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About Sps/EE

Started by QQmoar, January 17, 2010, 10:30:11 PM

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Quote from: Ungolianth on January 25, 2010, 04:06:20 AM
even if ur top 3 nm pk that dont mean nothing...cuz only dumb fag or afk bot let himself get pked by low equiped cuntface :D all who got some honour will flag back at u....but nvm ur proud at ur status so case is closed,,,,buhahah u killed me with the part that ur payed for playing games dear hoe...since ur working in i net caffe for 500 euro on month and u wish to feel like some blizzard guy that test games XD kktybb
And that's what I was talking about one post above. And I also said you can't distinguish between being PK player and having most PK points. Thanks for proving my point.
Well that's pretty funny part. I lack resolve to farm stuff and I have better things to do with money than donate to feel like a pro. So again, who is escaping to the virtual world? Yes, sweetheart, it is you, not me.
You cannot flag while attacking PK. I thought you will already know it.
Actually, I don't feel like a Blizzard employee, but I feel like I have much better (or at least amusing) job than most of people around.

You were seriously weak once again...  ::) But don't be sad you failed, I had quite a good laughter during reading your craps. Keep it up, maybe one day you'll be famous stand-up comedian. Ooops, you already are (in some way).

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


fix blessing of eva!  ;D



Quote from: Ungolianth on January 25, 2010, 01:04:54 PM
and this should be funny what u wrotte? y some ppl like to farm i rather work 2 days and i buy equip they cant afort after 1 year farming so whats bad about it saving my time for other things like spaming forum XD how u know what work got most of ppl around? and talking bout weaknes in your case is kinda funny since u look like teenage dirtbag like i said once...such brave hoes are rly funny =D behind pc u feel like on celestial but tbh ur just a complexed hoe mad on the world and this way ur boosting ur lil ego tortured by real life :D i doubt it will take u more then 5 mins to reply since ur addicted to bullshit talking on forum so i just go for my beer and i am right back to read ur another smartass answer =D with love ur dear ungo
So now you can clearly see, what kind of hypocrite you are. You're accusing me from escaping to e-world to be someone, while you are actually the one doing it. Well done, ungo, well done. 8)
It's actually pretty simple to find out, you just open your mouth and ask them. No big deal. I sense you never did such thing, since without keyboard it must be tough for you...
Pl1x pl0x tell me more about my life! You are so accurate! :D Once again you made my day, poor monkey. I'd actually tell you something concerning your look, but since I don't wanna drop down to your mental level, I'll keep it for myself and have few moments of sincere laughter instead.

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Furesy on January 25, 2010, 01:38:54 PM
Nothing wrong with it tbh lol
ofc it's works wrong! lol
1. when EE is in combat this skill doesn't restore CP (only HP and MP)
2. This skill doesn't remove debuffs (shoud do that)


Quote from: Pawciu on January 25, 2010, 06:21:01 PM
ofc it's works wrong! lol
1. when EE is in combat this skill doesn't restore CP (only HP and MP)
2. This skill doesn't remove debuffs (shoud do that)

before it resotred 60% mp and 60% cp, not it restores both 100%, and some CP...
it removes debuffs, but not with 100% chance


Quote from: flamingAwe on January 25, 2010, 06:50:28 PM
before it resotred 60% mp and 60% cp, not it restores both 100%, and some CP...
it removes debuffs, but not with 100% chance
Yea, tbh the skill works better as before lol


Quote from: Furesy on January 25, 2010, 07:08:02 PM
Yea, tbh the skill works better as before lol

I prefer to remove debuffs and restore CP (better for mass pvp and in oly). Maybe now is good, but only in exp or rb... (full mana + fast reuse)


Quote from: Pawciu on January 25, 2010, 09:33:40 PM
I prefer to remove debuffs and restore CP (better for mass pvp and in oly). Maybe now is good, but only in exp or rb... (full mana + fast reuse)
Giving 100% HP and MP so owns 100% CP lol (and before it removed debuffs but not at 100% rate either, and it didn't remove stuff like Silence / Curse gloom)
Maybe at oly SPS/EE doesn't need MP anymore since all they do is hold F1 for hydro and F2 for cancel and win 99% of the matches like that, yea, then you don't need Mana at all.


Quote from: Furesy on January 25, 2010, 09:36:50 PM
and it didn't remove stuff like Silence / Curse gloom)

how i can use this skill when i got silence?  :D

u have right, and me also. But i think all skill shoud work like in official serwer.... no FS: Blessing Of Track's Dream


Quote from: jaroPC_x15 on January 26, 2010, 07:08:29 PM

yo should be happy that u can use it on urself..

its true, but this skill restore 100% hp / mp / cp only ON TARGET

yes Pawciu this skill is bugged :)
< Requiescat in pace >

RPG club



Quote from: jaroPC_x15 on January 26, 2010, 07:08:29 PM

yo should be happy that u can use it on urself..

Topic got owned....
