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Becouse of GM-friends on msn.

Started by NYPD, September 13, 2009, 09:53:40 PM

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Quote from: our4n0s on September 15, 2009, 02:09:50 PM
yeah the pt i mentioned would probably roll anything, but currently there is like 4 clan with good mages and you will find the needed players in like 2 per each of these clans >.<

tk/ee   : rebel, no other aim than a safe recharge that will for sure keep most of his mp and resist archer.
ee/es  : weak point is no self skill against archer, but PT ud / hero features should balance it, and es's pet buff worth it, so Laymedown, main goal would be mana burn.
ne/pal  : i don't know many, but ins is overall good so that's fine, as a debuffer/baner.
bp/wc : ready to magnus any moment to win teh speed, + cop etc, many good on NM tbh.
bp/tk or pal : targetmeimbishop, cuz funkeh will be taken by cb's archer pt :>
sps/tk : only know tomek, main, not to say only mission, at the first part of pvp would be blizard / cancels (to prepare second part = kill the kiting !)
bd/se  : besides the buffs, recharge / mana burn : definitely not ensign which is way too much offensive, lbotdancer? xd
pp;/ne : lucifsg or voudas banes/debuffs
sws/ee : i would take spash or fure on LE, mana burn / recharge.
considering first part of pvp as mana left on BP

That vs CB's archer's pt ! who's up !

no chance imo .





Quote from: our4n0s on September 15, 2009, 02:09:50 PM
yeah the pt i mentioned would probably roll anything, but currently there is like 4 clan with good mages and you will find the needed players in like 2 per each of these clans >.<

tk/ee   : rebel, no other aim than a safe recharge that will for sure keep most of his mp and resist archer.
ee/es  : weak point is no self skill against archer, but PT ud / hero features should balance it, and es's pet buff worth it, so Laymedown, main goal would be mana burn.
ne/pal  : i don't know many, but ins is overall good so that's fine, as a debuffer/baner.
bp/wc : ready to magnus any moment to win teh speed (second part), + cop etc, many good on NM tbh.
bp/tk or pal : targetmeimbishop, cuz funkeh will be taken by cb's archer pt :>
sps/tk : only know tomek, main, not to say only mission, at the first part of pvp would be blizard / cancels (to prepare second part = kill the kiting !)
bd/se  : besides the buffs, recharge / mana burn / bladedance : definitely not ensign which is way too much offensive, lbotdancer? xd
pp;/ne : lucifsg or voudas banes/debuffs
sws/ee : i would take spash or fure on LE, mana burn / recharge.
considering first part of pvp as mana left on BP
with each tank using his pt ud in time :)
That vs CB's archer's pt ! who's up !

It would sure be fun to try it out... (sign me in, but after thursday when im done with the last exam xD)
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: TrackZero on September 13, 2009, 10:23:12 PM
Sticky  ;D?
Hell Yea :D
Quote from: Herza on September 15, 2009, 02:00:12 PM
You should be happy  ::)
worse when they mana burn you, then u cant even nuke for those 2 mins

go study!
i like tweety !


Quote from: Deavon on September 15, 2009, 02:21:16 PM
no chance imo .

with 6 supports - 2 of them BP and 4 f them rechargers+healers, 5 of them have deflect arrow and good mana regen guess it will be long fight, even with 3 dmg dealers mages can pwn ::)
but dmgers must be with different attributes - i mean not only sps and necro, coz it will be too easy to get few resists

Nightmare (30x)


Quote from: Marinella on September 15, 2009, 03:22:52 PM
with 6 supports - 2 of them BP and 4 f them rechargers+healers, 5 of them have deflect arrow and good mana regen guess it will be long fight, even with 3 dmg dealers mages can pwn ::)
but dmgers must be with different attributes - i mean not only sps and necro, coz it will be too easy to get few resists

we can try it for like 200 coins bet !!! =O


Tbh, this discussion between archers and mages is funny, both chars got advantages and disadvantages (with the DN sub system than).

Funny is when you read mages whine about archers range, while ever since HB the range of archers has been bugged, Archery doesn't give range anymore and the range of arrows is bugged, sometimes you need to run back to 600 range to even shoot your first arrow, kiting came close to impossible because any normal archer (without icarus) shoots 1 arrow during kiting and the mage nukes him 3 times (with icarus it's 1 arrow and 2 nukes).

It's also great to have blizzard landed on you before you even flag, after that you can basically do jackshit unless you have a bishop with you, or when you do flag against a few mages, having 3 different vortexes landed on you. Maybe I also shouldn't forget that the resist against mage attacks are bugged? The elemental damage ones seem to work fine, but Holy damage resists don't work how they supposed too, you can stack up on Holy resists and still get nuked for 1k and pretty much every third hit a nice 4k on you.

Mages whining about archers having more run speed is bullshit also, PoWater is a normal prophecy, not an all-in-one which they are supposed to use, try use magnus vs archers and they will 100% be on CoV, you'll be able to keep up with an archer that uses dash.

Of course everyone also only looks to archers with Icarus bow, those who don't have one are basically out of the picture now, doesn't really bother me though. Icarus isn't how it's supposed to be (re-use being way to fast) but well, what is on this server? Debuffs that decrease run speed aren't supposed to stack, they do here. Vortex effect isn't supposed to stack, they do here. Archers range isn't supposed be capped (or even bugged) but it is here. (funny still people whine about 'archers range', while mages have constant 900 range with nukes, because nukes aren't effected by surroundings, area and elevation they are in, while archers attacks are, and that is what is bugged)

People only yell nerf this, nerf that, I wonder when people start to see it's actually fix this, fix that.


we can, but i dont have enough coins  :P to give if (it may be, i never 100%sure) archers win

Nightmare (30x)


Quote from: Marinella on September 15, 2009, 03:22:52 PM
with 6 supports - 2 of them BP and 4 f them rechargers+healers, 5 of them have deflect arrow and good mana regen guess it will be long fight, even with 3 dmg dealers mages can pwn ::)
but dmgers must be with different attributes - i mean not only sps and necro, coz it will be too easy to get few resists
tbh its more about guard stance and shield fortress, recahrgers were needed to use these toogles etc... then, well, layme has stone = only elemental attributes, uthria has prom = fire, sps has holy and water, necro has dark... guess its not bad, but nukes ll be the spam f1 parts, easy one, the pvp will be over by then imo = part 3 !


Im sorry.... This is the first time I haven't read every word in a topic before i post.
But i've been offline for 3 days due to forum IP moving stuff and you guys have spammed 15 pages >.<

Well anywhoo. Don't see how one of the most well geared players on this server can say that CB is sponsored by Track.
Remember how you used to stand at varkaspawn fullbuffed with your armada of bots and laughing at archers cause you had 100% m.crit? All of a sudden it's possible to get resistance buffs and you're gonna cry!?

And not only normal cries, but completely irrelevant bullshit taken out of thin air. I've played on this server since day 3 and i got track's msn... guess what my gear is? Am+a+4, baium+zaken, and a donated Dnet set. Sounds a bit poor for someone who's in the clan of the allmighty GM friends?
Actually most of our members probably have even less.
just look at wind, the only way he gets adena is by renting out he's seraphim pony to a donkey show in Tijuana. Cthon who is one of the most active members/leader of our clan was running around in Draco set just a few weeks back.

We are all lazy and poor.... But atleast we know how to play.

@Messalina if you really are from norway; Hvordan i helvete kan du ha så rævva engelsk? Aldrig møtt noen herfra under 65 som ikke kan skrive førståelig engelsk.



just FYI there was a HB event on 15x, gm organized, mages vs archers (=only mass rez works)
archers all had icarus and dyna, mages all had dyna and am (not icarus)
that was the final match, both side were mostly respected players, mage party won without rly lose more than CP.
game took like 2 full minutes (=a small while)

half allies rerolled to mages as well

this should give you a hint about what is overpowered between archers and mages atm xD