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UK brothers why you do nothing to stop This islamic/muslim disease? - Page 4



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UK brothers why you do nothing to stop This islamic/muslim disease?

Started by zthrx, October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM

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Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=det7TUsLy8U

1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and    establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you  

WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!

Patriotism IS NOT a racism

Ok I tried to stay away but here goes. Time for me to defend my own nation (something I feel stupid doing on a gaming forum).

1. Look up the definition of a democracy, do you think it would really be a democracy if we did not allow freedom of speech? Why should we allow Geert Wilders to say what he wants and not any other group of people.

2. Its not a threat it is a belief, Muslims beleive that the Qu'ran is the ultimate source of law, nevertheless 99% of muslims in Britan have no difficulty in following both British law as well as Qu'ranic teachings. (And calling any ethnic/religious groups dogs because you don't like them is not patriotism but racism).

3. Did you actualy watch the video??? The protests were because the UK parliment would NOT allow anything to happen to Geert Wilders, for the same reason that we refused Irans request to extridite Soloman Rushdie to Iran in the past, because in this country we have freedom of speech, Geert Wilders can publish texts saying that we need to 'destroy Islam' just as any muslim can say this wish Wilders dead. Just because they say it, it does not mean Britan will allow either to happen.

4. Firstly do not confuse brainwashing with faith. I ive in Britan and I have never been threatened to be brainwashed by Islam more so than any other religion lol. Just because some one preeches something it doesn't mean I will follow it, do you seriously think that everyone in this country is that easily lead?? Have you ever been to this country, if you come here go down any main public street in London and you will here preechers from every faith trying to convert people.

Also why is it a sick  religion? Because you don't agree with it, I am not a muslim myself but have studied Islam and it actually has some very moral teachings, and like all religions, it also has some not everyone will agree with.

5. I almost shouldn't coemment on this part lol. Firstly why should we cause a conflict whent here is no need? In the video you can see that the police had pre-planned crowd control. Now if these muslims were looking for a conflict would they have notified the council of their protest beforehand? I think not. They were merely excercising their right to freedom of speech.

Do you know the percentage of muslim women who where a Burhka? I suggest you look it up because it is minute, in fact I am lucky to see one every few days here in the UK, and with every passing generation the number is declining.

No one is 'raping' my freedom in the UK, and nobody will, in the same way that I will not 'rape' anbody else's freedom. In my country we retain the right to freedom of speech and that is the way it will remain for all people.

As for France, I can't comment a great deal as I am not all that aware of French poilitics, all I would say is go and google what Sarkozy has recently proposed with regards to the Burka.

Calling people 'Sick', 'Dogs' or 'ninja's' just because you don't like/agree with them was considered racism last time I checked.

Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 05:01:41 PM
no, we Poles are fresh thinking ppl. We saved the Europe against Islam in the past ( r.i.p Sobieski) and we will do it again if you aren;t able.

Go back to 1938 and who was saving who? As far as I am aware the allied forces were saving polish ass's.
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


One last thing from me, before I write this I want you to be aware that I have had a polish girlfriend and have had polish friends.

You seem to be under the illusion that Britan is currently being invaded by Islam, well I will tell you this, its not.

If you go out on to the streets and ask anyone on a British street which nation if any is invading the UK then you will get one answer; the polish.

Since the expansion of the EU in may 2004 more polish people have entered the UK than any other single nation (with the exception of America). Of the polish people that immigrate to this country the overwhelming majority of them take up jobs as unskilled workers (Builders, cleaners ect ect.) which has caused something of a backlash towards some polish communities, we now have polish people taking jobs away from train professionals just because they are willing to work for £50 a day whereas the trained Britons are not.

Of course this is not the case with all polish immigrants (and I would never be as naive as you to generalise a who population by any one sample) but this is the feeling of many British natives.

QuoteOf the 1.42 million total number of immigrants who arrived in the UK since May 2004, 427,000 were people registering to work from the eight former Eastern Bloc countries which joined the EU in 2004, with the vast majority coming from Poland.

QuoteThe majority of Eastern Europeans came to work rather than for other reasons, such as to join a British spouse or to study, according to the analysis.

Source- http://www.workpermit.com/news/2006_11_21/uk/2-year_immigration_statistics.htm (http://www.workpermit.com/news/2006_11_21/uk/2-year_immigration_statistics.htm)

All I am saying is.... Things can't be that perfect in Poland can they??
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: Diabolical on October 19, 2009, 06:40:23 AM
u r one freaked up kid zthrx , i wonder if someone bad Muslim had bad influence on u in ur childhood xD ( if u know what i mean )

i know u r not following any religion and maybe u r a Darwin's theory fan and u believe u were a monkey somehow i dunno how is ur mind working rly but i dont expect much from u

judging religion or country or anything in the world based on 1 video or soem article or group of ppl , thats what i call " bloody blind brainless ignorant " , i advise u to read more about islam and the religions in general  instead of following the news for anything that u wont like. that way u can learn more and actually maybe ur posts would make sense

i dont disagree that there is some freaked up muslim groups and other many from other religions but i never cared to criticize any or call others dogs just coz they did something i dont like and actually what r u thinking , U R SAVING THE UK FROM MUSLIMS FROM DN FORUMS ... seriously xD ?

and as for the clothes , whats ur problem ? everyone is free to wear whatever he likes , isnt that the freedom u r talking about ? did anyone force u to put a cap and robe before ? when u will understand that there r some different cultures apart from making vodka in basement and getting drunk 24/7 (oh wait thats not true not all polish doing that )some men in scotland / Turkey wearing skirts in some other women r proposing for men and other places women has to walk topless, the world is really big kiddo , try to use the internet in something more useful sometimes. and get to know the thing before u judge it.

and for women , did u know in the past before Islam women was used to get buried alive coz parents dont want girls and Islam came and changed that and put her place in society again , and for the desert part that really made me laugh and showed to me how ignorant u r , we r not living in the deserts actually some arabic towns r way better than any u have been too , take for example Dubai , ever been there ? i doubt , did u see any pictures of Arabic countries ? i still doubt , u r one of these ppl who has the same rudimentary thinking and views about us , u have lots of american spirit inside of u

Accusing Islam as a danger on a country , whats that actually comparing to Christian and jewish groups or u r just blind to see it , every religion has its bad side but pointing at Muslims as they r the danger thats bullshit

as for Maciek , Allah is dead , Allah is just a name , a different name according to language but its the same one god , i hope u understand that , so when u say allah is god it means yours is too :D ( see how dumb u r ? )if u have one maybe but i doubt , ur ugly dog is ur god xD

Calling group of ppl names whatever it is just because they believe in something u disagree with thats Racism , mr freedom

im off to uni , i will be late again , it's gonna take long before i come back , so take ur time in replying , dont rush into typing nonsense stuff

see ya menz

ok lets start

U didn't reply to even 1 point just because you don't know whats goin on in Europe. Yes I'm an atheist since couple years, I've broken charm of indoctrination, used to be always freethinker.
In 2 years I've read over:
20 religion/christian books,
whole bible,
52 from 73 science, atheist, rationalist, philosophical books from Orwell thru Friedrich Nietzsche to Sam Harris- End of faith. I have most of them in PDFs, but some in PL but easy to DL in eng if you want.
hundreds of articles, interviews etc  I'm rly into religion case as a objectively observer. Used to talk with my catholic friends which knowledge based on bible (who don't even know it) is rly poor, but they believe in what leader says is sometimes sad. It's sad when some1 do a things against his will or don't even trying to rational think about some cases etc- long topic based on logical/rationalist/fresh thinking. I'm not so fluent in religion english words to make here philosophical elaboration.  Dogmas is the biggest enemy of our civilization.

Maby your religion is good for you and works perfectly fine, and ur familiar with their rules since ur born but somewhere else in the world it can be a dangerous tool for some radical/fanatics ppl whos trying to get privileges- like radical muslims/ Islamist in UK do. There is nowhere written in coran that "god" loves you there are only responsibilities. I know history of coran and most of its rules. I know rules of sharia. I know alot about many religions in the world. I know some nice muslims even from DN, but you are not aware what others do in another parts of the world. The fact is Muslims do not assimilate with the UK culture or do not admonish local/country law as an Immigrants. If some1 is goin on a trip to another country he respect it's culture and rights/law. The fact is radical Islamic lobby already created sharia courts in Germany! this is respect to another culture? bringing own rules to another country and trying to make it force?  You are telling " everyone is free to wear whatever he likes" no you are wearing what ur culture says, UK Islamist want's to bring burka for all women in UK, it wont happen, There are plenty cases where muslims threaten women in their environment for wearing loose clothers... Your religion is sick just when girl gets riped it's her fault!! and the punishment is death Militants stone to death Somali rape victim, 13 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27484976/. You don't know alot about ur religion what radical ppl do, or you don't want to know. Dozens cases of killing Christians in Egypt, burning their houses.
Egyptian police arrest 150 Christians for 'interrupting' Ramadan fast http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/new.php?n=17091  thats how looks tolerance and religious freedom in muslim countries, Christians and other religions has to observed Islamic law. I can write here tons of links about similar cases. The other popular topics are   honor killing  family members or killing for apostasy. There was Rly loud case of a muslim who left Islam and Islamic ppl wanted to deport him to kill him
"STOP Hussain Muradi’s deportation to Afghanistan" http://www.faithfreedom.org/2009/09/14/stop-hussain-muradis-deportation-to-afghanistan/ <-- sic
of course Europe ppl didn't let to deport him, so in that case UE is helpful - helps normal free ppl to release from this sick religion. If you need I will past here tons of tons links to that case with names so you will check this cruel truth. And ye many things happens in Egypt and you pretend or you don't know whats goin on.
"Christian killed for drinking tea from Muslim stall" http://www.theasiannews.co.uk/community/heritage/s/1120922_christian_killed_for_drinking_tea_from_muslim_stall_
The fact is in Islamic countries you persecute ur citizens and pretend theres nothing happened.
and tons of tons similar

Christianity is also a dangerous religion, it wash brains if you haven't knowledge or you don't expect from life a lot, and prefer sacrifice your problems to some ghosts to clean your    conscience. In the past Christianity also was choosing  comfortable rules to conquer America.    Crusades is the one the most black point in the history of this religion, burning witches, heretics etc etc.
   Ok but it's enough about this religion, I'm not catholic anymore, but the most fun in this religion in my country is that this religion    
usurps rights to morality. But morality rules are deep rooted in our history of our kind.


The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (10000 characters).

If we are at history We aren't from monkey, every species has it's own cousin that how evolution works. You can read rly objectively book of Richard Dawkins "the greatest show on earth: the evidence for evolution" it explains whole subject about  evolution.
About us as a monkeys you can learn from his short video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYz1B-aMJGk- sorry polish subtittles- but no time.  You know whats funny that 40% of American population believes that earth is 6k years old as a bible says! thats all thx to Christian lobby. All their life is based on chosen rules from this book full of    violence, rapes, killing, hate etc etc. it can't be a moral instruction if you read it (99% didn't). So you should read abit about science, archaeological discoveries - it's really Interesting! and you can learn alot how species were evolving.  In fact religion was created by men, and the main point of it is to control ppl. The good book about religion roots is Daniel C. Dennett - Breaking the Spell - Religion as a Natural Phenomenon

Islam is a dangerous religion even you think it's full of love just because you sit in ur chair and nothing happens all around you... radical Islamists  wants too much rights and trying to tell ppl what to do. Muslims are passed to UE with whole families as a "cure" for European demography "problem", and mostly lives on social allowance which is super high in UK, and other some UE countrys (france, germany) so there is the most population. And in many speeches of Islamic leaders is conquest europe by reproduction, and turn it to Islamic. In UK are cities where 80-90% is muslims populations. There are muslims schools where Burka and other Islamic rules are observed in a democratic Country! This is bad, if you want to live in another country, respect and start to admonish it's law and culture. If not go back where are you from.
I can easily say that's ur knowledge about Political situation and European problems is less than minimal. You aren't open minded, so you are judging from ur religion point. Muslims in Europe: Country guide  http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4385768.stm  if you don't know if group is larger than 12% you can fight for your rights, I mean changing country law for national minority. Thats why Islamic leaders exhort to    "production of children". And now problem becomes so big that in experts opinion Europe can become Islamic in 40 years. +- 2 generations.

I was in Turkey but in touristic part - alntalya, rly nice country. Even guide told us it's better to don't go to the north parts because they are  radical Islamist parts, so we could have some problems. Life there sims to be quite normal, didn't see those radical parts so... but European situation with Islam is rly rly different.  I've seen Dubai, nice desert who became huge city in short amount of time, only thx to Oil. 99% of food has to be imported. Thats why they used to buy agricultural areas all around the world. The oil will end in about 90 years http://www.ngoilgas.com/media/media-news/infographics/090826-OilGas-Reserves.png  after this time problems will come (faster world war for resouces). I'm good from geography I'm IT guy/photographer/photoreporter so I read alot, I see alot and I think alot.

If you want to converse with me better prepare yourself. Would be easier for me in polish, coz then my rhetoric is dozens times better. But I've tried to objectively write my point of View- so I hope I'm not so big younger  2 years kido than you.

and writing on a gaming forum? ye it's multi cultural community. plenty of buddies from all over the Europe. Hope they realize if Islam will rise in "power" in many layers national/politician it will affect on whole European Union!

You don't understand the problem just because you aren't one of those "smart" screaming loud Islamist on every corner that they gonna rule the Europe. This started and hope it's not gonna be too late to defend ourselves. this "political Tolerance" may kill Europe which gonna be under some archaic sick rules.

Cheers my chocolate man





and let history do it again!

and all religions r sick


Quote from: Painkiler on October 19, 2009, 06:33:17 PM

and let history do it again!

and all religions r sick



The Turks lost at least 15,000 men dead and wounded in the fighting, plus at least 5,000 men captured and all cannons, compared to approximately 4,500 dead and wounded for the Habsburg-Polish forces.

The loot that fell into the hands of the Holy League troops and the Viennese was as huge as their relief, as King Sobieski vividly described in a letter to his wife a few days after the battle:

    Ours are treasures unheard of ... tents, sheep, cattle and no small number of camels ... it is victory as nobody ever knew of, the enemy now completely ruined, everything lost for them. They must run for their sheer lives ... Commander Starhemberg hugged and kissed me and called me his savior.

Mr. Emiel


I've always found that ANY religion is pure bullshit and always said it's for dumb people. There is no evidence there is a god, if there comes a day that there will be any I will go to church or what ever. In my eyes it's purely used to control people in a large scale. Altho I've got to say Muslims are the most retarted among all those believers. I personally hope that Wilders will win the elections and keep his word to get them out of Holland, immigration costs Holland 12 billion a year plus all the costs that those people bring with them. I've seen o other post from someone out of Holland talking something about Polish people 'n working in Holland and making trouble. I don't know from what village you are but in my city it's good to have Polish people instead of Muslims I've gotta say that we don't have many here cuz I'm from the North and people here in the North are way different then those in the West.

I'd like to see a Muslim free Europe it will only do us good, we don't need any workers anymore from Oestboekistan or where the freak they come from, xx% of the NATIVE population doesn't even have work so why give something away what you need? I'm going to talk about Holland now because I don't give a jackshit about France or the UK. Most Muslim people here don't work altho people will denie it but it's true, I can't blaim them I would do the exact same thing if I could had. It's not allowed to have more then one wife in Europe, as far as I know. So what do you do? You move out of a country where you had (let's say) three. You go to a country where it's only allowed to have one altho you bring the other two with you. So the next step will be to get social allowance (money from the state, money working people work for) you register once for you and your main wife and two times for your other wifes (This actually happens). This will do two things; You'll recieve money for your wifes, which of course hand the money to you because it's allknowing that females have less rights then my dog in her husbands eyes (Quran). You will not be forced to work and live a normal life so why care that a native person has to work everyday to buy his bread because he's actually paying you. This is exploiting the system and shouldn't be tollerated by the Dutch government, but they do but it still ain't a excuse for foreigners to do it. In Holland it's pretty damn normal these days to get waken up but a Mosque at 6 in the morning because they have to scream their stuff otherwise Allah wont hear them. I can continue endlessly about things like this but let's not ruinen the thread by making to long posts so that everybody gets bored and wont post anymore.

For those people saying that the Islam isn't bad. Why do you think that Wilders his political party has grown faster and bigger then any party before? Think about it.


Quote from: Mr. Emiel on October 19, 2009, 07:00:07 PM

I've always found that ANY religion is pure bullshit and always said it's for dumb people. There is no evidence there is a god, if there comes a day that there will be any I will go to church or what ever. In my eyes it's purely used to control people in a large scale. Altho I've got to say Muslims are the most retarted among all those believers. I personally hope that Wilders will win the elections and keep his word to get them out of Holland, immigration costs Holland 12 billion a year plus all the costs that those people bring with them. I've seen o other post from someone out of Holland talking something about Polish people 'n working in Holland and making trouble. I don't know from what village you are but in my city it's good to have Polish people instead of Muslims I've gotta say that we don't have many here cuz I'm from the North and people here in the North are way different then those in the West.

I'd like to see a Muslim free Europe it will only do us good, we don't need any workers anymore from Oestboekistan or where the freak they come from, xx% of the NATIVE population doesn't even have work so why give something away what you need? I'm going to talk about Holland now because I don't give a jackshit about France or the UK. Most Muslim people here don't work altho people will denie it but it's true, I can't blaim them I would do the exact same thing if I could had. It's not allowed to have more then one wife in Europe, as far as I know. So what do you do? You move out of a country where you had (let's say) three. You go to a country where it's only allowed to have one altho you bring the other two with you. So the next step will be to get social allowance (money from the state, money working people work for) you register once for you and your main wife and two times for your other wifes (This actually happens). This will do two things; You'll recieve money for your wifes, which of course hand the money to you because it's allknowing that females have less rights then my dog in her husbands eyes (Quran). You will not be forced to work and live a normal life so why care that a native person has to work everyday to buy his bread because he's actually paying you. This is exploiting the system and shouldn't be tollerated by the Dutch government, but they do but it still ain't a excuse for foreigners to do it. In Holland it's pretty damn normal these days to get waken up but a Mosque at 6 in the morning because they have to scream their stuff otherwise Allah wont hear them. I can continue endlessly about things like this but let's not ruinen the thread by making to long posts so that everybody gets bored and wont post anymore.

For those people saying that the Islam isn't bad. Why do you think that Wilders his political party has grown faster and bigger then any party before? Think about it.

I thought u came to attack me (coz most ppl do it here, w/o any knowledge whats goin on in Europe), So thx for objectively opinion about this situation.
"So the next step will be to get social allowance (money from the state, money working people work for) you register once for you and your main wife and two times for your other wifes (This actually happens). This will do two things; You'll recieve money for your wifes, which of course hand the money to you because it's allknowing that females have less rights then my dog in her husbands eyes (Quran)"  
it happens in Poland with Chechnya ppl, they gets huge  social allowance, even Poles doesn't gets so much by person! and they comes to us with whole families, and ruins our social system, also they doesn't working & prefer do nothing. The good thing is, we do not have such open-handed social system  (as UK, Germany, Holland and France)  with high allowance, thats why muslims aren't here yet.
In previous page, I wrote couple examples what muslims/islam do, hope ppl wont ignore that and start to do smth, instead of being freaking politically tolerant.


ah, yeah, let's talk about the battle of vienna and how awesome it was and let's kick everyone that mentions  this little thing here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades#List) because muslims are evil people with ninja women that only want to enslave us.
IsrathinePL - bladedancer/overlord
Israthine - spellhowler/overlord


Quote from: israfael on October 19, 2009, 07:21:28 PM
ah, yeah, let's talk about the battle of vienna and how awesome it was and let's kick everyone that mentions  this little thing here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades#List) because muslims are evil people with ninja women that only want to enslave us.

do not pass the topic if you haven't anything interesting to say