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UK brothers why you do nothing to stop This islamic/muslim disease? - Page 13



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UK brothers why you do nothing to stop This islamic/muslim disease?

Started by zthrx, October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM

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Quote from: zthrx on October 23, 2009, 12:47:53 AM
for once, I'm a "democratic racist" who wont let to freak himself by some freakingsic religion who's trying to be a common law in my freaking Europe. Because what happen in every freaking UE Country is gonna affect every other by freaking political tolerance.
Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Well i don't see why do you want them out of Europe, since they aren't doing anything to hurt you... There are some violent but you cant say that its because of their religion. Sure there are some that are gonna beat you up for insulting their god or w/e but there are also many people that ain't religious and are gonna kill you just for saying that their mother is a whore.

And about spreading their religion in Europe, well that's bs... I don't believe they will somehow convince other non religious people to turn into muslim or w/e... Anyways imo all the religions are disappearing pretty fast and there wont be much people going to church in about 20 years.
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: Me0rc on October 22, 2009, 11:56:08 PM
When teenage Rifqua past bars on Christianity, understandable, that can threaten its death danger from the side of a Muslim family. In accordance with the rules of the Shariat, by punishment for apostasy is a death. Although would run away from the house, to save life, now will have to return in the family sides, so since decided the Court of Justice.
She is forced to go back to family to Ohio - regardless of Islam rules, her family must obey civil law - so from this point of view, the family can't kill her. And even if they do such a thing, they will face the hand of justice - for crime of killing. (<polish> Podobnie jest u nas z Cyganami i ozenkiem 14letnich dziewczynek. Zyja w Polsce i Polskich zasad przestrzegac musza. </polish>)
Even if they have the law to kill her in their religion - why would they do such a thing? It's a lose-lose situation. Considering that todays world is run by money - it is completely impratcic waste of them - so radicals are dissapearing from generation to generation. Soon, ppl we'll become more and more tolerant. Including Muslims.

I have never thought that on gaming forum, there can be this kind of discussion. :P
WAR, Karak-Azgal  - SW 40r/62rr

Dragon x15 - EE/ES 78/78lvl + sub necro 77lvl, nobl [DELETED]
Сегодня я просто player
Icatia -  EE + BP/TK, nobl  (Dx15)


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 23, 2009, 01:21:52 AM
Well i don't see why do you want them out of Europe, since they aren't doing anything to hurt you... There are some violent but you cant say that its because of their religion. Sure there are some that are gonna beat you up for insulting their god or w/e but there are also many people that ain't religious and are gonna kill you just for saying that their mother is a whore.

And about spreading their religion in Europe, well that's bs... I don't believe they will somehow convince other non religious people to turn into muslim or w/e... Anyways imo all the religions are disappearing pretty fast and there wont be much people going to church in about 20 years.

" Sure there are some that are gonna beat you up for insulting their god or w/e but there are also many people that ain't religious"
every muslim is religious, if not you are atheist = you are dead. They coming to europe with whole families spreading sick culture- Burka- it's cultural thing not from coran.
"I don't believe they will somehow convince other non religious people to turn into muslim"

they wont, but their tons of new children will be Islamic muslims and so on, and in the next 20y, they will be so many that being in their arena, they will force you to admonish their rules/law- like radical extremist trying to do now. 

"since they aren't doing anything to hurt you"

We are in UE, every decisions affects every country. If they bring burka etc from this culture/religion we will have let them do the same in other countries.


Quote from: zthrx on October 23, 2009, 09:32:49 AM
" Sure there are some that are gonna beat you up for insulting their god or w/e but there are also many people that ain't religious"
every muslim is religious, if not you are atheist = you are dead. They coming to europe with whole families spreading sick culture- Burka- it's cultural thing not from coran.
"I don't believe they will somehow convince other non religious people to turn into muslim"
they wont, but their tons of new children will be Islamic muslims and so on, and in the next 20y, they will be so many that being in their arena, they will force you to admonish their rules/law- like radical extremist trying to do now. 
"since they aren't doing anything to hurt you"
We are in UE, every decisions affects every country. If they bring burka etc from this culture/religion we will have let them do the same in other countries.
I ment that there are atheist people in europe that are more violent than some muslim extremist too. And i dont get the part of "if your atheist = you are dead"... Well the burka thing is funny for me too, but well you cant do anything to stop it, its like forbiding german people to drink lots and lots of beer in USA or something... And they wont force anyone to admonush their rules/law since if they are gonna do something illegal they will just go to jail. Its pretty simple, they wont be able to do jack shit. But yea there are many countrys that are too supportive to people that have tons of children + dont work and just live from the money that the country gives em. We have the same problem in our country... ::)
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: alearan on October 23, 2009, 09:12:31 AM
She is forced to go back to family to Ohio - regardless of Islam rules, her family must obey civil law - so from this point of view, the family can't kill her. And even if they do such a thing, they will face the hand of justice - for crime of killing.

Well problem is that muslims more care about honour and theirs law than cicvil law of country where they live.
And if "family cant kill her" tell why that girl is so afraid back to islamic parents???


"Według “Ni Putes Ni Soumises” (Ni dziwki, ni służące), jednej z najważniejszych francuskich organizacji broniących praw kobiet, przemoc wobec kobiet szerzy się w ubogich muzułmańskich społecznościach. Mężczyźni wyżywają się na kobietach i oczekują, że będą one tuszować sprawę, ponieważ jest to zgodne z islamską tradycją. Jeśli kobieta szuka sprawiedliwości, jest uważana za zakałę rodziny".

"According to “Ni Putes Ni Soumises” (Ni bitch, ni serving), one from most important French organizations of defending laws of women, force in view of the women propagate itself in the poor Muslim communities. Men bully themselves on the women even await, that they will draw question, because is this consistent with the Islamic tradition. If woman looks for justice, is considered for disgrace of family".

And they dont only bull, they kill coz woman coz stained honor of the family.


"Na kary od ośmiu lat do dożywocia skazał sąd w Danii  rodzinę za zamordowanie 19-letniej dziewczyny. To wyjątek, bo najczęściej sprawcy tzw. honorowych morderstw pozostają w Europie na wolności, a środowiska imigranckie spuszczają na zbrodnie zasłonę milczenia"

"On the punishments for eight years to life estate sentenced the Court of Justice in Denmark family for the murder of a 19-year girl. This exception, because most often originators so-called of honorable murder stay in Europe on the freedom, but the environment of imigrantsthey lower on the crimes the screen of the silence".

But how U wrote that?
"Her family must obey civil law - so from this point of view, the family can't kill he"
So from theirs point of view they will kill her.

Quote from: alearan on October 23, 2009, 09:12:31 AM(<polish> Podobnie jest u nas z Cyganami i ozenkiem 14letnich dziewczynek. Zyja w Polsce i Polskich zasad przestrzegac musza. </polish>)
(Similarly is at us with the Gypsies and wedding 14 years old girls. Live in Poland and Polish bases must obey)

Interesting coz weddings of 14 years gypsy girls are not consistent with polish law.


Quote from: Me0rc on October 23, 2009, 01:47:30 PM
Well problem is that muslims more care about honour and theirs law than cicvil law of country where they live.
And if "family cant kill her" tell why that girl is so afraid back to islamic parents???
By "can't" i meant "not allowed to". But ofc they have free will, as all ppl.
They will be same killers as anyone else who kills second person.

"On the punishments for eight years to life estate sentenced the Court of Justice in Denmark family for the murder of a 19-year girl. This exception, because most often originators so-called of honorable murder stay in Europe on the freedom, but the environment of imigrantsthey lower on the crimes the screen of the silence".
Tbh i never have heard of those who stayed free. (In Europe)

Quote(Similarly is at us with the Gypsies and wedding 14 years old girls. Live in Poland and Polish bases must obey)
Interesting coz weddings of 14 years gypsy girls are not consistent with polish law.
Mea culpa. Sorry. I was thinking about smth else and wrote smth else -.-"

Gypsies traditions and laws do not restrict sixual contact between children under 15yrs old, but Polish law do - so even, if there will be some kind of that contact - it will be a crime.
Its simmilar case to that girl. Even if their traditions allow them to kill some1 - it's not allowed in USA - therefore it is a crime.

Noone stands beyond law. (Well i know that this saying is kinda bulls*it in cases of most politics, but ordinary muslim isnt anyone special.)

It's a matter of time, that they will be sucked in our culture instead of conquering it. Mainly thanks to globalisation and money.
WAR, Karak-Azgal  - SW 40r/62rr

Dragon x15 - EE/ES 78/78lvl + sub necro 77lvl, nobl [DELETED]
Сегодня я просто player
Icatia -  EE + BP/TK, nobl  (Dx15)


Quote from: zthrx on October 23, 2009, 12:47:53 AM
first of all this topic criticizes Islamic religion. religion is not a nation or race- it is not racism criticism based on Europe democratic freedom of expression. Thats the first thing you don't know about the world, so between your pseudo-intellectual points some1 can think you are smart....
PS: when I say freaking muslim, I mean Islamic muslim, there is no difference, every1 is brainwashed by this retard religion which comes from Christianity (700 years after fairy tail about Jesus)

primo: "let's go to say +1 for letting childrens on africa to die with out food water" you know what's the problem of Africa? the biggest Countries USA etc, doesn't want new competitor in economy field. What you think,  in all those ages no1 started to build there Field Crops, helping in build their economy, make farms, fabrics etc etc.(China is trying to do smth) Because Arficans would do this shiit for almost FREE, do you know economy a bit? Africa would grow as a new strong competitor who have alot free workers..
So there is better to export food there, during USA and others gets a lot of cash by this transactions. It's a long topic so better to stop at this point, hope you understood a bit how this world functions.

let's say thx to europe for letting people souls to come from africa east europe , and to pushing them and forchig them to be  prostute  you know a shiit, it's not only about African ppl, It's mafia transfer and girls are kidnapping from all around the world, and what you are thinkin, every african girl comes to europe to be a whore? it's a problem but not only Arfican's

  let's say +1 to russian and to usa for haveing nuclear weapons .
there are a bit more countries who have nuclear war. And at the end nuclear war is good, helps to keep peace on earth mainly by the pacts "mutual total destruction" don rememba how it's called exactly. Anyway Russia and USA signed it before second warld war, so you have a russia and the USA on the map yet. Nuclear war helped to stop war in Hiroshima. You know a shiit about how worlds function. It's more complicated that your lame +1 points which hides more deeply truth, far another than your point of view

let's say to china +1 for not letting people to not have more than 1 children.

how how, it's their problem how they regulate a nation population. We will see how many you gonna have

let's say to israel +1 for war crimes in  gaza
there are many washedbrain ppl on earth. There are dozens of war crimes and every type of crime. Guess thats thx to TV and Inet you know about only this one case...

And you know. This forum is on European servers, so I don't think I went far from European ppl with this current "important" public news  :-*

Go back to your hole, and come back after you get some new facts about cruel world....

for once, I'm a "democratic racist" who wont let to freak himself by some freakingsic religion who's trying to be a common law in my freaking Europe. Because what happen in every freaking UE Country is gonna affect every other by freaking political tolerance.

Hope you understood everything, or I can explain you again

since i live in greece and ty god is a country with democracy ,should i remind u that greece was the frist country that put democracy and gave the lights to all world for it, so no u are not democratic u are a comon racist,. u dont know what  democracy means since u have democracy in your country only in the last 20 years.. u was under communism for decades  since my country albania was aswell under communism , dont forget that.

democracy is something that we earned is not going by father to son, if u wann ask what democracy means go to france and ask them go to Germany or to austria and ask them or come in greece and u will see it . becouse people here will not judge u by your nationality or your religion.

muslims going day by day +++++ not becouse they make other eu muslim just becouse they are makeing more childrens that we do. there 1 priority is to have a big familly our 1 priority is to have financial and economical feature, that's why we make a small familly with 2 childrens.and putting the carier in top. than familly

and go back in eu history in the last 100 years . and u will see what we did for humanity. 6 millions hebro ded by nazi 3 million soviet solders ded by nazi on battlfield. many other nations was destroyd economical and not only.   wasnt the eu who gave thousends of weapons t africa through russian. if i am wrong how can u explain me those ak-47 in africa and in the rwnda and nigeria.? becouse of that almost 1 million people die in rwnda.

let's do the same to emigrants from iran irak palestine syria becouse in feature perhpas they attack us ? or they will be more muslim thant cristian.

do u rlly know what does cristian means? and what jesus presended.
jesus gave hes life and so he can save the humanity souls to wash us from our sins . he is speaking about friendship bettwen nations about forgivnes about hope and not about hate .
so if u have problems with muslims is your problem isnt cristainity problem and if u are democratic then u should know when your limit stop and when other limits starts
To say I love you is easy
But to prove it is the most difficult


Quote from: NIORI on October 23, 2009, 03:08:33 PM
since i live in greece and ty god is a country with democracy ,should i remind u that greece was the frist country that put democracy and gave the lights to all world for it, so no u are not democratic u are a comon racist,. u dont know what  democracy means since u have democracy in your country only in the last 20 years.. u was under communism for decades  since my country albania was aswell under communism , dont forget that.

democracy is something that we earned is not going by father to son, if u wann ask what democracy means go to france and ask them go to Germany or to austria and ask them or come in greece and u will see it . becouse people here will not judge u by your nationality or your religion.

muslims going day by day +++++ not becouse they make other eu muslim just becouse they are makeing more childrens that we do. there 1 priority is to have a big familly our 1 priority is to have financial and economical feature, that's why we make a small familly with 2 childrens.and putting the carier in top. than familly

and go back in eu history in the last 100 years . and u will see what we did for humanity. 6 millions hebro ded by nazi 3 million soviet solders ded by nazi on battlfield. many other nations was destroyd economical and not only.   wasnt the eu who gave thousends of weapons t africa through russian. if i am wrong how can u explain me those ak-47 in africa and in the rwnda and nigeria.? becouse of that almost 1 million people die in rwnda.

let's do the same to emigrants from iran irak palestine syria becouse in feature perhpas they attack us ? or they will be more muslim thant cristian.

do u rlly know what does cristian means? and what jesus presended.
jesus gave hes life and so he can save the humanity souls to wash us from our sins . he is speaking about friendship bettwen nations about forgivnes about hope and not about hate .
so if u have problems with muslims is your problem isnt cristainity problem and if u are democratic then u should know when your limit stop and when other limits starts

dude you have completely washed brain. There is no even reason to reply you. You don't even know how "wars" works and making money by the biggest Countries producing and transferring weapon. You don't understand that life in UE is more expensive so ppl have to hard work to suckle family.

and btw, Poland is the country who liberated Europe from Communism. You don't know what means fight for your rights, fight for your freedom, fight for your life and at war Polish soldiers were fighting on many fronts in many countries. You just proved your ignorance and shallow thinking.

Islamic countries demand making a crime to criticize an islam after that UK and other contries gonna be "raped by religion"
"wake up America" Patt Condell

Patt tells a buthurt truth about Islam, very objective being "nicely" critic

The day will come, when you abandon your holy tolerance. I ment mostly Europe ppl


"ban the burka" by Pat

Top ten reasons why sharia is bad for all societies

10. Islam commands that drinkers and gamblers should be whipped.
9. Islam allows husbands to hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their wives
8. Islam allows an injured plaintiff to exact legal revengeâ€"physical eye for physical eye.
7. Islam commands that a male and female thief must have a hand cut off.
6. Islam commands that highway robbers should be crucified or mutilated.
5. Islam commands that homosixuals must be executed.
4. Islam orders unmarried fornicators to be whipped and adulterers to be stoned to death.
3. Islam orders death for Muslim and possible death for nonâ€"Muslim critics of Muhammad and the Quran and even sharia itself.
2. Islam orders apostates to be killed.
1. Islam commands offensive and aggressive and unjust jihad.


i see some ppl got bigo ego complex here :) about Muslims/Turks ;) btw its funny to see what ****** think for that :)

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


Quote from: Meto on October 23, 2009, 05:51:16 PM
i see some ppl got bigo ego complex here :) about Muslims/Turks ;) btw its funny to see what ****** think for that :)

conversation about world's "problems" is too much for you?


Quote from: zthrx on October 23, 2009, 06:05:28 PM
conversation about world's "problems" is too much for you?
now u wanna say that whole word hates muslims,alll ppl are racist?
u are not good mentally :/ . World's trying to make peace...not war
To be the best, you have to beat the best
I'm undefeated, my style is everlasting
And I'ma never back down, you freaking clown!