keep on playing it. (xBox live you do, but it's far less and you can play way more games online than just 1)

And concept of official L2 is purely grinding untill you drop dead, you need to really play a lot to get somewhere, and killing over a zillion mobs to merely get to the top levels. It's based on having people to spend so much time doing that, to keep them busy, to get more and more money out of them.

Don't come to me with that plain bullshit, everything in this world costs money, but if you didn't get my point than don't bother to reply.

PS: Dunno where you come from but Beach and Park are free at where I live :p
ye well going to the beach implies a cab, drinks, food, etc.. and ok mby u r right about the zillion mobs but still they have to charge for it.. I'm a programmer imagine if make a system and then don't charge for it, then go make maintenance to it and dont charge... code = money, servers = money.. thats my point.



Quote from: benonslyp on July 10, 2009, 03:22:01 PM
ye well going to the beach implies a cab, drinks, food, etc.. and ok mby u r right about the zillion mobs but still they have to charge for it.. I'm a programmer imagine if make a system and then don't charge for it, then go make maintenance to it and dont charge... code = money, servers = money.. thats my point.
Ye, that's true, work needs be get paid, else nobody will bother working and can't fund such a huge game project.

But the nowadays idea of NCSoft and any other company, they just freak up original classes in new chronicles, so half of the players re-roll, keeping them busy, so they can get even more money out of them. For that I won't pay monthly, since service etc. is cool, especially when some bug is found in a game that would completely destroy it, having coders fix it asap is needed, but they can also completely change your game in ways you won't like it, I'm not paying for that! ;f


Imo paying a monthly fee for play a game will psychologically force U to play... Most of ppl will think: damn I paid for this month I must play as more as I can or they will be wasted money...

Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


Quote from: PanzerKunst on July 09, 2009, 10:17:25 PM
then play football at the street... online game is a service, including: hosting, machines, dev team and customer service team (and, of course, administration and taxs). All that mean money, neither Drake is doing this for free.
There are a lot of different models to gain the money for expense and profit. L2 have the lesser friendly payment system (monthly payment) for non hardcore players, in others places ncsoft games have other system, depending on the dealer, for example Aion in China have a  payment per hour system.

Drake for free?haha nice joke.. donation = his way is illegal, think what u want but thats true.(read EULA).Donation like sponsor for HW is different way then donate for items, where Drake isnt owner (owner is NCSOFT) so.. this server can be closed.Ofc there no exist judge for this, may be only in US.

Furesy: u have always choice... play game with bugs - means FREE, or with all abilities and without bugs and better support like services = OFFICIAL.What do u want prefer?And spend 13-15 euros for one month its less then 2 days in PUB, for someone is less then 1 day :D


Quote from: Khaot on July 10, 2009, 06:23:03 PM
Drake for free?haha nice joke.. donation = his way is illegal, think what u want but thats true.(read EULA).Donation like sponsor for HW is different way then donate for items, where Drake isnt owner (owner is NCSOFT) so.. this server can be closed.Ofc there no exist judge for this, may be only in US.

Furesy: u have always choice... play game with bugs - means FREE, or with all abilities and without bugs and better support like services = OFFICIAL.What do u want prefer?And spend 13-15 euros for one month its less then 2 days in PUB, for someone is less then 1 day :D
I prefer free as previously stated, hence I don't find grinding my life away, killing a zillion mobs to reach a lil bit of max lvls, entertainment. And NCSoft service? lol they nerf all good classes at each new chronicle to make people re-roll, to keep them busy so they keep playing and spending money.
Than I prefer private servers, since it's somewhat same orientated, only difference I aint paying, and I don't have to play to get my money out of it, since I didn't pay anything ^_-


Quote from: Khaot on July 10, 2009, 06:23:03 PM
Drake for free?haha nice joke.. donation = his way is illegal, think what u want but thats true.(read EULA).Donation like sponsor for HW is different way then donate for items, where Drake isnt owner (owner is NCSOFT) so.. this server can be closed.Ofc there no exist judge for this, may be only in US.

Furesy: u have always choice... play game with bugs - means FREE, or with all abilities and without bugs and better support like services = OFFICIAL.What do u want prefer?And spend 13-15 euros for one month its less then 2 days in PUB, for someone is less then 1 day :D
sorry, maybe im wrong, but "neither" means "also this/that/those/these not " or something like that...
2 month ago i took a english test, it said i need a diccionary close to me all time :P



Quote from: PanzerKunst on July 10, 2009, 07:49:30 PM
sorry, maybe im wrong, but "neither" means "also this/that/those/these not " or something like that...
2 month ago i took a english test, it said i need a diccionary close to me all time :P
id ont really care :-), u know what i mean.

Furesy: who talks about NCSOFT? There are many online games, just choose what u want.


Quote from: Furesy on July 10, 2009, 06:58:04 PM
I prefer free as previously stated, hence I don't find grinding my life away, killing a zillion mobs to reach a lil bit of max lvls, entertainment. And NCSoft service? lol they nerf all good classes at each new chronicle to make people re-roll, to keep them busy so they keep playing and spending money.
Than I prefer private servers, since it's somewhat same orientated, only difference I aint paying, and I don't have to play to get my money out of it, since I didn't pay anything ^_-

When I played on official, there was some thing like when you reach 75 lvl, delvl to 20 lvl or so, and when you gain again 75 lvl take some extra (like 1) of dex/con/wit/men and so on. Lul.


the screenshot is from gracia final or g2 serv. with custom items ?? but g3 are not in english ..



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Quote from: Khaot on July 10, 2009, 08:17:34 PM
Furesy: who talks about NCSOFT? There are many online games, just choose what u want.
It's the concept of any MMORPG that is P2P nowadays.


Quote from: NightShade01 on July 10, 2009, 11:15:37 PM
the screenshot is from gracia final or g2 serv. with custom items ?? but g3 are not in english ..
It's Gracia Final.
What's G3 and what about it? :o