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freedom of speach !!! WTF !!!

Started by pan4o16, October 05, 2009, 12:03:55 PM

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Quote from: Dag on October 05, 2009, 01:31:21 PM

why so many kids in this world?
the blondes are guilty!
We freak them, they have kids, kids post on forum! ;D
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


ok why this treat is not locked????  It is just spam now, isn't it? 
Quote from: TrackZero on October 05, 2009, 08:10:36 PM
And you are typical example of ALWAYS USE CONDOMS!
And look who is spammning now! ! ! I cant understand you guys :D i guess that is my problem. neverming I whant this topick to get locked NOW !!! And where is my Bann???? what should i do to get banned? mabye to say some truth?


Quit kidding. Spamming is the only point of this whole forum, why would they close a topic that contains such an opportunity to grow out to be a huge spam topic?


- yes we did crash but not anymore we fixed it
- "your" server did 2-3 wipes , i know that 100%
- where i said DN is the best server? and rest is crap? I just said DN who long it exists , we never wiped any shit here and we are still in top servers , that is what i said.
- I dont even try to do agreement with you here, you still visit our forum, thats enough for me.

And 1 more thing about their donation system, they made it like that because they dont guarantee you they will not wipe again, just think about it.

Have fun there, i wish u all joy.
you mean no crash during sieges? no gk of error? no scroll of error? no walk of error? no 7 signs validation of error? Wahoooo! GREAT NEWS! Let me bring friends back here!

and yes, just be honest and put a list of what is REALLY fixed, so we can really see it. Or you're coding and fixing so fast and easily than doing a simple list takes too long for you? LOL!

OMG olimpiad buffs are fixed! great.

wipes? 2-3? you must be kidding. and as old as dnet for sure. And no stupid donator DNET set.

about hellbound. Did you understood at least how it was supposed to work?

You want us to believe u and you just can't say a true word. let us laugh at your facts.

and ppl visit forum here not for you, but for "friends"still here that they used to play with. Nothing more. and for read flames in forum, because you are not even able to have moderators working correctly, nor you can have useful gm IG.

And yes, Dnet is infinity+dragon+nm. Not only NM. thx to recall it sometimes.

lock the topic. thx. It just shows how you can't sustain an argumented discussion.

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"We're working on it, please be patient!"


Quote from: Dag on October 05, 2009, 01:31:21 PM

why so many kids in this world?

coz its the only way to pleasure priests OO