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Hi all , Some Infos pls !



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Hi all , Some Infos pls !

Started by llllllllll, February 16, 2010, 03:24:34 PM

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hi everybody , i was playin in Dragon x15 since c3 and i've stopped in Interlude
well i got some questions , whats the difference between interlude and hellbound ? cause i played on many HB servers (i played like 10 min ...in every server) and i felt like ...dunno but it was really different with c3 and C4 and interlude and i didn't like it, then i left and went back to an interlude pvp
things are that i want to come back to DN cause the community is really great , many ppl are playin here and its a famous server
so whats the real difference between IL and HB? ty for answers
ps : which server is the more populated atm in Dragon Network ? :) (low rates i dont like arena :P)


Quote from: llllllllll on February 16, 2010, 03:24:34 PM
hi everybody , i was playin in Dragon x15 since c3 and i've stopped in Interlude
well i got some questions , whats the difference between interlude and hellbound ? cause i played on many HB servers (i played like 10 min ...in every server) and i felt like ...dunno but it was really different with c3 and C4 and interlude and i didn't like it, then i left and went back to an interlude pvp
things are that i want to come back to DN cause the community is really great , many ppl are playin here and its a famous server
so whats the real difference between IL and HB? ty for answers
ps : which server is the more populated atm in Dragon Network ? :) (low rates i dont like arena :P)

The real diffrence is what you saw.... Scary at first but you will get used to it. One can argue what is better, the PvP was definately better in IL, but you got way more to do when you're not PvPing in HB.

Dragon is the most populated server.
But nightmare prolly has the best community and biggest increase of players (dragon players moving to NM cause we have a good GM)



Quote from: kidicarus on February 16, 2010, 04:41:01 PM
The real diffrence is what you saw.... Scary at first but you will get used to it. One can argue what is better, the PvP was definately better in IL, but you got way more to do when you're not PvPing in HB.

Dragon is the most populated server.
But nightmare prolly has the best community and biggest increase of players (dragon players moving to NM cause we have a good GM)
first thx for ur reply ;)
i would like to know why pvp is better in IL ?
and my last question :p : are normal chars still goods ? or mutants are better with hellbound skills ?


Quote from: llllllllll on February 16, 2010, 05:40:08 PM
first thx for ur reply ;)
i would like to know why pvp is better in IL ?
and my last question :p : are normal chars still goods ? or mutants are better with hellbound skills ?
As far as mutants are concerned, their lvl is capped to 80. So they cannot learn most of the unique 3rd class skills. However, most of mutants actually have 85lvl due to some exploit :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on February 16, 2010, 05:54:21 PM
As far as mutants are concerned, their lvl is capped to 80. So they cannot learn most of the unique 3rd class skills. However, most of mutants actually have 85lvl due to some exploit :)
wohow :o so what do u suggest me ? normal char or mutant ? and are still archers pwnzors at pvp xD
ps : dynasty is still the best set ? am so excited to play can't wait anymore but am downlading hb xD


Quote from: llllllllll on February 16, 2010, 06:05:09 PM
wohow :o so what do u suggest me ? normal char or mutant ? and are still archers pwnzors at pvp xD
ps : dynasty is still the best set ? am so excited to play can't wait anymore but am downlading hb xD
According to rumors, those 85lvl mutants will be 'fixed' to have 80lvl, so I suggest you play a non-mutant char :P Archers are still fine, but due to new anti-arrow resists from SwS, BD and Chant of Protection from WC (which lowers critical damage) have no longer uber crits for 5k+ (unless you fight against not fullbuffed enemy).

We also have attribute system 'working', so necromancers are hitting hard again :)

Ahslynn - TH/WK | toxii - HE/GL

Ret ard ired


Quote from: Ashlynn on February 16, 2010, 06:10:52 PM
According to rumors, those 85lvl mutants will be 'fixed' to have 80lvl, so I suggest you play a non-mutant char :P Archers are still fine, but due to new anti-arrow resists from SwS, BD and Chant of Protection from WC (which lowers critical damage) have no longer uber crits for 5k+ (unless you fight against not fullbuffed enemy).

We also have attribute system 'working', so necromancers are hitting hard again :)
attribute whats that xd
i wanna play as aw/sk or as ne/pp :P i think thats fine ^^ thx for ur help ash


Quote from: llllllllll on February 16, 2010, 06:40:42 PM
attribute whats that xd
i wanna play as aw/sk or as ne/pp :P i think thats fine ^^ thx for ur help ash

We have Gracia prophecies so PoF from PP = +cast speed and M.atk much like pow in IL. And necro attacks are insane atm....
So ne/pp might be a good choice.

Attributes is yet another enhancment you can put on your weapon/armor to do more dmg/resist dmg better.

It will all come apparent once you play a week or so :)



Quote from: kidicarus on February 16, 2010, 07:37:40 PM
We have Gracia prophecies so PoF from PP = +cast speed and M.atk much like pow in IL. And necro attacks are insane atm....
So ne/pp might be a good choice.

Attributes is yet another enhancment you can put on your weapon/armor to do more dmg/resist dmg better.

It will all come apparent once you play a week or so :)
and for aw/sk ? :P


Quote from: llllllllll on February 16, 2010, 08:53:23 PM
and for aw/sk ? :P

Well since you last played tanks got some cool stuff and some not so cool.

+You got anti magic armor (FS that adds like 6k m.def for 30 sec and the rechargetime aint all that bad)
+You got SoF (party UD)
+Shield defence defends vs magic attacks... and since SK is a great shieldchar you will have great advantage with that.
+Since you last played daggers became way more powerful. (depending on when you left ofcourse..... not more powerfull then early c3 :P)

And some minor nerfes lately..... but unless you play with bow it won't affect you that much.



i belive that hellbound is almost like other versions , but in graphic its much better
after 1 week here got my S weeap :P thats a really good server with a good economy


Quote from: llllllllll on February 23, 2010, 07:13:57 AM
i belive that hellbound is almost like other versions , but in graphic its much better
after 1 week here got my S weeap :P thats a really good server with a good economy

Nice :)
