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18% increase in M.atk vs Buffslots - Page 2



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18% increase in M.atk vs Buffslots

Started by Zuluman, October 26, 2009, 07:25:09 PM

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Quote from: TomekAlmighty on October 27, 2009, 12:40:27 AM
Yea, make 50 buffslots so you can fight with kiss of eva under wather, and every noob is gonna be fullbuffed with all ressists plx!

The funny thing is that the ones that were so loud with their "qq moar" replays to the complaining mages about the unbalance are complaining now lol. If your so "cool" and laugh at people that complain about unbalance, than why the freak do you do the same now? It really makes no sence and makes you look really dumb.  (my replay isnt really ment just for zulu, but lots of others "qq moar" spammers too.)

Damn i guess i really hate it when someone spams the qq crap here xD

I think adding an extra bar for potions and an extra bar for debuffs would be cool, probably the +18% m.attack should be removed too.

A big +1
Also for the anti-QQ part,they ( archers ) r not anymore gods pressing F1 with an OP bow,now that they've got to use their brain (once again) they just search the easy solution.I vote for fixing BladeStorm as it was ( -90% M.Atack ),and implement new atribute system,plus what Tomek said.Then we'll see what happens...



in times with with buff improves is balanced, u all cry bcz u wanna use full resists for mage, now is good u can hit me for 3k and i cant hit u for 3k on m crit, no more slots and no more nerf
Created in : 29 July 2007
» Jarow1t - SpS / eS  - OFF«
» Jarov1t - Bp / PaL  - OFF«

»Jarow1t - Wynn Summoner - Naia - ON«


Quote from: Viciaa on October 28, 2009, 12:45:23 PM
in times with with buff improves is balanced, u all cry bcz u wanna use full resists for mage, now is good u can hit me for 3k and i cant hit u for 3k on m crit, no more slots and no more nerf


I want to have at least anti-warrior def/attack buffs (skills, pots)  100% on me. Then maybe ill say nerf mages or smthing. As u see a lot of ppl dont care about +18% mage pvp dmg, but all hate buff slot nerf.
"ПроÑ,,ессор Mijamoto!  Ð' прикидывании дурачком, лукавсÑ,ве и заумныÑ... высказыванияÑ... Ñ,ебе неÑ, равныÑ...!"
ИмÑ...о, Mijamoto адекваÑ,нее и разумнее большей часÑ,и населения русской веÑ,ки.[img]

DNx15 / l2inc - Dievs, Stalingrad
HRx25 - Dievs, Severance


Quote from: Viciaa on October 28, 2009, 12:45:23 PM
in times with with buff improves is balanced, u all cry bcz u wanna use full resists for mage, now is good u can hit me for 3k and i cant hit u for 3k on m crit, no more slots and no more nerf
actually if you have ws/protection archers will hit you like 500 with TP (ur sps/es i think)
when i play fighter i dont even have warding cause I don't have the slot. we make it on demand if we meet mages, so thats far from "full resist". even getting 1 resist on a class that need 2+ self bufs is difficult and you've already to make compromises
that'd be fine if you werent getting hit for 10K when you've 0 resists xD


mby yes for warriors more slots , but for mage that slots are useless, i dont need much buffs for killing, in era of icarus bow when attack speed is normall with war chant etc, u can kill me fast not with 500 dmg but 1,5k hits even on TP i have low HP points and low CP, morover rememb that not all have DNET on +6 enchant, ppl killing me fast bcz im mage(i dont think about pal/mage), for example full buffed guy with icarus bow+7 are too good for me, on full buff that guy can hit im on serious dmg.
We can discuss like this to neverending ... im mage i dont need more slots, u are warriros u need ....
Created in : 29 July 2007
» Jarow1t - SpS / eS  - OFF«
» Jarov1t - Bp / PaL  - OFF«

»Jarow1t - Wynn Summoner - Naia - ON«


Created in : 29 July 2007
» Jarow1t - SpS / eS  - OFF«
» Jarov1t - Bp / PaL  - OFF«

»Jarow1t - Wynn Summoner - Naia - ON«


Quote from: Viciaa on October 28, 2009, 03:36:40 PM
mby yes for warriors more slots , but for mage that slots are useless, i dont need much buffs for killing, in era of icarus bow when attack speed is normall with war chant etc, u can kill me fast not with 500 dmg but 1,5k hits even on TP i have low HP points and low CP, morover rememb that not all have DNET on +6 enchant, ppl killing me fast bcz im mage(i dont think about pal/mage), for example full buffed guy with icarus bow+7 are too good for me, on full buff that guy can hit im on serious dmg.
We can discuss like this to neverending ... im mage i dont need more slots, u are warriros u need ....
on my wc/bish i get hit 1K from archer full buf with 12K patk... and that was before the new nerfs. i would get hit 850 now i guess. and that's still without bladestorm!
with blade storm its not even 100 damage lol :) just dont go pvp if u dont have protection/ws/bs imo. you will see the difference is huge. these bufs are just required. without, archer hits for crazy damage.  with them, the damage is unsignificant.


Retired Extremely Dangerous

Kapibar (50% ON)
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Quote from: kang on October 29, 2009, 06:42:00 PM
on my wc/bish i get hit 1K from archer full buf with 12K patk... and that was before the new nerfs. i would get hit 850 now i guess. and that's still without bladestorm!
with blade storm its not even 100 damage lol :) just dont go pvp if u dont have protection/ws/bs imo. you will see the difference is huge. these bufs are just required. without, archer hits for crazy damage.  with them, the damage is unsignificant.

Damn ! show me screen i wanna see it !

Anyway iam still QQ



how about no1 get boost , and just make othr buffline for dances/songs and debuffs?-.-


Quote from: Shreed on October 30, 2009, 09:16:14 AM
Damn ! show me screen i wanna see it !

Anyway iam still QQ


I found only this one, hope its ok

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