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what do u think?

Started by DRAG0N, November 08, 2009, 06:40:45 AM

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what do u think if we have pvp zone at our server like the other servers?? i think it would be cool cuz alot of my friends left me alone here and they play in other servers now cuz of the pvp zones. im sure if we have it here the server will be alive again cuz IAM freakING BORED NOW AND I SEE NOTHING REALLY NEW AND THIS SERVER IS ALLREADY DEAD, CAN WE WAKE IT UP AGAIN PLZ?

P.S: Track if u want to get more votes for this server make events like be4 and if anyone wanna join the event he should vote first. i think its a good way to get more votes for this server, i've seen it on other server and its always on the top.

feel free to share me ur opinion.


i guess things will change once coliseum is up again .. and when underground coli will be implemented ... and as far as i know track said he's working on both and soon they will be on again  ;D

anyway .. wtb FREE TIME to play with u agian  :'(


Quote from: DRAG0N on November 08, 2009, 06:40:45 AM

I seen a new +14 icarus mage weapon  ::) ::) ::) ::)
^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


Quote from: DRAG0N on November 08, 2009, 06:40:45 AM
what do u think if we have pvp zone at our server like the other servers?? i think it would be cool cuz alot of my friends left me alone here and they play in other servers now cuz of the pvp zones. im sure if we have it here the server will be alive again cuz IAM freakING BORED NOW AND I SEE NOTHING REALLY NEW AND THIS SERVER IS ALLREADY DEAD, CAN WE WAKE IT UP AGAIN PLZ?

P.S: Track if u want to get more votes for this server make events like be4 and if anyone wanna join the event he should vote first. i think its a good way to get more votes for this server, i've seen it on other server and its always on the top.

feel free to share me ur opinion.

Before voting there are something to do . Cause  to get more players who will leave the server after 1 week ... that s rly usefull .


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Ruddi -> SH/SK
DonDie -> BI/WC
Gemik -> SH/SE
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze_fgGCStrQ&feature=youtu.be sad moment


Its fun when Tracky write about if he sell someone ic +14 or No, but nothing about this dieing server . . . .


Quote from: evangelie on November 09, 2009, 01:00:33 AM
Its fun when Tracky write about if he sell someone ic +14 or No, but nothing about this dieing server . . . .
You must realize that server is not dieing, it just rumors from the people who don't give a flying freak for this server and not even playing here so just using forum to shit here cause they barely have anything to do. About selling +14 icarus and shits its completely fake info, therefor i wont even talk about it. And you must realize that if there wasn't activity for 2 weeks during my extremely important stuff in rl, it doesn't mean we are dieing , and we are not dieing we didn't die in 5 years we wont die now, so if you plan to write same shit over and over , please DON'T cause it is just a 1 big bs.

p.s. Just to prove my words above and show how lame people like you can be, next time post with your original forum account dont use alts please. Ok   godcat, 16V  ?
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^Russ^ aKa DeadLast... any server anytime


People are whining server is dying since C2, big deal! Everyone thinks they are so important, so when they leave, the server dies :D


Quote from: DRAG0N on November 08, 2009, 06:40:45 AM
what do u think if we have pvp zone at our server like the other servers?? i think it would be cool cuz alot of my friends left me alone here and they play in other servers now cuz of the pvp zones. im sure if we have it here the server will be alive again cuz IAM freakING BORED NOW AND I SEE NOTHING REALLY NEW AND THIS SERVER IS ALLREADY DEAD, CAN WE WAKE IT UP AGAIN PLZ?

P.S: Track if u want to get more votes for this server make events like be4 and if anyone wanna join the event he should vote first. i think its a good way to get more votes for this server, i've seen it on other server and its always on the top.

feel free to share me ur opinion.
Maybe zones where only not-subbed players can pvp vs not-subbed players only?
And new idea... i think that if now the golkondas dont drop horns, why the golkos are too strong that normal ppl cant fight them?
When the server made the RBs stronger because of the 1 person farmer (1ty/des +1pp/BD support) u made quest golkondas stronger...
Think about a lil change there :D ty


Quote from: Gonzal on November 09, 2009, 10:39:43 AM
Maybe zones where only not-subbed players can pvp vs not-subbed players only?
And new idea... i think that if now the golkondas dont drop horns, why the golkos are too strong that normal ppl cant fight them?
When the server made the RBs stronger because of the 1 person farmer (1ty/des +1pp/BD support) u made quest golkondas stronger...
Think about a lil change there :D ty
Actually coliseum and underground coliseum will be those areas with really really good fun, just hold on and you will see.But thx for suggestion
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