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Augments on oly

Started by flamingAwe, October 29, 2009, 11:52:42 PM

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Quote from: Furesy on October 30, 2009, 01:29:40 PM
I'm laughing at what you said xd

Besides, I got no time to go oly now, got my mind on other things and got exams week :p
what i said, is basically what you said, so still, qq?
concerning oly balance, hadn't be that balanced for years


Who is the warrior that dies from reflect damage against a SWS/EE??


Quote from: our4n0s on October 30, 2009, 01:03:47 PM
, the job was to BALANCE olympiad, this is 100% done.

just wonder, what balance do you see?
all i noticed for last wekk is that bp/pp became totally useless, sws/ee became shortly usefull, only in good hands can do something vs low damage dealing classes
sps/ee got more classes to eat
none of fighters won anything, besides they lost possible active M bar(as all others, well bonus to sps/ee)  or might(now even less damage)
ty/de unaffected (ah no, forgot, some ppl who could kill them had Celestial aug, removing which only lowered chance of killing them)

Biggest what has happened, is that some classes lost usefull augments, some kept.


Quote from: Dadghamor on October 30, 2009, 01:33:34 PM
Who is the warrior that dies from reflect damage against a SWS/EE??

the manaburned one that without mp, hit normally
ribadiamo che siamo contari a tutte queste cose della parità
le donne vogliono la parità sessuale....ma..boia della vigliacca NON SIAMO PARI.
c'è una bella differenza fra tenere aperto il sacco e sbadilarci dentro

zelig. 23/02/10


Quote from: flamingAwe on October 30, 2009, 01:46:38 PM
just wonder, what balance do you see?
Things are different on NM, by the way Notkiko plays one of my chars, a bp/wk, on NM, and he is one of the balance to ty/de, actually most of bp/mage are rolling ty/de. ty/de is the only balance we have to th/pp, our th/pp is killing everything except ty/de and me on ee/es it's 1-1 so far, that's why we gotta keep orcs this way at least on NM..

Quote from: flamingAwe on October 30, 2009, 01:46:38 PM

all i noticed for last wekk is that bp/pp became totally useless, sws/ee became shortly usefull, only in good hands can do something vs low damage dealing classes
bp/pp with wolfman ftw ! it has some nice buffs, resists, and debuffs, but no every class is meant to be an oly farmer, maybe this is why it doesn't roll oly ?
Why do you keep mentioning ee/sws, if you don't make a bond between them and passiv aug still working then tell me why you mention them lol? it's good if they can still join, the more class, combos can join the olympiad without being overpowered at the same time, the more is the olympiad funny and balanced both at the same time.

Quote from: flamingAwe on October 30, 2009, 01:46:38 PM
sps/ee got more classes to eat
Wrong, as you recognize it laters, sps/ee now cannot win ty/wc ty/ol and ty/de, since no celestial.
Quote from: flamingAwe on October 30, 2009, 01:46:38 PM
none of fighters won anything, besides they lost possible active M bar(as all others, well bonus to sps/ee)  or might(now even less damage)
Fighter didn't win anything directly, but i do hope you can see they won a lot undirectly ?
bp/wk cannot win good th/pp on nm, kiko actually got rolled really bad.
and ty/wc now has a chance vs summoners... like bp wk..
Concerning TH/PPs, they didn't have a chance vs me on ee/es or kazi on pp/wk earlier, but now they do stand a chance, at least for good ones...
Same with glad/pp, hard to kill good ones w/o augments, these mofo are HP bags...
i could keep going but i believe i did my point.

Quote from: flamingAwe on October 30, 2009, 01:46:38 PM
ty/de unaffected (ah no, forgot, some ppl who could kill them had Celestial aug, removing which only lowered chance of killing them)

Indeed, and oly is adapting to them, bp/ne, bp/wk and bp/sorc are poping up, blancing ty/de's.


Quote from: our4n0s on October 30, 2009, 01:57:26 PM
bp/wk cannot win good th/pp on nm, kiko actually got rolled really bad.

gimme FSs, qq :-X

Quote from: flamingAwe on October 30, 2009, 01:46:38 PM
just wonder, what balance do you see?
all i noticed for last wekk is that bp/pp became totally useless, sws/ee became shortly usefull, only in good hands can do something vs low damage dealing classes

lol why sws ee is more usefull than pp bp?? in fact i d say, pp bp with as+16 could kill faster than sws ee with it O_o
Server: Infinity 5x
  NotKiko BP / WK | Kikos SPS / EE



Quote from: Kikolina on October 30, 2009, 02:04:50 PM
lol why sws ee is more usefull than pp bp?? in fact i d say, pp bp with as+16 could kill faster than sws ee with it O_o

2 words: mana burn

now for our4n0s :

BP/xx WERE rolling ty/de, nothing has changed except killing bp/pp class (that ws actually balanced, couldn't kill any mage)
(btw using summng scrolls on oly  is lame, cause it's not part of char, you may not agree, but at least most infinity admited this and play normally, this part not in discusion here)

i mentioned ee/sws ONLY cause this aug removal FAILED to remove them from oly, as 1 of examples, don't put all your attention to that part of post, forget even that i mentioned them, post not about them

for ee/es:  th/pp, glad/pp huge HP, who cares you still can nuke them to death, only thing changed is that nuke now has 0 reuse and 1/3 power of augment (1 sec reuse and 1/2 power for second nuke) for bp/wk other strategy applies

normal sps/ee would kill ty/wc same as w/o augment removal, that 10 sec celestial gives not much
well, removing celestial augment ofc gave more chances for ty/de against sps/ee, but still sps/ee is 1 hit, if ty/de on nm couldn't be close till celestial ends.. well they have lots to learn

no balance was made, only were hardly nerfed 2 classes (bp/pp to 0, and sws/ee to killing less ppl)


Quote from: Kikolina on October 30, 2009, 04:05:37 PM
and bp doesnt have it? seriously the reuse doesnt matter here, sws ee cant kill anything more than pp bp.. he burns u down faster but he cant kill u ( justspirit/flamingawe ).. what he CAN kill, is same as it was burned slower =)

reuse matters a lot
sws/ee can burn faster than mana regens for heal or skill use, bp/pp can't

once again leave this ee/sws offtopic

topic is about removing all augments, not just part.


Quote from: Dag on October 30, 2009, 01:53:14 PM
the manaburned one that without mp, hit normally
you can win anyway, if you scored most damage.EE can only burn your mana without Nuke, that doesn't count as damage...or does?


Quote from: Dag on October 30, 2009, 10:43:21 AM
freezing from sps?

sorry guys :D 4 years here, and 0 mages done
let's do a facebook group? ^^' (2 members?) lol

[url=http://heliosdaedalus.free.fr/laboman/]Laboratory Manager by Oleron[/url]

"We're working on it, please be patient!"


Quote from: flamingAwe on October 30, 2009, 03:20:40 PM

i mentioned ee/sws ONLY cause this aug removal FAILED to remove them from oly, as 1 of examples, don't put all your attention to that part of post, forget even that i mentioned them, post not about them

for ee/es:  th/pp, glad/pp huge HP, who cares you still can nuke them to death, only thing changed is that nuke now has 0 reuse and 1/3 power of augment (1 sec reuse and 1/2 power for second nuke) for bp/wk other strategy applies

normal sps/ee would kill ty/wc same as w/o augment removal, that 10 sec celestial gives not much
well, removing celestial augment ofc gave more chances for ty/de against sps/ee, but still sps/ee is 1 hit, if ty/de on nm couldn't be close till celestial ends.. well they have lots to learn
first i focus on ee sws because to me it is the main problem :  you see ee sws joining oly and making some points as a system error but to me it is wanted, 1 more class that can join oly, make some points nevertheless not farm it is really nice, it adds diversification (is that an english word?) to oly XD

As for ee/es, good pp/th and you have none is really really hard, as for me my problem is draks, 1 shoting pony and stabing me for 4.5k, belive me its harddddddddd :D oh yeah and when i send him pony he drains more hp with VR from jewels than dmg from pony lmao :d

as for ee;sps, 10 sec cele was all they needed to win ty de ty wc etc, cuz atm they meet ty wc 30% hp and they get instant death on NM, if this doesn't ahppen on infinity the only possible reason is that your ty wc is not good enough, since trust me, meeting ty wc from sps ee is geting 2k per hit from a mofo on celestial with huge atak speed.

as for ty de what you mean is not clear, so i ll try to explain better what i said :
sps ee with cele aug >>>>> ty de
sps ee w/o cele aug <<<<<< ty de


Quote from: Dadghamor on October 30, 2009, 04:30:17 PM
you can win anyway, if you scored most damage.EE can only burn your mana without Nuke, that doesn't count as damage...or does?
doesn't count as dmg, already checked, so yeah you made the point, doesn't matter mana burning a mge from sws ee.