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The Real Rap Music

Started by PolSilv3r, September 30, 2009, 06:36:17 PM

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Quote from: FadeAway on October 02, 2009, 11:37:49 AM
30 words are atleast more then the few words a hard metal artist have (atleast if you can name them words), it's like some freaked up looking tard with long hair screaming  somekind of words thousand times in one song (screaming your longs out ftw?)
Onlything that's good about such music is the guitar...

This is equally retarded fade :P Metal is a really wide genre and there are some really good songwriters there aswell. And if you don't like the "scream"metal there are plenty of other things to choose from.



Quote from: kidicarus on October 02, 2009, 11:57:15 AM
This is equally retarded fade :P Metal is a really wide genre and there are some really good songwriters there aswell. And if you don't like the "scream"metal there are plenty of other things to choose from.

I just pointed out my opinion how i generally think of that type of music (like the way that guy did), i know about the other kind of types of metal (i like the slower ones :P)

and to TargetMe, 2pac was the king prolly, but i just didnt like his music (only changes was nice).
And what's wrong with kanye west? and did i say he's the best rapper ever?
And if you know so much about rappers, share us some rappers you think are better ^^.


damn, go check out Spank Rock if you don't mind rap mixed with electro...
IsrathinePL - bladedancer/overlord
Israthine - spellhowler/overlord


D Dre, public ennemy, snoopdog, yellowman etc..

depends if u like east or west coast

in france we have
NTM: east coast prolly (power voice and hard lyrics)
IAM: west coast prolly (nice DJ and fun/sunny lyrics)
those 2 ones started in 80's, so they are like old school in my country

ATM we dont have really some good old rap, just some R&B rap , pop-rap or ragga-rap music; not only in my country but also in US
its just my opinion....

Quote from: pieh on April 08, 2008, 12:07:43 AM
i like the result of aden siege: Hexa, one of few clans that really deserve (i mean overall not only pvp/siege skills) to have castles


IsrathinePL - bladedancer/overlord
Israthine - spellhowler/overlord


Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on October 03, 2009, 02:15:05 PM
where are Beastie Boys?  ???

i guess they for shizzle don't fit in this whole rap music created by black people thing... but they're awesome too (i love their videos) :P
IsrathinePL - bladedancer/overlord
Israthine - spellhowler/overlord


Quote from: israfael on October 03, 2009, 02:22:15 PM
i guess they for shizzle don't fit in this whole rap music created by black people thing... but they're awesome too (i love their videos) :P
they are better then most of those black rappers imo! :D their combination of punk & rap sounds kinda awesome, and their videos are pwnage as well :P

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Jak wyżej, OSTRego posłuchaj ^^


Quote from: Grabsia on October 03, 2009, 06:11:45 PM
Jak wyżej, OSTRego posłuchaj ^^


When nothink goes right, go left


Quote from: Torek [IF] on October 02, 2009, 02:12:49 PM
i haven't time to give u a long explaination but who told that i dind't give it a chance?
and the rappers are 90% stupid brainless that care about all the futile things of life.
they thinks to live in GTA.....omg some1 open their eyes

hehe and maybe fun's of rammestein and rest of "im son of satan" are very brainfull people :) who love when they idol pissing on them...  

Quote from: PolSilv3r on September 30, 2009, 06:36:17 PM
I am looking for a real black (why black? cuz they make the best music!) rap music.

Gimme the names of songs, artists, albums and so one...  Plz  ::)

you are foking wrong !!!


po chuj szukać wsrod czarnych !?

When nothink goes right, go left