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The big picture ..

Started by tzuc, December 16, 2009, 10:42:15 AM

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i posted this in the newbie section in a thread and thought why not put it here too ..

problem on NM is .. there is no "competition" and the market is poor and always related to coins / horns (to which i heard price dropped to like 12 coins) / rb jewerly. it's weird that even with the adding of craftable dynasty ... the market is still weak.

i think track and gm's should add some sort of event to TAKE coins and adena off the market ... and not add, adena must become stronger

1. reduce coins through events or some sort of stuff. make pvp events or some sort of lottery ... 100 coins go in the lottery / event .. only 20 come out.
2. reduce adena through events .. NOT ENCHANT EVENT !!!, i'm sorry but i don't have a better idea. personally i think an adena wipe would not cause harm for anyone if you look at the long run, new players might be affected at the start, but in the end it's MUCH better for them. and even so with a heads up people can convert adena into items / mats
3. slightly reduce adena drop for mobs above lvl 61, seriously .. under 61 i can understand .. adena for buying d/c/b grade .. but higher than that ..
4. a serious look at spoil, i mean not a 1-2 days decision .... a "closed" analysis with serious old time spoilers ... to promote crafting / selling of all types of items
5. an "aggresive" campaign to get people to the server, which i think involves a big update (not a new version of L2) but a big fix in bugs / adding features etc.
6. you have to understand that any new player who starts ... looks around and thinks:
         a) there is only 1 farming clan on the server, which is temp ( don't think it's bad) .. since others gave up fighting them
         b) it's all about pvp, but without donating / help from a friend or some stupid luck it takes forever to reach a ... similar level of gear to the current top clans, the huge difference between s80 / s84 (dynasty / icarus) and s-grade is depressing (if you remember the difference between a-grade and s-grade wasn't so hugely noticeable)

Even with all my differences with the gm's .. track and all others, I do believe NM has huge potential, it's an old community with quality servers and once in a while with a dev (drake) that has some good ideas. NM probably won't die to soon, but i'm 100% certain it won't grow without some serious actions. 1 update here, another thing there won't make a good enough impact. A wipe is out of discussion, people donated too much to loose everything.

Another idea, a NEW server with big promoting, no donations within the first 3-4 months and even after that no s80 / rb jewelry in donations.

P.S. If i remember correctly drake had done an adena wipe like 2 years ago and I remember a HUUUGEE change in the market, prices dropped like crazy .. everyone was .. selling / buying etc
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


Thre are many ppl who have something for sel, but thre are noone who can buy it. For example BD+F+5/6 or same AM. Noone want that shit. We have few ppl who can use that weapon but they dont have even 10 dc for it. Ppl who have 10 dc for it, dont want it. So i think we need more new players and they must be able to farm something for coins.
SpS/EE - nobless
SR/SWS - nobless


2 years ago we had the Adena Bug, and after the problem was solved there was a Enchant Event that people could buy Blessed Enchants for Adena (in that time was only possible to buy for adena), so people r crazy selling all items and even coins (i remember people selling coin for 400kk) to get Adena.

Some ideas r good, others i think need more discussion. Especially those about Spoil.