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Me Presento/I appear

Started by rimon, October 21, 2009, 03:47:11 AM

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Hola a todos soy nuevo en el foro pero uno de los viejos del l2.. :P :P soy de la epoca de Sarlanga hace unos 5 años..el mejor clan en la historia del servidor..jeje..ahora me gusta mucho temp..jeje..
Bueno soy Gonzalo, soy de Argentina, tengo 20 años y uso un Ol/Bi.. fui scameado..por lo q estoy volviendo despues de 6 meses sin actividad y ando buscando clan..en el q me pueda ayudar,soy activo.etc..
Hello to all I am new in the forum but one of the old men of l2 ..:P:P am of the epoch of Sarlanga approximately 5 years ago .. the best clan in the history of the servant .. jeje .. now I like many temp .. jeje..
Good I am Gonzalo, am from Argentina, am 20 years old and use an Ol/Bi .. I was scameado .. for what I am returning after 6 months without activity and walk looking for clan .. in the one that could help, I am activo.etc..



Pd:Disculpen por el lugar donde coloque el post..supongo que es el mejor lugar..sino corrijanme..
Pd: Forgive for the place where he places the post .. I suppose that it is the best place .. but correct me..


good to cya back ig, i was from sar too... w8 till server is up tho



wellcome back  ;D other ppl to make temp zerk bigger, more fun for me
Bienvenido :b
Nayfall - Magmeld Server - Aore Cardinal 99 / Genocide Clan Member
Irizar (Trick / SH) -> Hero x 2 (Bugged :D)
DraculeMihawk PAL/HE -> Hero x 3
Aziz -> ILuxx gift ;) Hero x 8 (Sold)


Quote from: cristianvernal on October 21, 2009, 04:02:00 AM
good to cya back ig, i was from sar too... w8 till server is up tho

Jajaja .. if I remember his your name .. cristanvernal .. xD I for the present look for a clan q help me to finish a bit my equipment .. already q was plundered by me .. jeje .. and it he will return to the sieges,pvp, etc