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Started by kuko, February 18, 2010, 09:54:13 AM

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If it's possible I need screen with stats on OL/ES


Quote from: kuko on February 18, 2010, 09:54:13 AM
If it's possible I need screen with stats on OL/ES

What will this tell you? Screens don' t mean shit.... especially on a char like OL/ES where you can reach insane peak lvl's that would never be practical ingame.



it's not for me.

p.s.M1RO where are u?I know you can help me greeny


I have a OL/ES, but still need to finish both 3rd classes.

What kind of screen u want? Casting speed setup, self buff setup, full buffs?!?


self buff with arcana agility soul guard and so on.Just max stats on self buffs


Quote from: kuko on February 18, 2010, 01:29:50 PM
self buff with arcana agility soul guard and so on.Just max stats on self buffs

so u will need to wait a bit till i finish 3rd class quests.  ;D


i have ol/es but i dont have uber equi to show u ; D
Takashii SR/SWS Noblessed
Delicja SPS/ES
letmeheal BP/WK Noblessed       
Hushio PR/OL <= Sold       
Holylady sr/th
Justnice  bd/xx



Quote from: Takashii on February 18, 2010, 09:48:47 PM
i have ol/es but i dont have uber equi to show u ; D
DC and som is enought


lol... btw don't make it.. i used "DanteRevange" for long time.. it owns no doubts about it.. when u have an EE behind u xD
NM: Dante / Giusy (atm)


yes it is a boring char.. can own every char ingame.. but need 1-2-3-4 EE behind him for recharge MP..
i had 3 overlords ol/es - ol/des - ol/sps .. and i think best sub for overlord is ol/ee..
u can even play solo with the buffs he has ...
gl man and if u see m1ro.. tell him to start play again .. i need some exp:)
8B007 TH/*PP for now...


Quote from: milampalas on February 19, 2010, 11:06:17 PM

. and i think best sub for overlord is ol/ee..

i invented that  ^^