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Becouse of GM-friends on msn.

Started by NYPD, September 13, 2009, 09:53:40 PM

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Definitely stupid post etc, but we all know archers are OP against mage nowadays, cut the crap its definitely a fact


ive track on msn and not only i dont get free nerfs & weapons but also all he does is calling me nazi. :(.


Quote from: TrackZero on September 13, 2009, 10:06:46 PM
1st of all , Hi mesalina or ill say ig name L33tshame, and yes obviously u are mage. However this post was really LOL and i wont even comment it , but i can tell u only this, if u continue to spam this sh1t in every single topic ull be erased,since lies u are speaking are quite annoying , i have temp on msn too, means they re OP too? Go do something better in Norway then making xxx accs on forum and talking nonsense.

Instead of cecking ip on forum and threatening ppl with "erase " of the characters better  log in with a mage and try some pvs
At the momment mage are amusement for archers.
You got  fast rep to my post but for mage "needs"  you dont even ignore us,
You nerfs us.
you are your thoughts..watch what you think.


Quote from: NYPD on September 13, 2009, 09:53:40 PM
I know  dragon is a private server  and i am 100% agree with dontations. I didnt wrote nothing all those year aboute it ..there it was   lot of red Dildo in this server for kinda many fags. But  listen you all! : thats not enough! and will never be enough for this group of players moust of them from CB!
and you know why?
Becouse they simply  dont wanna have  any enemy skills  disturbing them in pvp.
All the mage are really owned now cuz those pleyers from CB they have the gm in msn.Making jocks speaking aboute ladys  bla bla bla. etc....and after words they sending arrows like " listen  blizard, sleep, slow anchoor etc its rly OVERPOWERD,  but they dont say nothing aboute archers range,and somehow they got what they want from GM
Next week they willl find something else from mage to be nerfed and so on...
Those days NO matter if u are necro , sh or sps  becouse they have the same rate on crits . NO matter if u have valakas anyway and as far i noticed price of the moust wanted jew now is just a bs, ppl are send 100 shouts on hero chat to sell a valakas lol.
Its rly funny a mage as me with 9000 m atk   to hit on archers with 2-300 dmg..lol thats not enough even for CP.
BTW : did u ever seen mage wrting " lol   i kill archers on fll cp"
well archers write daily  this.
Iv seen nitopamy trading items in WTS section.
Orin was writing few days ago  aboute u need 4 boots to fight with a archer  ! thats true

im really searching for a better server cuz all i wrote aboute it show  what kind of pers is track ...but wtf !!! where i think i am? its not geneva court here its just a private server with  a GM  what it cames from a fighter player and tones of pm in msn from CB clan.

On second though i decided to answer you serious on ur bullcraps .

You talking about range ,huh blame NCsoft about that cause since IL got extra range ,now you noticed it? you must be retarted.
Talking about mage's critical rate ,huh since HB mages critical rate is nerfed by NCsoft ,so blame the korean freaks or reroll.
If you knew shit about l2 ,you should already know that Blizzard and rest "new HB" slows from ages were bugged to land 100% so what did you except?to stay like this?would be cool if my hamsting was landing 100% on everyone?
Talking about cancel ,huh i m sry but NCsoft changed it after c2 yo !!! It would be cool if it was removing all buff/dance huh?
Archers are overpowerd? huh check my last pvp video how i hit mages for 1k with damn +16 bow,did i cry?No cause they know how to buff themselfs and i m patient to w8 the resist to pass away and kill them.

I wont comment at all the "friendly relationship" you claiming between CB and Track since whole server knows what kind of retard you are.


roflmao! xD
thats freakin sick! xD

Quote from: our4n0s on September 13, 2009, 10:33:39 PM
Definitely stupid post etc, but we all know archers are OP against mage nowadays, cut the crap its definitely a fact
oh,come on...wasn't mage's dmg pimped recently?
Grave aka Pigs aka GONE


Quote from: TrackZero on September 13, 2009, 10:06:46 PM
1st of all , Hi mesalina or ill say ig name L33tshame, and yes obviously u are mage. However this post was really LOL and i wont even comment it , but i can tell u only this, if u continue to spam this sh1t in every single topic ull be erased,since lies u are speaking are quite annoying , i have temp on msn too, means they re OP too? Go do something better in Norway then making xxx accs on forum and talking nonsense.
Wtf is this ? ignoreing the players... like the doctor ignoring the patient i the bad who is gone there to heal him self? i can say one thing about messalinna its a good player and a good man .... u need to love this ppl like messalinna and NiToPaMi bcs they are the greatest players ever not like the other ppl like Alteo the QQ man plays oly to do some thing bad to other ppl to make them feel bad .
Why u didnt NERF MANA BURN when NiToPaMi told you....? and now altheo says lol every body have celestial shield and 5 min u lerf celestial shield... i can say that this gm dont care about other ppl who are playing GM ONLY CARE FOR DONATORS ........ QQ GM


Quote from: NYPD on September 13, 2009, 09:53:40 PM
I know  dragon is a private server  and i am 100% agree with dontations. I didnt wrote nothing all those year aboute it ..there it was   lot of red Dildo in this server for kinda many fags. But  listen you all! : thats not enough! and will never be enough for this group of players moust of them from CB!
and you know why?
Becouse they simply  dont wanna have  any enemy skills  disturbing them in pvp.
All the mage are really owned now cuz those pleyers from CB they have the gm in msn.Making jocks speaking aboute ladys  bla bla bla. etc....and after words they sending arrows like " listen  blizard, sleep, slow anchoor etc its rly OVERPOWERD,  but they dont say nothing aboute archers range,and somehow they got what they want from GM
Next week they willl find something else from mage to be nerfed and so on...
Those days NO matter if u are necro , sh or sps  becouse they have the same rate on crits . NO matter if u have valakas anyway and as far i noticed price of the moust wanted jew now is just a bs, ppl are send 100 shouts on hero chat to sell a valakas lol.
Its rly funny a mage as me with 9000 m atk   to hit on archers with 2-300 dmg..lol thats not enough even for CP.
BTW : did u ever seen mage wrting " lol   i kill archers on fll cp"
well archers write daily  this.
Iv seen nitopamy trading items in WTS section.
Orin was writing few days ago  aboute u need 4 boots to fight with a archer  ! thats true

im really searching for a better server cuz all i wrote aboute it show  what kind of pers is track ...but wtf !!! where i think i am? its not geneva court here its just a private server with  a GM  what it cames from a fighter player and tones of pm in msn from CB clan.

+1 no coments

NiToPaMi-sps/ee nobless


Quote from: NYPD on September 13, 2009, 09:58:54 PM
You are out of discution.
i hae no idea even what weapon u use or armore
never sow u ..
dc set, am+acu+3... you know, l33t stuff, what pr0 ppl use  ;D
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Quote from: munman on September 13, 2009, 11:00:57 PM
Wtf is this ? ignoreing the players... like the doctor ignoring the patient i the bad who is gone there to heal him self? i can say one thing about messalinna its a good player and a good man .... u need to love this ppl like messalinna and NiToPaMi bcs they are the greatest players ever not like the other ppl like Alteo the QQ man plays oly to do some thing bad to other ppl to make them feel bad .
Why u didnt NERF MANA BURN when NiToPaMi told you....? and now altheo says lol every body have celestial shield and 5 min u lerf celestial shield... i can say that this gm dont care about other ppl who are playing GM ONLY CARE FOR DONATORS ........ QQ GM
When i nerfed celestial shield?
I need nerf cause Nitopami told me?
Is only NP "op with archers" or its same on all servers?Let me guess CB have all other gms on msn?
I didnt say ill erase ur chars i said ill just erase ur posts in every topic that u paste this nonsense.
I didnt ignore any1 since i replyed is it?
It means if i OP now mages , it means i am fair?
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Quote from: munman on September 13, 2009, 11:00:57 PM
Wtf is this ? ignoreing the players... like the doctor ignoring the patient i the bad who is gone there to heal him self? i can say one thing about messalinna its a good player and a good man .... u need to love this ppl like messalinna and NiToPaMi bcs they are the greatest players ever not like the other ppl like Alteo the QQ man plays oly to do some thing bad to other ppl to make them feel bad .
Why u didnt NERF MANA BURN when NiToPaMi told you....? and now altheo says lol every body have celestial shield and 5 min u lerf celestial shield... i can say that this gm dont care about other ppl who are playing GM ONLY CARE FOR DONATORS ........ QQ GM

lol for sure must be sticky !!!


Quote from: our4n0s on September 13, 2009, 10:33:39 PM
Definitely stupid post etc, but we all know archers are OP against mage nowadays, cut the crap its definitely a fact

Ah,but did u leave Oly? +1 for u.
Now it's time to find out'bout CoP,WindStorm,and so !


Quote from: munman on September 13, 2009, 11:00:57 PM
u need to love this ppl like messalinna and NiToPaMi bcs they are the greatest players ever
pleaseeeeeeeeeeee xD no need to jump in the deep end. take it easy shoo shoo
lol topic xD def sticky!

oOMiaOo - BananaMama - TingTong - Yoshi- CooYah