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Need some help identifying a song



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Need some help identifying a song

Started by Wake, October 20, 2009, 07:38:16 PM

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If any of you know who's playing it, or the name of the song, please tell meh !!!

That sample is all I could extract from the .pps >.>

P.S. : Don't worry, it's not a virus or anything, just an mp3.
Ashk, xWaky : Blackhand


Casually Playing


uhm... it sounds very similar to the main theme of Princess Mononoke. But I am almost certain that's not it. Try to check some of anime soundtracks, it sounds a lot like one.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Nice song sounds very familiar, but Ashlynn maybe right i guess, about anime soundtracks  :) 



I bet with this sound some chick is walking thoughtful on filed with grass to her waist and she is touching it with her hands.

Oh, I should take a rest. x.x'


Quote from: TheLox on October 21, 2009, 04:37:38 PM
I bet with this sound some chick is walking thoughtful on filed with grass to her waist and she is touching it with her hands.

Oh, I should take a rest. x.x'
Plz continue your thought, it is very calming  :P
