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Raids & TY/DE

Started by IvolveR, January 20, 2010, 10:57:19 AM

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Quote from: TrackZero on January 20, 2010, 02:07:01 PM
full drops are rare (last night was just a test, dont expect same)
i was at naga and he dropped 2 dyna weap this morning not yesterday night..n/c...
i agree whit encube..recipes are enought


An idea - fun from RB gone not only cuz of ty/des, but becouse there was update with imposible heal on RB. Heal on RB is lame yes - but there was a lot of fun when RB was possible for heal cuz every one boss become litle siege. Just make Q golkys to be imposible for heal.


Quote from: TrackZero on January 20, 2010, 01:58:13 PM
I was thinking to reply you something on this one, but all my efforts fail really //setparam iq

ty for answer. in chosing betwen "yes" and "no" you found third one
IQ is constant for every personalyty, seems yours is Zero, same as my respect now to you

go on edit some variables, since you can't code anything normally, and i can prove my words by just putting quotes of your previous posts


+1 - stupid idea

cuz crafting dyn items was the way to make money.. and now dyn's will cost cheaper... no reason to craft.. better made good ty\de and play only with him. leave it how it was.


Quote from: Add1ction on January 20, 2010, 03:30:35 PM
+1 - stupid idea

cuz crafting dyn items was the way to make money.. and now dyn's will cost cheaper... no reason to craft.. better made good ty\de and play only with him. leave it how it was.

Having Dynasty on drops from RB doesnt mean that will ALWAYS drop, ofc will become cheaper, but u can still sell it for a good price.


Track, if you really want to made raiding at this server a fun and hard team / clan challenge that could show true team skills and coordination, IMHO you should:

1) Put any effort to the every class that become involved to raid could do their job effectively - like: give tanks 2 or 3  x more skill power at aggression and hate skills (did anyone seen a busy tank at raid lately ? :) ) or more PVE landrate of debuffs like - hex / power break / curse weakness, seals of OL etc. Everything what makes really busy every1 in party is welcomed.

2) If TY/DE is still a 1 man party-army, lets nerf him a bit - my suggestion is -> BIZON TOTEM, just nerf it to effect only with FISTS (like 80% of tyrant totems) and his insane dmg output should be clearly decrased giving other damage dealers in party chance to do something other than sitting/waiting/ressing :)

3) If nerfing a TY/DE with bison totem is bad idea (i bet all TY/DE would cry a river about it :D) incresting reflect dmg shield of raidbosses should do the work.


Quote from: ataman on January 20, 2010, 04:01:33 PM
Track, if you really want to made raiding at this server a fun and hard team / clan challenge that could show true team skills and coordination, IMHO you should:

1) Put any effort to the every class that become involved to raid could do their job effectively - like: give tanks 2 or 3  x more skill power at aggression and hate skills (did anyone seen a busy tank at raid lately ? :) ) or more PVE landrate of debuffs like - hex / power break / curse weakness, seals of OL etc. Everything what makes really busy every1 in party is welcomed.

2) If TY/DE is still a 1 man party-army, lets nerf him a bit - my suggestion is -> BIZON TOTEM, just nerf it to effect only with FISTS (like 80% of tyrant totems) and his insane dmg output should be clearly decrased giving other damage dealers in party chance to do something other than sitting/waiting/ressing :)

3) If nerfing a TY/DE with bison totem is bad idea (i bet all TY/DE would cry a river about it :D) incresting reflect dmg shield of raidbosses should do the work.
good idea


Quote from: flamingAwe on January 20, 2010, 02:39:04 PM
ty for answer. in chosing betwen "yes" and "no" you found third one
IQ is constant for every personalyty, seems yours is Zero, same as my respect now to you

go on edit some variables, since you can't code anything normally, and i can prove my words by just putting quotes of your previous posts

same as whole infinity community has to u XD (kiddin.....or maybe not)

Track is trying to give refresh to the fun and to help  a bit the newcomers...  if dynasty weapon price will be lowered it will be easier for a new player buy it... and maybe it will bring the new clans to join some side in the pvp, sieges and so on...

Did U noticed how many little new clans we have? but not even 1 of them joined in war? only old clans are fighting... and in these new clans...if some member grows in equip and lvl he leaves and he goes into a bigger old clan...

maybe this new update will change a bit the general situation in the servers...who knows...
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


Nerfing ty\de its rassism :P  Im sure, another way can be.


high reflect damage in raiids will not only freak ty/de  but all the close range fighters...

Wanna  make something for the 1 man-army ty/de??  as already some1 said I think it's enough to set bison workin only with fists =-P,
Storm Screamer/Shillen's Saint 85

Infinity player since 15:53 gmt+1 of 28th june 2005 goddammit!


it will make impossible trains... and etc. imo. its not good idea


Nerfing ty/de is really dumb idea. If bison will work with fist only - ty/de combo is useless, cuz bison is a main reason why ppl sub destro to tyrant. So, if that nerf happens - ty/de will be close to a clean de, what can even kill the ty/de combo.

To all who want that nerf: gtfo! Stop crying about nerfing any classes. Better grow a pair of straight working hands.
Nothing stops u of making a ty/de or any other combo which owns in ur opinion & u cry to nerf it. (u'll fail playing it most probably too)

Btw, nerf of fist fury is enough for ty/de alrdy.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.