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UK brothers why you do nothing to stop This islamic/muslim disease? - Page 16



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UK brothers why you do nothing to stop This islamic/muslim disease?

Started by zthrx, October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM

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Quote from: zthrx on October 18, 2009, 04:28:26 PM
Muslim protestors insult Geert Wilders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=det7TUsLy8U

1. How it can happens in your DEMOCRATIC country?
2. How this dogs can threat you that coran is the main law
3. How can you let them public call to kill someone, if european would do that on the street- he would go into jail in 10s
4. How can you be silence when they threaten you when u criticize this SICK religion and washedbrain ppl
5. Why ARE YOU KEEP QUIET UNITED KINGDOM!? this dangerous religion wants to conquer ur country and    establish burka! so in the future ur woman will do a shiit w/o husband permition. On the beach u'll see a shiit- only ninja women
they don't want to assimilate with you, they aren't respect your country law, they wants to dominate over you  

WAKE UP UK and FRANCE, why aren't you fight when they rapes ur freedom? Wake up!

Patriotism IS NOT a racism

You're a focking racist, zthrx.
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the truth hurts you? I wish she could be ur sister

anyway too bad you dun wanna read whole topic. Many interesting and smart things was written. At least knowledge isn't for every1, same as thinking


Quote from: Torek [IF] on November 04, 2009, 06:30:54 PM
agree.....now stfu

because? you prefer to ignore facts? dude wanna some religious flames? Are you afraid of talking about common topics? you better stfu if you have nothing interesting to say, or I will smash you to the ground with my "poor knowledge", just pick up the topic or betta stfu plz


Quote from: Kamillo29 on July 19, 2009, 12:42:09 PM
teh almighty windpenixor the best pvper in DN history


Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: zthrx on November 04, 2009, 07:28:15 PM
because? you prefer to ignore facts? dude wanna some religious flames? Are you afraid of talking about common topics? you better stfu if you have nothing interesting to say, or I will smash you to the ground with my "poor knowledge", just pick up the topic or betta stfu plz
You are the most arrogant person i have ever seen pls read some book and do some research , seriously u dont know any shit have u grown up in monastery with monks or something like that.As a  result we can see from ur words u are the  one provocator.............
Stalkerz=AD/DR - Balrogg=GS/SD - H4teyou=SG/ARC  - Anaron:HP/ST - Rap3you=GS/DR -
omae wa yowai. naze yowai ka? tarinai kara da. nikushimi ga.


Quote from: Balrogg on November 08, 2009, 03:19:07 PM
You are the most arrogant person i have ever seen pls read some book and do some research , seriously u dont know any shit have u grown up in monastery with monks or something like that.As a  result we can see from ur words u are the  one provocator.............

u don't even know how much I know- just read one of my post in this topic, I have no time for losers like you with no arguments- you can't even defent those sick muslims, they can't do it itself even.

btw I have another daiiyi great story:

Mukhtaran Bibi, a young Pakistani woman. She was accused of having a brother - 14 years of age - who was supposedly seen in public with a girl from another tribal family; this rumor was never confirmed and Bibi denied it. She was judged by a Tribal Elders Council of six men to be punished for her brother's sin. She was sentenced to be gang-raped. The sentence was carried out by five men, her neighbors. Hundreds waited outside as she was gang-raped. She was then sent home naked in the streets. Amazingly and with great courage Mukhtaran Bibi went to the courts seeking justice. The men were originally convicted of the rape. Recently a court overturned the conviction as illegal. The requirement for conviction of rape in Pakistan's family law is that four men (all Muslims) have to testify they witnessed the event. The rapist witnesses were unlikely to testify against themselves.


you muslims are rly sick primitive animals. freak your coran and freak your sick honor primitive idiots
I have no respect to you for defending your shiit pretending it's not a big deal. come to poland and try to kill me for blaming your religion

I'm still waiting for some inteligent facts defending your statement, till now I see only retard flame, too bad coz I'm really good prepared for those who think Islam is a good thing.

muslim racist dogs on london street "Afghan Asylum Seekers & The rise of muslim gangs in the UK .The English girl with a pushchair at 0:22 says 'sorry' for interupting their antics!!! "

Muslim Men Force White Teen Girl into Prostitution

Rape and Justice in the Muslim World - Irshad Manji

brutal truth about your religion and culture you sick animals ha? you are the problem of free Europe, I would prefer go to you hole and make massive suicide, not just single from time to time as you used to do

any smart muslim here to add some words? I would like to start a conversation, where are you camel? you had seem to be up for some smalltalk- I have many as in the sleeve


Quote from: zthrx on November 08, 2009, 06:43:37 PM
u don't even know how much I know- just read one of my post in this topic, I have no time for losers like you with no arguments- you can't even defent those sick muslims, they can't do it itself even.

any smart muslim here to add some words? I would like to start a conversation, where are you camel? you had seem to be up for some smalltalk- I have many as in the sleeve

there is nothing to add coz it wont change ur are such a retard bring ur crusaders and come get us if u can .............
Stalkerz=AD/DR - Balrogg=GS/SD - H4teyou=SG/ARC  - Anaron:HP/ST - Rap3you=GS/DR -
omae wa yowai. naze yowai ka? tarinai kara da. nikushimi ga.


Quote from: k0rina on November 08, 2009, 07:57:39 PM
i support zthrx 100%     ...  others u can stay in ur cave  when u tureks muslims  admit what shits u did in past and how many thousands people u killed for nothing childrens womans then  i will stop be racist . ciao
thats normal u are the greek was live under our command years w/e zhtr or what shit u are as i see ppl post i think nobody care about ur opinion expect 2-3 retard so bring them and war aganist all muslims and try to kill how much u can like as i said u seriously so arrogant........................
Stalkerz=AD/DR - Balrogg=GS/SD - H4teyou=SG/ARC  - Anaron:HP/ST - Rap3you=GS/DR -
omae wa yowai. naze yowai ka? tarinai kara da. nikushimi ga.


Quote from: Balrogg on November 08, 2009, 07:49:54 PM
there is nothing to add coz it wont change ur are such a retard bring ur crusaders and come get us if u can .............

You don't argue over the internet to change the mind of your opponent. Generally speaking, you don't even
do that when you're debating face to face. You debate them with reasonable arguments so that the
observers, who might have an open mind about the issue you're debating about, could form an opinion. The
more thorough your argumentation is, the more likely you're going to change the minds of the people following
the debate, argument, or whatever you'd like to call it.

So far most that are against zthrx's opinion have called him racist, ignorant, stupid and a lot of other things.
I don't completely agree with zthrx on the issue, but if I had to make up my mind solely by following this topic,
I'd much rather go with the side that has slapped atleast some actual arguments on the table, than the retard
who's screaming "MENGZ U RACIST FUX JO MAMA!". Unless it makes you happy, you don't gain anything by
being a dk who shouts insults that make a 9-year-old facepalm himself.

ps. Strong emphasis on "some actual arguments".
Flower power, bitches! And no, I'm not a beatnik.


I think thats topic should be delete from this board its server general disccusion section not a place for talking subject like this  but nowonder when i see moderators i got why its not deleted.......
Stalkerz=AD/DR - Balrogg=GS/SD - H4teyou=SG/ARC  - Anaron:HP/ST - Rap3you=GS/DR -
omae wa yowai. naze yowai ka? tarinai kara da. nikushimi ga.


Quote from: Balrogg on November 08, 2009, 08:03:31 PM
thats normal u are the greek was live under our command years w/e zhtr or what shit u are as i see ppl post i think nobody care about ur opinion expect 2-3 retard so bring them and war aganist all muslims and try to kill how much u can like as i said u seriously so arrogant........................

"so bring them and war against all muslims and try to kill how much u can like as i said u seriously"  I said so? I don't think so, manipulating and writing a shiit conclusions is your domain. So called "holy War" is problem of muslims/Islamist - sick disease of religion.

The most funny part in this thread I writes only Facts dude, no bulshiit stories, just daily news whats goin on in Europe and I think this is bad, this is sick mkay? I can criticize you because it's my privilege so far- real healthy breath of rational criticism showing just pure facts which you can't even deny. Your only weapon to cover this shit is to flame guy saying a word about "saint religion/culture", you are on the lost position so...

about "care" - milions of ppl just watch TV and listen, being unable to conversation so are getting used to the facts. If you think you are able to bring smth else "positive" to this topic go ahead, coz trying to be flamer you just shows your lack of intelligence

Quote from: Balrogg on November 08, 2009, 08:56:22 PM
I think thats topic should be delete from this board its server general disccusion section not a place for talking subject like this  but nowonder when i see moderators i got why its not deleted.......

rly? so where? on a religious sites mainly, which no one visits? so you'll still live in your sweet "reality" letting shit rolling on your back.... just butterfly effect...