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Dagger blows dmg



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Dagger blows dmg

Started by legendaryvicious, January 25, 2010, 03:49:01 AM

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This is a remake of the lost post misiek created, but this time with pics about dagger blow dmg.  Tested on pp/th with draco set +3/4 as the receiving end of the attacks and a pw/sws as the attacker with as+cd+3.

You can see in the pics the buffs and stats of both the receiver and the attacker, as well as the baium and aq rings and enchant values of backstab and vicious stance.




First no critical wound



Now with critical wound



Now with critical wound and expose weakpoint



That would be all for today, the rest is up for you track to make a decision.

P.S: we  had to spend 7 minutes trying to make expose weak point land  :-X
You Can't Kill the Messiah.


1,6k on bs without cat buf its quite good specially on pw that dont have good passiv for critical power. With decent gear and cat buff you should make ~2k or more with critical wound and ewp so that will be ~4k for critical blow and its nice ;)

The porblem is mage p.def. On Your screens th have lil less than 1,9k p def with draco set and i remember than pawcio have 2k p.def in dyna robe and that one big LOL :) How mage in robe can have more p.def than light armor user in s-grade o_O

Also guys, check dmg with and without epic jewellery cause some time ago i remember that bnous from epics for critical power with blow was really shity and it should be +15% from baium and +15% from aq. But check it without buffs and without SA Critical dmg. We will see clear if you will make blow for example for 500dmg without buffs, CD and epic jewel that should give 650dmg with epic jew and i remember that bonus was maybe 10% or 15%.
I hope You understand what i mean :D


truth is damage is low, a fully geared dagger should be doing a minimum of 2 - 2.5k ( on backstab, no crit) on a fully buffed mage. .. i'll post some retail links with damage. problem is that the formula for calculating damage is wrong and doesn't take into account patk / dagger patk and the crit power passives are not added correctly


look and check damage, you can see the damage it gives to that bishop in dynasty full buff (probably zerk but still) 6.8k on backstab crit, and that's TH, not AW
Nothing Lasts forever, so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid the bullshit, take chances, and never have regrets because at one point, everything you did, was exactly what you wanted

l2 over and out ! occasional cs + dota


TH/wk 85 skill + 12 actif/passif  ica dagger +cd+3 /  FS learned

buff cat + potion + focus power + VS i did 4850 on a pr/bd 85 with dnet light on buff pp ? where is the problem with ur damage


Both chars lvl 83 with full rb and dyna set. (dagger is pw/tk with  all skills +12, have all FS learned and As+CD)

http://img710.imageshack.us/i/4daguer.jpg/ -> deadly blow+critical wound from the front.

http://img197.imageshack.us/i/2daguer.jpg/ -> Backstab+Crticial wound from the back.

http://img710.imageshack.us/i/3daguer.jpg/ -> backstab witout critical wound.

http://img638.imageshack.us/i/5daguer.jpg/ -> Not many diference between normal crit and skill.. (790 normal crit, 1141 Backstab)

All skills made with Focus death ,Mortal strike +12 Critical power and vicius stance +12 power.

Even for a pw dmg is way too low.Think that target is a elf mage/healer  (others mage have more p.def).

I didnt have time to make a test with expose weak point since it dont land very often..


Quote from: Curtis on January 25, 2010, 08:34:34 AM
1,6k on bs without cat buf its quite good specially on pw that dont have good passiv for critical power. With decent gear and cat buff you should make ~2k or more with critical wound and ewp so that will be ~4k for critical blow and its nice ;)

That 1,5k its already with ewp and cw landed, guy has as+cd+aq+baium+vs+focus death, u cant get better gear (only critical passive but this wouldnt add so much). With all that conditions occured it should be minimum 4k.

Quote from: tzuc on January 25, 2010, 08:55:44 AM
problem is that the formula for calculating damage is wrong and doesn't take into account patk / dagger patk and the crit power passives are not added correctly
the formula is not so bad, cuz actually p atk/dagger patk have nothing with blow dmg, thats why daggers dont need ++++ gear to pwn. its prolly nerfed as hell. But let them fix that attribute system, so elemental enchanted blows will be affected with attribute value of dagger, maybe that will fix whole situation ;). Btw on offi 150 attribute value gives like +80% dmg from blow so here with 450 value should be like 240%? 800dmg + 1920 dmg = 2720dmg? Sounds fine, seems fixed.

Quote from: seboulba on January 25, 2010, 09:51:43 AM
TH/wk 85 skill + 12 actif/passif  ica dagger +cd+3 /  FS learned

buff cat + potion + focus power + VS i did 4850 on a pr/bd 85 with dnet light on buff pp ? where is the problem with ur damage
screens? Btw. all of us had prolly similar situation "one time i made superb damage", but this is not the case.


Not all blows are made with VS as i see on screens.

Also i see another mage with 2k p.def :D

Quote from: seboulba on January 25, 2010, 09:51:43 AM
TH/wk 85 skill + 12 actif/passif  ica dagger +cd+3 /  FS learned

buff cat + potion + focus power + VS i did 4850 on a pr/bd 85 with dnet light on buff pp ? where is the problem with ur damage

You ask us if he was on pp buff or what? We dont see problem with 4,9k like you say when someone have pp buffs with zerg propably and g.might so he had ~1,2k p def. Now go and check it again vs mage with cop and 2k p.def.
Also that 4,9k was from critical blow or normal blow? Cause this is big diffrent ;)

One more time guys pls check blows wihout buffs and without epic and then with epics cause i remember that bonus for blows was wrong some time ago and i cant check it by myself :<


Quote from: WscieklyWaz on January 25, 2010, 10:53:53 AM
That 1,5k its already with ewp and cw landed, guy has as+cd+aq+baium+vs+focus death, u cant get better gear (only critical passive but this wouldnt add so much). With all that conditions occured it should be minimum 4k.

When im talk about decent gear im talking about ic+cd :P Also add critical power like you say and cat buff and he will make ~2k per blow, 4k per critical blow so its quite good ;)


Quote from: Curtis on January 25, 2010, 11:10:32 AM
When im talk about decent gear im talking about ic+cd :P Also add critical power like you say and cat buff and he will make ~2k per blow, 4k per critical blow so its quite good ;)

Icarus is prolly bugged, cuz it add like 70dmg on blow...

with cat buff, bj, on a guy with draco set u think 2k is guite good?


Quote from: WscieklyWaz on January 25, 2010, 11:12:25 AM
Icarus is prolly bugged, cuz it add like 70dmg on blow...

with cat buff, bj, on a guy with draco set u think 2k is guite good?

Ouch ;)

Yeah 2k its quite good when he have 2k p def and cop ;) Also with 1,2k a.speed (without combat) and songs he can just spam deadly blow and bs so if he will make 2k per hit and from time to time 4k from critical its nice ;)

BTW propably good implemented attribute system for daggers (I mean att in weapons + blow eanchanted for same att like in weapon) will solve all problems :)
OFC fun will start when for example th/pal will use stun shield with earth weakness + bs with earth attribute + ic+cd+ lvl 9 earth att :D Then ppl will cry to nerf daggers ;)


Quote from: Curtis on January 25, 2010, 11:21:53 AM
Ouch ;)

Yeah 2k its quite good when he have 2k p def and cop ;) Also with 1,2k a.speed (without combat) and songs he can just spam deadly blow and bs so if he will make 2k per hit and from time to time 4k from critical its nice ;)

BTW propably good implemented attribute system for daggers (I mean att in weapons + blow eanchanted for same att like in weapon) will solve all problems :)
OFC fun will start when for example th/pal will use stun shield with earth weakness + bs with earth attribute + ic+cd+ lvl 9 earth att :D Then ppl will cry to nerf daggers ;)

I dont really belive that any skill enchant option that came with hb works, so dont worry about earth weakness;p


Quote from: WscieklyWaz on January 25, 2010, 11:41:43 AM
I dont really belive that any skill enchant option that came with hb works, so dont worry about earth weakness;p

Yes i know that but they will repair it some day ;D