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Started by xin, October 23, 2009, 05:26:17 PM

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i liked when pots didnt take a slot
previous setup was ok,   but you could spam any buff u liked and still have space. still it meant you had to have a pp around etc, so kind of nice to make other classes play.
current setup (C4-like basically), on sub classes with a lot of self bufs, you can't rly play the chars to their full potential even if you exclude all dn pots.
simple archers (archer/wk eg) and most mages do not have a lot of self bufs so its mostly a warrior issue (especially orcs and tanks, even if you're not orc/tank)

when you could have 24 slots dances+buf and separated dn pots, you still had to choose (even stuff like, do i use deflect arrow?) but you could have the pdef/patk/combat pots every "i dont need self buffs" classes uses.

not that any will be implemented of course ;)


Quote from: xin on October 23, 2009, 05:26:17 PM
until update, thare was sth like this:
u can have 20 buffs + 10 songs/dances

now there is like in c4:
dances/songs are normal buffs and there are together 20 buff slots...

we are doomed :(



Learn how to buff urselves....

thx and gn  ;)
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


The only problem in dances/songs is still time. Non enchantet dances - 3 min, enchant +2 - 2 min and 30 sec... wtf.

Or its shoud be repair or... all songs/dances work as in official  ???