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Becouse of GM-friends on msn.

Started by NYPD, September 13, 2009, 09:53:40 PM

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Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 17, 2009, 12:14:01 PM
I see people are too lazy so ill try myself...
Improve Critical Lv.1         
Improve Magic Lv.1 
Improve Movement Lv.1
Improve Condition Lv.1
Improve Combat Lv.1
Holy Resistance Lv. 3
Unholy Resistance Lv. 3
Divine Protection
Elemental Protection
Greater Might Lv. 3
Chant of Protection
Chant of victory
Cat buff
Combat Haste Pot
P.attack potion
Rapid fire

What else do you buff yourself with?

imp movement sux since bans delating that buff so ur loosing evasion and ww so better to have evasion chant+ww, also add blessing of sagitarius, guildance, and dont use imp magic> same situation like with imp movement. Unholy rpot is not rly needed if u have divine.
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on September 17, 2009, 12:34:53 PM
imp movement sux since bans delating that buff so ur loosing evasion and ww so better to have evasion chant+ww, also add blessing of sagitarius, guildance, and dont use imp magic> same situation like with imp movement. Unholy rpot is not rly needed if u have divine.

Thnx, didnt know about banes removing improve buffs, thought they dont cuz on dn wiki says they cant be removed...

So you have than 20 buffs without unholy prot. 1 spot for mana pots, 1 spot of sof/ud...
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 17, 2009, 12:46:52 PM
Thnx, didnt know about banes removing improve buffs, thought they dont cuz on dn wiki says they cant be removed...

So you have than 20 buffs without unholy prot. 1 spot for mana pots, 1 spot of sof/ud...
and 1 for dash :P
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 17, 2009, 12:14:01 PM
I see people are too lazy so ill try myself...
Improve Critical Lv.1         
Improve Magic Lv.1 
Improve Movement Lv.1
Improve Condition Lv.1
Improve Combat Lv.1
Holy Resistance Lv. 3
Unholy Resistance Lv. 3
Divine Protection
Elemental Protection
Greater Might Lv. 3
Chant of Protection
Chant of victory
Cat buff
Combat Haste Pot
P.attack potion
Rapid fire

What else do you buff yourself with?

You forgot P/M.Def pot (I think maybe you  did for mages also), also depending on class.

Pr, will need a slot for Deadeye
Sr, can't remember the name of the skill but it akes em shoot faster.
Wk, Transfer pain
Pal, Phoenix soul, deflect arrow, majesty (Ud?s)

I won't list evey archer sub, but i think when adding up the buffs, you should add 2-3 buffs for class based skills. Every archer sub has atleast one extra.
As sali said Dash is a definate.
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 17, 2009, 12:27:40 PM
Yea i thought its called rapid fire xD

I think rapid fire may be the SR skill I was refering too.

Also things like valor, or foi and SOF can knock buffs off for both mages +fighters.
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: Zuluman on September 17, 2009, 01:12:17 PM
You forgot P/M.Def pot (I think maybe you  did for mages also), also depending on class.

Pr, will need a slot for Deadeye
Sr, can't remember the name of the skill but it akes em shoot faster.
Wk, Transfer pain
Pal, Phoenix soul, deflect arrow, majesty (Ud?s)

I won't list evey archer sub, but i think when adding up the buffs, you should add 2-3 buffs for class based skills. Every archer sub has atleast one extra.
As sali said Dash is a definate.
Rapid Shot, Blessing of Saggitarius, War Cry, Duelist Spirit, Dash, Sonic Move, it¨s also cool to keep free slot for UE... not mentioning augments :p

Warlock doesn't need slot for TP because toggles are not eating your buffslots :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Zuluman on September 17, 2009, 01:12:17 PM
You forgot P/M.Def pot (I think maybe you  did for mages also), also depending on class.

Pr, will need a slot for Deadeye
Sr, can't remember the name of the skill but it akes em shoot faster.
Wk, Transfer pain
Pal, Phoenix soul, deflect arrow, majesty (Ud?s)

I won't list evey archer sub, but i think when adding up the buffs, you should add 2-3 buffs for class based skills. Every archer sub has atleast one extra.
As sali said Dash is a definate.

+ Angelic icon + shield defense buff + TouchOfLife + war cry (in my case) + physical mirror (in some situations) + lionheart + duelist spirit (in my case again) + sonic move (in my case aswell). So if anyone should cry, it would be me :p


Quote from: FadeAway on September 17, 2009, 01:18:31 PM
+ Angelic icon + shield defense buff + TouchOfLife + war cry (in my case) + physical mirror (in some situations) + lionheart + duelist spirit (in my case again) + sonic move (in my case aswell). So if anyone should cry, it would be me :p

Its for archers :P   so i didn't bother with shielld defense buffs. But yes pal needs AI, TOL for sure.

Adefinate as said b4 is UE for any archer in light.
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on September 17, 2009, 12:32:01 PM
So actually mages need as much buff slots as fighters... So talking about different ammouth of buffs that they need is kinda bs.
Wild Magic lvl 3
Improve Magic Lv.1  
Improve Movement Lv.1
Improve Condition Lv.1
Improve Combat Lv.1
Holy Resistance Lv. 3
Unholy Resistance Lv. 3
Divine Protection
Elemental Protection
Greater Shield Lv. 3
Chant of Protection
Chant of victory / magnus
M.attack potion
Combat haste
Arcane protection
+dances / songs

Excuse me but i know holy and divine protection decreases the dmg of dark attacks, but wtf does unholy resistance do? aint it giving resistance to sacred attack or smth? Always have like a useless buff for me. Arcane protection seems a bit useless for me aswell but that's a opinion (it's like imma buff myself with weight limit buff so i can carry more CP pots in pvp and i can spam it!!!!)

And let's say the pvp situation is a pt of mages vs a pt of fighters.
1. Mages would need conc+mystic+siren and maybe storm dance thingy while fighters would need fire+furry+warrior+conc+aqua+resistance song
2. Mages would need earth+ vit+ renewal + song vs archers (cant remember the name), while fighters need warding+vit+renewal+hunter+all resistance songs + wind (is optional).

So with songs and dances only, fighters got like pretty much more buffslots used total...


same for mages:
def arrow/regen pot/ some spicific buff like emp echo, seed of fire/wind/aqua, blazing skin sometimes/ ud/ prayer/salvation/

Nightmare (30x)


ah well if it's gonna be like that!

Kiss of eva, incase the pvp finds place under water! :o
Invigor, incase some mage does sting! :o
Regeneration, fast hp recovery FTW! :o
Dance of light, so we can kill undead summons faster! :o
Holy weapon, another pwnz0r buff to kill undead summons faster! :o
Vampiric rage, so close range fighter can get some hp back when hitting! :o
Resist shock, incase a necro/warlord fly's by! :o
Clarity for close range fighters! :o
Decrease weight, so archer can more CP pots and can spam it longah! :o

Did i forget something  :-\ ?


Quote from: FadeAway on September 17, 2009, 01:51:28 PM
ah well if it's gonna be like that!

Kiss of eva, incase the pvp finds place under water! :o
Invigor, incase some mage does sting! :o
Regeneration, fast hp recovery FTW! :o
Dance of light, so we can kill undead summons faster! :o
Holy weapon, another pwnz0r buff to kill undead summons faster! :o
Vampiric rage, so close range fighter can get some hp back when hitting! :o
Resist shock, incase a necro/warlord fly's by! :o
Clarity for close range fighters! :o
Decrease weight, so archer can more CP pots and can spam it longah! :o

Did i forget something  :-\ ?
Dance of Protection! If you fell out of a cliff in varka..

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired