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Orc SUb question



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Orc SUb question

Started by BraverPT, July 16, 2009, 07:29:25 PM

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Hi,i need some help im very curious.
If i do for an example , tyrant / destro ,in the main class ( tyrant) i would have ALL the skills that my sub destro has?

What should i do first? tyrant then sub with destro

or Destro then sub with tyrant?


Quote from: BraverPT on July 16, 2009, 07:29:25 PM
Hi,i need some help im very curious.
If i do for an example , tyrant / destro ,in the main class ( tyrant) i would have ALL the skills that my sub destro has?

What should i do first? tyrant then sub with destro

or Destro then sub with tyrant?

is the same ur first class, the same npc where u take sub quest can switch ur stats and u can be TY or destro and learn both skills

May 16 2010 9:55PM   FrozenAce   336   30 May 2010, 9:55 pm   ^ShowStopper^    
May 15 2010 9:17PM   Magnificient   360   30 May 2010, 9:17 pm   ^madmanic^    
May 15 2010 9:16PM   LastPunch   360   30 May 2010, 9:16 pm   ^madmanic^


if u started as tyrant and subbed to destroyer .. u will have to learn ur dest skills and then switch back by sir eric to tyrant again


Quote from: BraverPT on July 16, 2009, 07:29:25 PM
Hi,i need some help im very curious.
If i do for an example , tyrant / destro ,in the main class ( tyrant) i would have ALL the skills that my sub destro has?

What should i do first? tyrant then sub with destro

or Destro then sub with tyrant?

It doesnt mind on which class you do the DN sub. You will have the skills of both classes.

If you mean something about lossing skills, well, you lose any skill that was learnt 10 lvls over your current level. But no trouble, you can relearn everything back, by doing the appropiate switchs into Sir Eric Rodemai (allows you to play in either DES or TY stats)

Atenea - Mystic Muse / Eva's Saint - 8x - Necromancer 7x - DemiGods captain. Inactive.

..but I can't spell it out for you.. no.. it's never gonna be that simple...


If you start as tyrant and you sub to destroyer, you're a TY/DE and can switch anytime between those classes, you need to switch to learn the skills from each class, and you keep both the skills from both classes, you can switch anytime you want, you just need to decide if you want to play your TY/DE on TY main stats or on DE main stats.

Think that what he meant.