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Lineage 2 Gameplay Video + Dragon Network Advertisement



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Lineage 2 Gameplay Video + Dragon Network Advertisement

Started by Shadowar, July 30, 2009, 11:26:50 PM

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So here you go i made Lineage 2 Gameplay video (was made on Nightmare x30)

I'm lvl 63 Orc Tyrant


>>>>>Don't forget to watch it in  High Quality and Full Screen<<<<<<<<

My first Lineage II Video
Don't let it die! Just comment \/\/\/


oO yea i started playing 2 years ago but i had to move to UK and i tottaly forgot abour L2. I just came back to L2 few days ago ^.^ so i might not remember everyone but if u tell me ur old character names i'll probably recognise ya :)

BTW i moved this topic here http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,196886.0.html so comment and other stuff there.

My first Lineage II Video
Don't let it die! Just comment \/\/\/


dn gameplay? shoot in fullbuff on dynasty guys 1 damage. They shoot  back(with icarus shits), with 4346 atk speed, and 124653 patk. Gf. That's all :D
Infinity 5x: inactive
Valkyria:  shiet
free from L2 since 2 years


Quote from: disc on July 31, 2009, 09:21:46 AM
dn gameplay? shoot in fullbuff on dynasty guys 1 damage. They shoot  back(with icarus shits), with 4346 atk speed, and 124653 patk. Gf. That's all :D

QQ cry more... :D


Is the "dramatic opening" to your video seriously you hitting the guards... then some other npc's.... Must be bad times in the interesting footage department.

Davrioza - SK/AW
Davri0za - SK/SH
DavriozaPwns - SpS/EE
Hindu - Future HE/WL, Mohammad Jihad.
(And some more ghey chars + Davrioza, 70 human mage @ WoW)



Quote from: D4vri0za on July 31, 2009, 08:19:42 PM
Is the "dramatic opening" to your video seriously you hitting the guards... then some other npc's.... Must be bad times in the interesting footage department.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: D4vri0za on July 31, 2009, 08:19:42 PM
Is the "dramatic opening" to your video seriously you hitting the guards... then some other npc's.... Must be bad times in the interesting footage department.
Hahahahaha.....ROFL that just killed me :)

Just tried to make video story line :P

My first Lineage II Video
Don't let it die! Just comment \/\/\/