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Bugged atr resistance buffs

Started by VforVanilla, February 04, 2010, 06:07:52 PM

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Quote from: lucifsg on February 06, 2010, 12:01:05 AM
dude lol i can narrow this dmg  (the 435 or w/e it was ) down to 200 or less not pet ofc. u just dont know the "how to "

and btw atribute system works fine u dont know how it works though obviously. maybe google and read about it .

as for the dmg thing i said (200 or less) , if u want prooves (anytime)  just call noobskiller and give him the buffs he had when he was hitting u ...

ps ur not even close to full defense stance sorry :S

Ahaha, it works fine? aha

I know how attribute system suppose to work in HB and it doesn't work like it should here, and the damage is bullshit.

But well, you only care about yourself and your necro anyway, all you want is some profit for yourself.

Anyways, go show it then, max defense setup in terms of buffs and M def, I'm interested... Oh, and no need to get some special stuff you wouldn't get on normal PvP's, since you would never have that anyway.

Quote from: lucifsg on February 06, 2010, 02:19:55 AM
ofc it is :) u had gloom and vortrex and i bet ur atribute vs dark is freaked up :) so its totally normal ... go read the "im totally noob, i add atribute on my weapon and i think i can 2shot ppl, but hey , how do i defend my ass vs other atributes" manual and cya around
btw who s crying lol
I doubt you actually know how it works and maybe remind us, who was crying before that he sucked so hard ingame and archers were critting him for 8k on hero UD? And now suddenly no more? Oh wait, your necro/pp got some awesome boost from this 'lol' attribute system and suddenly everything is fine... ok x)


Quote from: Furesy on February 06, 2010, 09:16:24 AM
bla bla bla qq
I doubt you actually know how it works
bla bla bla snif snif

ya i know how it works and works fine for me . so go figure out how it works as i did . archers now can run like hell so its pretty balanced for me . the only thing i would agree is pvp dmg reduction like 15% for all classes, so pvp lasts longer. btw u cry about 400 dmg in ur so called full m def- dark resist setup. what would satisfy ur ass 50 dmg ? gtfo

and no i dont care just about my char i care for balance. now that m crits rate is nerfed , taking 6k dmg magic crit  on gloom and vortrex from a mage with m att setup and + 10 icarus is just fine. ye i talk about sali. and once more i bet he has no atribute resist vs dark cause he doesnt know how it works. as u dont as well...


Quote from: lucifsg on February 06, 2010, 12:18:27 PM

ya i know how it works and works fine for me . so go figure out how it works as i did . archers now can run like hell so its pretty balanced for me . the only thing i would agree is pvp dmg reduction like 15% for all classes, so pvp lasts longer. btw u cry about 400 dmg in ur so called full m def- dark resist setup. what would satisfy ur ass 50 dmg ? gtfo

and no i dont care just about my char i care for balance. now that m crits rate is nerfed , taking 6k dmg magic crit  on gloom and vortrex from a mage with m att setup and + 10 icarus is just fine. ye i talk about sali. and once more i bet he has no atribute resist vs dark cause he doesnt know how it works. as u dont as well...
everyone who knows how it works, will know that THERE IS NO DEFENSE VS IT

You can defend vs -ONE- attribute, if your choice is dark, then you have ZERO (0, ZERO!!!) defense vs water/wind/earth/fire/holy

If you can manage to defend vs TWO attributes, then please Show me your stats window together with your Buffs

and as far as mages are concered now, IF before you thought that the damage is high, and you can resist it with buffs
Now there is NO RESIST BUFFS
If Before you would say: Damage from light vortex/Solar flare is high, But can be resisted with Divine/Holy protection, Now THERE IS NO MORE OF THIS
On the other hand, there is also NO SURRENDER ANYMORE,
However Necromancer has no surrender but has GLOOM
Which leads us to: Necromancer is the -THE BEST- Damage dealing mage at the moment


Quote from: lucifsg on February 06, 2010, 12:18:27 PM
Quote from: wildpussy on February 06, 2010, 01:18:32 PM
he is right!

funny how dumb u are, but keep posting to make us more sure all u know about l2 is to get oe items and push f1. Anyway to prove ur wrong, i got 3 armore parts against unholy, unholy resistance, dance of aligment, frintezza, and dynasty set. And 7k? I think its faking clear any resists are not working, but ull keep posting ur cokcy comments how pro ur since we got bugged atribute system and finaly u can kill some1, but hey, we will see soon after some fixes, if ur come here to cry about op archers  ;)
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: Alex on February 06, 2010, 02:17:18 AM
I was testing if magic resist buffs are working with necro who has lvl 9 dark attack in weapon and unholy protection didnt reduce damage at all.

also you may test with 0 lvl (meaning not attributed weapon), unholy protection won't do any difference
to defend against high lvl attribute in weapon - you need attribute in armor + buffs
to defend against low lvl attribute, buffs can be enough

untill drake understands what he created, try to focking understand the system and use it (buy 6 S+ sets xD), there is no bug in it as it works, only "strange" idea of creators


Quote from: lucifsg on February 06, 2010, 12:18:27 PM
ya i know how it works and works fine for me .
This kinda states already how you think, yea it works fine for you since you're a Necro and it only works in your benefit.
And really, it's not hard to figure out how it works now, but how it works now is just plain stupid, and sure, let's not call it bugged, since the system now completely makes no sense.

so go figure out how it works as i did . archers now can run like hell so its pretty balanced for me . the only thing i would agree is pvp dmg reduction like 15% for all classes, so pvp lasts longer. btw u cry about 400 dmg in ur so called full m def- dark resist setup. what would satisfy ur ass 50 dmg ? gtfo
Yea, 50 damage on full dark resist buff, which is only 1 element out of the 6 element that mage classes have, seems pretty ok to me, and this was like it was before. Since there's nobody on this server that will go PvP with 5 resists buffs for all 6 elements to protect themselves against mages, since then he has no more space left to even buff against fighters, let alone buff any attack buffs.

I played Necro also, and I did a lot of damage, only when people knew they were fighting me and buffed themselves against dark, for example Ensign, the only mage that gave me trouble back when I played my Necro, we were doing each other 150 dmg a nuke simply because we both were buffed properly against each other. Now, with this system, that's not even possible anymore since resists are useless.

and no i dont care just about my char i care for balance. now that m crits rate is nerfed , taking 6k dmg magic crit  on gloom and vortrex from a mage with m att setup and + 10 icarus is just fine. ye i talk about sali. and once more i bet he has no atribute resist vs dark cause he doesnt know how it works. as u dont as well...
You know shit really, and all you ever cared about is obviously yourself and your own char, you already proven that when you started that cry topic about archers in the first place with the most funny arguments lol

Resist buffs have become 100% useless because they don't do sh1t anymore, and like others already stated the only way to defend yourself against mage attacks like you could before with buffs.
Is getting 6x Dyna set and putting all armors with one attribute as defense and switch set during PvP 24/7 depending on what enemy you are fighting. Sounds like fun.


Quote from: flamingAwe on February 06, 2010, 02:31:06 PM
also you may test with 0 lvl (meaning not attributed weapon), unholy protection won't do any difference
to defend against high lvl attribute in weapon - you need attribute in armor + buffs
to defend against low lvl attribute, buffs can be enough

untill drake understands what he created, try to focking understand the system and use it (buy 6 S+ sets xD), there is no bug in it as it works, only "strange" idea of creators

i tested on weapon with low attribute and on weapon w/o attribute as well and still resists didnt reduce damage at all, and yes I had defense from dark attribute in my armor.

Resist buffs are useless now - they dont work completely
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


surrender works fine test it some min ago. as for atributes im sick of this . i dont want to open ur eyes about this , i spend coins and time to figure out how to and ye it was pretty freaking hard to understand whats going on. i ressist succefully 2 atributes and going for 3rd one as soon as i get enough atribute stones/crystals. if u wanna test just lets redo the test u did with noobskiller, same buffs as u had and see the diference.

i ll probably explain to Track how its working and thats all (doubt he doesnt allready though)

PS the only thing not working is unholy and divine buffs , thats why u got this problem from necro


Quote from: lucifsg on February 06, 2010, 09:21:47 PM
surrender works fine test it some min ago. as for atributes im sick of this . i dont want to open ur eyes about this , i spend coins and time to figure out how to and ye it was pretty freaking hard to understand whats going on. i ressist succefully 2 atributes and going for 3rd one as soon as i get enough atribute stones/crystals. if u wanna test just lets redo the test u did with noobskiller, same buffs as u had and see the diference.

i ll probably explain to Track how its working and thats all (doubt he doesnt allready though)

lol you donated already for 2 dnet sets and going for 3rd? xDDD


Quote from: lucifsg on February 06, 2010, 09:21:47 PM
surrender works fine test it some min ago. as for atributes im sick of this . i dont want to open ur eyes about this , i spend coins and time to figure out how to and ye it was pretty freaking hard to understand whats going on. i ressist succefully 2 atributes and going for 3rd one as soon as i get enough atribute stones/crystals. if u wanna test just lets redo the test u did with noobskiller, same buffs as u had and see the diference.

i ll probably explain to Track how its working and thats all (doubt he doesnt allready though)

oh yes mr.knowthemall ;d ur evil experiments may bring us Frankenstein 2, keep doing good job bro!
                                                                                 BuffujacyMis <> C0r7ez <> eXtRaVaGaNzA <> Saali <3


Quote from: lucifsg on February 06, 2010, 09:21:47 PM
surrender works fine test it some min ago. as for atributes im sick of this . i dont want to open ur eyes about this , i spend coins and time to figure out how to and ye it was pretty freaking hard to understand whats going on. i ressist succefully 2 atributes and going for 3rd one as soon as i get enough atribute stones/crystals. if u wanna test just lets redo the test u did with noobskiller, same buffs as u had and see the diference.

i ll probably explain to Track how its working and thats all (doubt he doesnt allready though)

PS the only thing not working is unholy and divine buffs , thats why u got this problem from necro

yea and i was wondering how its possible to lose to a noob when i was winning really great necros, while i simply was getting 100% damage from nukes instead of ~60% (unholy resist+tezza+DNET set)

fix nuke-resist buffs plx
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢