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TO track about glads

Started by OwnerPL, January 13, 2010, 02:14:19 PM

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LOL  evrytime  i get block wepons in olympiad.......
Nightmare 30x
Nimradell BD/PS Hero ;)
Nivael Glad/PP
Arakiba WC/Bp


ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: drago.n.et on January 13, 2010, 08:39:37 PM
Furesy you have true. It lowered... and if you have glad and I know that you haven't (like main char) so you can find out that dnet light is now for glads better then dnet heavy. Some glads trade heavy sets for light (if you don't know about some... example can be Teargas or me).
About Ashlynn... it seems that you write here just for number of your posts. So I can tell that you are just spammer and you don't solve and chatting about this topic. You are ignorant. I can agree just with point 3. with you.
And last point of my message - agree with Kafaro 100%
This post would have been funny if Teargas wasn't my char :D

Oh btw, I didn't trade my Dyna heavy for Light, I just have both sets.


Quote from: drago.n.et on January 13, 2010, 08:39:37 PM
Furesy you have true. It lowered... and if you have glad and I know that you haven't (like main char) so you can find out that dnet light is now for glads better then dnet heavy. Some glads trade heavy sets for light (if you don't know about some... example can be Teargas or me).
About Ashlynn... it seems that you write here just for number of your posts. So I can tell that you are just spammer and you don't solve and chatting about this topic. You are ignorant. I can agree just with point 3. with you.
And last point of my message - agree with Kafaro 100%
furesy was hero last month on glad/pp with more than 200 points so shhhh and learn to play ur char :P
  Nightmare 30x


Quote from: jygh on January 13, 2010, 08:53:48 PM
furesy was hero last month on glad/pp with more than 200 points so shhhh and learn to play ur char :P
I'm not the only one playing it :p


Btw Alex we Fight yesterday and we fight 6x and 5x i get block wepons so WTF :D ?
Nightmare 30x
Nimradell BD/PS Hero ;)
Nivael Glad/PP
Arakiba WC/Bp


Quote from: nivael on January 13, 2010, 09:02:57 PM
Btw Alex we Fight yesterday and we fight 6x and 5x i get block wepons so WTF :D ?

I heard on critical strike weapon blockade deletes char from account, so better take care!
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: drago.n.et on January 13, 2010, 08:39:37 PM
About Ashlynn... it seems that you write here just for number of your posts. So I can tell that you are just spammer and you don't solve and chatting about this topic. You are ignorant. I can agree just with point 3. with you.
Actually point 2 is true as well. Not the one concerning Sabres. The second sentence I mean :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: OwnerPL on January 13, 2010, 02:14:19 PM
gladiators are too weak now so give back

1) Heavy Armor Mastery (50lvl) we have now Heavy Armor Mastery (26lvl)  ppl with light armor have same p def like ppl with heavy armor QQ
2) Skills power is to low
3)Weapon blockade have to low % for chance


bla bla bla ,,, welcome to mage age again !!!


Ok so sorry Furesy. I have bad info about this. But 2 things are interesting: 1) If you are Teargas... so why you are against this topic and
2) why I see you everytime in light? I don't say that you haven't both sets. But if you say that's bullshit (about mastery of heavy set - and that light is better) so why you use light? If is it lie...

Jyghj thx for info... I really dunno it :) Anyway I probably need learn to play my char but I was hero on gl/pp too - so I think that I am not big noob :P


Quote from: drago.n.et on January 14, 2010, 03:59:35 PM
Ok so sorry Furesy. I have bad info about this. But 2 things are interesting: 1) If you are Teargas... so why you are against this topic and
2) why I see you everytime in light? I don't say that you haven't both sets. But if you say that's bullshit (about mastery of heavy set - and that light is better) so why you use light? If is it lie...

Jyghj thx for info... I really dunno it :) Anyway I probably need learn to play my char but I was hero on gl/pp too - so I think that I am not big noob :P
Well, there are 2 players that play Teargas, it's my char, but my friend also plays it, he > me !

Dyna Light gives more attack speed, so we tend to use it depending on enemies (it's also possible Teargas is wearing robe set, since it's same textures as Light on Female Warrior)
Dyna Heavy gives more P def then Light on Gladiator, so nothing wrong there.

Anyhow, I noticed last night that Weapon Blockade got nerfed though, the landing rate is kinda low but most funny stuff is that the effect only lasts like 4 seconds now :) Kinda lame lol


Quote from: drago.n.et on January 14, 2010, 03:59:35 PM

Jyghj thx for info... I really dunno it :) Anyway I probably need learn to play my char but I was hero on gl/pp too - so I think that I am not big noob :P
but i didnt said nufin bad :P just that even iff u r hero u ve still to learn it xD
  Nightmare 30x