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@track , i had a dream last night

Started by lucifsg, October 05, 2009, 12:52:10 PM

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Quote from: Furesy on October 05, 2009, 01:00:43 PM
Oh btw, I want to see you kite when Nito (wonder why he didn't use it?) gives you 100% landing blizzard lol
Maybe a block WW or Entangle as well, since they stack :)
like EE has entangle lol, shame on you !


I'll tell you a funny story with my archer yesterday.
You see, I'm lucky enough to have archer will which effectively increase the range "properly".
that is, i don't have 900 range like other archers (archery doesnt add anything) but more like 1K/1.1K

Well i was at a fortress and climbed up a tower, sniped (thats like 1300 range+ with archer will)

Started shooting ppl then a group of 5-6, quite far away from me started shooting back from the bottom. I couldn't reach them. With 1300 range. So either the terrain elevation reduce archer range (but not mages) either its completely bugged in ways I don't really figure out (I think thats the right answer xD because sometimes it works fine even on high positions)

otherwise, with counterdash,ai, and dash, while having blizzard and vortex i barely get above "normal speed" (no ai/dashes)

finally ofc hitting everyone 4-8K is pure bullshit. I hit mages in dc robe without any buff for 8K. I have 7800 patk and real full bufs (cat, etc included.  really full)
meaning ppl in dyna and real bufs get hit for barely 1K without tank sub.


Quote from: lucifsg on October 05, 2009, 01:28:17 PM
Mark u know i love u but quit b1tching. After all u rerolled twice on archer no ? Why ?
U gonna teach me proper mage and buffs ? Bluecube was asking me about my setup cause of low dmg so what happened suddenly i forgot how to buff ?
I understand u dont wanna loose ur power its normal...

even if a tank mage lowers my dmg from archer to 1k guess what he hits back for 150 on full mage resists...

mark is mark and cthon is cthon.. mark has other account.. i see it's hard even to read a nick :(
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


and yeah, as defoe said, it was drtibo with ic +11 and might aug (not duel as far as i know), hence... take a mage with icarus +8/9 instead of AM+A+8 and empower aug passiv lvl 10 mb?


Quote from: our4n0s on October 05, 2009, 01:50:14 PM
like EE has entangle lol, shame on you !
Of course EE doesn't have entangle lol, I was talking about other slow debuffs which stack with blizzard.

I will ask Mason later to do a test with me, he crits way harder then anyone else, I would do it with my own char like before, but uhm... Due circumstances 'Furesy' is unavailable! (I never noticed DrTibo crit very hard anyway, not even with the +11 Icarus and his augment lol)


Quote from: Furesy on October 05, 2009, 02:11:02 PM
Of course EE doesn't have entangle lol, I was talking about other slow debuffs which stack with blizzard.

I will ask Mason later to do a test with me, he crits way harder then anyone else, I would do it with my own char like before, but uhm... Due circumstances 'Furesy' is unavailable! (I never noticed DrTibo crit very hard anyway, not even with the +11 Icarus and his augment lol)

yeah 539 was his max on bp/pal .....(on the back also :D)


Quote from: lucifsg on October 05, 2009, 12:52:10 PM
Well last night i was with luci (ne/pp) in full buffs so i  went alone like i used to (before i start olying,) to zerg varka. It was fun vs 2-3 random guys till 4-5 ftr and nitopami arived and killed me. I felt so much dissapointed realizing my favorite char cant do sh1t alone anymore vs proper resists and tbh it was the 1st time i gave up and was tempted to switch on an archer. So i logged a pp/he with some good gear and icarus bow took buffs and went back there. WTF ? OWNAGE ? this hawkeye was giving around 4-5k's like giving candys to little kids and i didnt even was full buffed. Killed 8 guys (more than 1 time each cause of rez ) in some seconds. Even when nito start running after me with like 5 supporters on his ass the char was handling really good due to kiting.
Galdaf (ne/bp) arived some time after so we dueled in almost full buffs (we both was missing pet buffs). Guess what he won just once cause he anchored me and i didnt even kite him, i just stood there. i was criting him for 2.5k and his best crit was 700 on me ...

So my dream is to make mages worth again a bit more vs archers and any other class. Any fighter with resists and thoose new FS now can minimize damage to less than 200/per hit. There is a 20 page topic about OP archers. Track will smth change or it will remain as it is ?

I can read whole topic really, im kinda  :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X of it, i have important exam to pass (they delayed it today what an assholes) so when and if i finish it (oh noes i hope i will or will be really bad) ill make event as i promised which will be test in same time and then we will see. However I dont think you are that much right, maybe a bit to boost mages but as i said we will see. Atm all my brain is out of l2, i barely sleep *why the freak i didnt sign pvt uni ill be already workin*, whatsoever we gonna fix everything just have faith and wait me , im here to help mi nithgmare pplz, so relax.
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Quote from: mark_elesse on October 05, 2009, 03:20:19 PM
wha ?  wha ? Mark here ! that homie is Cthon,i just arrived back from Uni broooooh ! :D

dont hit on me, i wont comment your topics with sh1ts :D we tested together damages, so i kinda know everything clean. Archers on fullbuff > noob mages who uses they'r char only for Nuke. a Good mage > full buffed archer. THO, i mean sps/xx and tank subbed mages...You are right that necomancers are really really really freaked up.

<3  !    :)

because a necro should do sh1ty dmg cause of their tons of debuffs... why do u think ncsoft added dark resist on dyna sets ??? cause necro made a lot of dmg + sh1tloads of debuffs.. so they saw and fix it... so all the ones that play necro gtfo and use debuffs and luci dont tell me u want to use poisonous cloud and its not working cause u can piss on that debuff
AAB94-B2-F-451-D-4-ADE-B2-B0-1-B8-D6-A02-FB9-F" border="0


in culo alla balena per l 'esame

(sorry i think is impossible to transalate the meaning of that :D)
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


i cant stop wondering.... what will happen with lucif now that augments will be removed and he's not happy with his char ? xd



Quote from: cthon on October 05, 2009, 03:22:55 PM
because a necro should do sh1ty dmg cause of their tons of debuffs... why do u think ncsoft added dark resist on dyna sets ??? cause necro made a lot of dmg + sh1tloads of debuffs.. so they saw and fix it... so all the ones that play necro gtfo and use debuffs and luci dont tell me u want to use poisonous cloud and its not working cause u can piss on that debuff
those "debuffs" doesnt land cthon ... just mage bane and warrior bane  is rly nice on mass pvps but rest just simple sux lolz.... they dont land on full buff vs full bbuff:Pplus since its custom server and not official one necro should have more power..
anyway iff mage have totally full buff i mean chant of protection and songs its fine vs archers but those days its hard to find wc and sws to mage pt cause a lot of mages rerolled to archers.... for example before in c3/c4 we had many daggers and now ? is like 5% of server cuz they simply sux ...
i dont cry ( cuz im sure someone will say stop qq ) but just say a simple freak :P
btw track test archers vs mages but on normal buffs also i mean bd + pp buffs etc not only full buff
  Nightmare 30x


1 week i was away more QQ topics apeard,for god shake lol.