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Started by BanThemAll, January 02, 2010, 12:48:20 AM

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Quote from: BanThemAll on January 02, 2010, 12:48:20 AM
Shouldnt be RB hard?

Atm 4 archers full buffed can kill any fuking rb. (Baium too)

Boost rb P.def or regeneration and give mages a chance to kill RB again lol.

TOI golkonda should be a nice pvp spot but now it dies in 4 min or less.

Its smells like old:  "Archers are overpowered" lets make QQ River, nerf them or die trying :P but anyway golka(toi) is the only one RB where archers can get some fun befor like weezer say Any tyr/destro can come and "kill RB alone faster than any archer pt" so gtfo ! now its perfect !


Quote from: DjKhali on January 02, 2010, 01:16:57 AM
im not sure but i think u are from temp because ONLY temps need more more more more and more i know u are so angry because now not only BIG clans/allys like resistance or temp can do smth to get smth step by step. U have on Baium, Valakas, Antharas BIG pvp and one time temp get a drop one time resistance and big clans make coins there. About toi cow TEMPS/RESISTANCE if u are so angry because not only u can get a horn(10dc) camp it get a info when golko die w8 for cow when resp time start and kill or just run faster on toi 11 from toi 10....     Its my opinion let a small clan's get smth too to mby be better biger and finaly fight with biger clans like your

Manezis Hero
Kastelo Hero
Anjeli Hero Baby


Quote from: BanThemAll on January 02, 2010, 01:32:54 AM
This is not about temp or recistance (i dont care about them)

Its just lame that 4 ppl can kill all rbs.(4 archers+bots)

Dont need many skils to leave char with "Attack".

I remember when rbs where OP and u can heal them..there was pvp in all the RB. (C4 / begining of IL)

Now with gate chant it would be even better pvp.

And i remember whole sunday spent on killing golky cause few morons wanted to heal her. gg

moonbreaker - sh/ps
Alicja - wc/sws



xSTRAFKOx(not owner but i used it)


Quote from: BanThemAll on January 02, 2010, 12:48:20 AM

Atm 4 archers full buffed can kill any fuking rb. (Baium too)

maybe nerf archers again 8) heh
~~~~[ NM x30 ]~~~~
~ Lubon - he/wk <3 ~
~ Snoorlax - tyr/de ~

~~~ [TAR] ~~~
~ Pavulon - sps/ee ~