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Please fix Aggression, Hate Aura and Provoke. - Page 2



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Please fix Aggression, Hate Aura and Provoke.

Started by thehunted, July 17, 2009, 03:35:32 PM

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Quote from: wildpussy on July 18, 2009, 01:45:57 AM
well you obviusly are not aware of what you could make with provoke in IL, when this area nukes and debuffs will have 1500 radius of effect, you can whine about it

I am totally aware of the potential, why you think i made a pal/wl in the first place? Yet if these hate skills work trough walls, shouldn't Drake fix this instead of totally screwing up the skill itself?
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Quote from: rezz on July 18, 2009, 04:58:58 AM
Hes just trying to get his char boosted by making cry topics, let him go.
When something is imbalanced on DN and people complain, those who benefit from the bug call them "cryers." As everyone wants to be seen as a true warrior (who never cryes) they stop complaining. So a lot of imbalanced things still remain. The only one who really cries here is you, cause you fear!
currently playing GuildWars2 [Ring of Fire]


Quote from: thehunted on July 18, 2009, 10:54:42 AM
I am totally aware of the potential, why you think i made a pal/wl in the first place? Yet if these hate skills work trough walls, shouldn't Drake fix this instead of totally screwing up the skill itself?
for your damn info, he/wl (or sr/wl) were the best aggro makers in IL

and drake wont ever fix this for the reason ... HE CAN'T, ragezone.com / postpacific.com go download server files and fix it plz


Quote from: xBrokenArrow on July 18, 2009, 01:14:23 PM

rezz is one of best players in dragon so u can stfu with u bollocks all on dragon know rezz pwns crytias since 82 and crytias only cry "nerf  him nerf" and he alweys cry here when he get pwned so nothing to add

And you are the biggest coke dealer of DN.. Please lol, use your bans to go out and get some fresh air.
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Quote from: wildpussy on July 18, 2009, 11:30:12 AM
for your damn info, he/wl (or sr/wl) were the best aggro makers in IL

and drake wont ever fix this for the reason ... HE CAN'T, ragezone.com / postpacific.com go download server files and fix it plz

I give up lol, sure provoke can be exploited, as can a lot of other skills. Anyway, in order to make it easier for you to comprehend; let's just assume Provoke works like it should. You don't agree either that hate aura and aggression should get fixed?
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Quote from: xBrokenArrow on July 18, 2009, 02:21:11 PM
like i said kid u are a joke for me 15 years old face and afraid to confront me in amsterdam cause u shit u pants. and yes i deal cocaine and proud of it since 82.

good u dont answer to rezz know u place he always pwn u like a chicken

Like i am going to pay 32 euro's just to see you jizz your pants. No ty.
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Quote from: xBrokenArrow on July 18, 2009, 02:21:11 PM
like i said kid u are a joke for me 15 years old face and afraid to confront me in amsterdam cause u shit u pants. and yes i deal cocaine and proud of it since 82.

good u dont answer to rezz know u place he always pwn u like a chicken

how old are you again???

go make a door shithead...or find someone your own age to fight with..!!pussy...


Quote from: Morbid_Angel on July 18, 2009, 10:30:22 PM
how old are you again???

go make a door shithead...or find someone your own age to fight with..!!pussy...

Relax! You play Dragon Network for free because of this guy mostly. He donated a loooooot (Next time, buy me a car if possible, thanks <3)

Atenea - Mystic Muse / Eva's Saint - 8x - Necromancer 7x - DemiGods captain. Inactive.

..but I can't spell it out for you.. no.. it's never gonna be that simple...


Quote from: xBrokenArrow on July 19, 2009, 03:28:55 AM
lol u simply a *** crier

all of my age alredy are poor low lives only work and work i stayed thug and still have respect on street

yakuza amsterdam is my face

a crytias is a boy 14 years old face faggot who is afraid to see me in amsterdam cause his momy wont allow him to go here
nicks with x sucks


Quote from: rezz on July 18, 2009, 01:22:04 PM
inside joke: 45/50 nails so far mate.
yes I fear that someone will be able to change my target, cause I am disabled and cant re-click on the person I want to kill. makes sense. moreover, I would rather say that only criers are people who are asking to fix some imagined bugs that only they have noticed (like my mate Critias).
Imagine bugs, only because you don't play a class it not means the bug not exists you INGORANT MORON! If it is good as it is now, why didn't you complain in Interlude when it worked?

Whatever psicky transformed another thread into a flame-hell. Critias is not the only one who plays tank. There will be more complains ...

currently playing GuildWars2 [Ring of Fire]


Don't worry, they are just haters. I stopped paying attention to them a long time ago.
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