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About last update

Started by eagleye, February 06, 2010, 09:56:28 AM

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This topic is not a crying topic so don't make a QQ-post
Yesterday Track you make a shity update that make this game without sense now. I have a he/pal and i don't have pro bow(mean Icarus), pro armor( mean Dnet) - only ic set, db+f+7,baium,QA. Before this update on full buff (without zerk ofc) i haved about 900 a.speed - now after this update on ud or vengance i will have only 720 - wtf ? now when I shoot 5 arrow in mage - he will be hit me 10 times (and 3 m.crits for 2k <lol> ). You wanted to make game more balanced - ok , make shorter range (let's forget that if some1 stay on UD we can go away from him :) ), make even less crit dmg, but why you cut a.speed ? if you want game fore balanced make icarus slow speed as it should be - do not nerf archers who don't have pro EQ. Make even longer reuse (but not too much ofc ;p )but don't take a.speed. Now tank sub is a Shit   to archer. If you don't change this more and more ppl will leave server or reroll to mage  and we will see more death server than now (look how many we have pvp on varka/mos ). And tell me 1 thing : You changed "bugged" buffbar to new one and now i can not properly buff  (for pvp ofc i will buff or for mage or for archers ) but how I can buff for siege when i fight against mage and archers - i can't use my skills (deflect arrow,majesty,etc) and resist agains mage because there is no slot for buffs (do not forget about counter dash and others) - so maybe make a 5-6 new slot only for self-skills (self skills - I mean skills which you can't give to some1 else) and pots, etc.
Waiting for answer from Track
PS: sry for my bad English :D


Quote from: darkcore on February 07, 2010, 02:39:40 AM
ofc not... is a non-sense topic

maybe make a 5-6 new slot only for self-skills  ? ? ??

man have you lost your mind ig ?

PS. an archer kill me with 2 or 3 critik shoots( i have 1k pdef), and u demand more power for achers....  

in nm light? no wonder lol

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