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crit rate with sword



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crit rate with sword

Started by BeGood, December 08, 2009, 04:34:02 PM

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well nice updates but I'm not sure about one thing
"3) Critical stats between swords and blunts have been marked a bit more, now blunts deals more critical damage then swords, BUT swords have more critical rate."

U say with swords now I have more crit rate and lower crit damage, but from what I checked I can clearly say that my crit rate is lower now then before updates.

with FB+focus
189 before
180 after
its not much but when U wrote I have bigger crit rate I expected something else.


Well , there is great change about crit dmg.
Before i hit T-Rex 550-600 normal   -   5500-6000 crit
Now i hit him 550-600 normal      - 2300 crit max , thats just great...


Quote from: dosko on December 08, 2009, 06:19:15 PM
Well , there is great change about crit dmg.
Before i hit T-Rex 550-600 normal   -   5500-6000 crit
Now i hit him 550-600 normal      - 2300 crit max , thats just great...

Before update ai gives 100 critical rate and 100% critical dmg for swords and that was bug, also it gives 100 critical rate and 100% critical dmg for blunt and that was bug also.
Now it works like it should work - I mean 100 critical rate only for swords (without boost for critical dmg) and 100% critical dmg for blunts (without 100 critical rate).

But one question for gms: When You will fix sa of icarus sword? It should give 111 and it gives ~85.


You saying my dmg was bug? And what about Icarus Bow and his normal speed? Should be slow? Like every other servers?
And you say sword give more crut rate? - bit it doesent...crit rate is same.
We have only downgrade for figters class...again. Remember what happend to Orcs...
Paladins was so strong before this "UPDATE" , so they low them?
And what will happend on next "UPDATE" ? , remove from paladins one UD? , they have so many...
Its my 2nd year here , every modification is for mages  or archers , and now fighters are freaked up totaly...
I cant beleve it , its just....


Quote from: dosko on December 08, 2009, 08:48:50 PM
You saying my dmg was bug? And what about Icarus Bow and his normal speed? Should be slow? Like every other servers?
And you say sword give more crut rate? - bit it doesent...crit rate is same.
We have only downgrade for figters class...again. Remember what happend to Orcs...
Paladins was so strong before this "UPDATE" , so they low them?
And what will happend on next "UPDATE" ? , remove from paladins one UD? , they have so many...
Its my 2nd year here , every modification is for mages  or archers , and now fighters are freaked up totaly...
I cant beleve it , its just....
stop QQ since archers geting only nerf or nothing from a rly long time...
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Sali on December 08, 2009, 09:11:49 PM
stop QQ since archers geting only nerf or nothing from a rly long time...

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Poor archers , i feel sorry for them.
Ok , then deleete deflect arrow , stupid skill , and low shield defence , paladins have so many Hevy armor mastery...
And learn more words than "QQ" and "Cry"
I want my dmg back , and ill fight for it.
When i start to play here , the name of server was -  Nightmare x30 , not - Archers vs Mages


Quote from: dosko on December 08, 2009, 09:18:47 PM
Poor archers , i feel sorry for them.
Ok , then deleete deflect arrow , stupid skill , and low shield defence , paladins have so many Hevy armor mastery...
And learn more words than "QQ" and "Cry"
I want my dmg back , and ill fight for it.
When i start to play here , the name of server was -  Nightmare x30 , not - Archers vs Mages
face da faking fact its a server with stack subs what means ull always have like 3 chars to pvp. mage/xx, archer/xx, dagger/xx. I truly piss at ur dmg if u have 2 left hands and cant sub urself, start to care about that de/pal was raping so badly that he had to be nerfed, as always others classes subbed for pal are touched but well, deal with it since this server is still Nightmare x30, thats why all going in this way.
Quote from: Curtis on December 08, 2009, 06:55:07 PM

But one question for gms: When You will fix sa of icarus sword? It should give 111 and it gives ~85.
if im not wrong ic bow have lower crit rate aswell so its not sword problem
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


WTF you want to tell me? its that all of chars in L2?!?!?!  Archer/xx Mage/xx and Dager/xx?
It was hard with Glad/Pal on full buff/song/dance to kill any other char , and now its IMPOSIBLE!
I dont want to boost Paladin or Gladiator dude , i just want bring back stats on one hand wepons.
Actualy , i even dont need your opinion , you are archer.
And when you spoke about Ic. Bow , can you go to donny , read statistic of all Ic weapons , and tell me - Which one have different atc. speed
We are still nighmare - bullshit , we are Nightmare who hates fighters , and try to kill them slowly.


Quote from: dosko on December 08, 2009, 09:48:26 PM
WTF you want to tell me? its that all of chars in L2?!?!?!  Archer/xx Mage/xx and Dager/xx?
It was hard with Glad/Pal on full buff/song/dance to kill any other char , and now its IMPOSIBLE!
I dont want to boost Paladin or Gladiator dude , i just want bring back stats on one hand wepons.
Actualy , i even dont need your opinion , you are archer.
And when you spoke about Ic. Bow , can you go to donny , read statistic of all Ic weapons , and tell me - Which one have different atc. speed
yes, IC bow is slow. Rest is mostly normal or fast.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


R u freaking kidding me?


Quote from: dosko on December 08, 2009, 09:56:26 PM
R u freaking kidding me?
yes, I do.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired