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Too many questions

Started by Alex, March 09, 2010, 09:58:48 PM

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But main ones - bots are open and nearly free-to-use as on x15 server? Promoting cheating as on x15 server? It was long ago said you can't donate for OE weapons on x15 server anymore, but still some "special" guys could buy them, will that crap happen here too?

No, not flaming, just wondering about very few of those things which made me quit x15 server.
ShowStopper having a break from hard GM work:

Dagger Allstarsâ,,¢


Quote from: Alex on March 09, 2010, 09:58:48 PM
But main ones - bots are open and nearly free-to-use as on x15 server? Promoting cheating as on x15 server? It was long ago said you can't donate for OE weapons on x15 server anymore, but still some "special" guys could buy them, will that crap happen here too?

No, not flaming, just wondering about very few of those things which made me quit x15 server.

We will keep l2w and other "bad" programs only really low low low level (we cant guarantee 100% like none server can) but lets say it will be on 90% clean (we have some system how to check most of them)
Cheating will be baned instant (scaming and so on....)
You wont be able to donate for anything except coins (not even normal clean weapons or anything, so NO OE/OP items ever on this server), and no no special guys, gameplay > donations and thats how server will be runned.


Quote from: Torn on March 09, 2010, 10:03:02 PM
We will keep l2w and other "bad" programs only really low low low level (we cant guarantee 100% like none server can) but lets say it will be on 90% clean (we have some system how to check most of them)
Cheating will be baned instant (scaming and so on....)
You wont be able to donate for anything except coins (not even normal clean weapons or anything, so NO OE/OP items ever on this server), and no no special guys, gameplay > donations and thats how server will be runed.

runed = ruined or runned?  8)
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I know the great history of dragon server and it's weapons but I can assure you that this will never happen, we believe in working for a goal and achieving it from hard work, this is why we are going to introduce a system whereby any player who work hard can get top gear in game and no not by donating. We will reveal more on this system at a later date as we are still going through test phrase.

As for spam bots, we can only be actively in game and take them out manually.


Quote from: Descent on March 09, 2010, 10:08:25 PM
I know the great history of dragon server and it's weapons but I can assure you that this will never happen, we believe in working for a goal and achieving it from hard work, this is why we are going to introduce a system whereby any player who work hard can get top gear in game and no not by donating. We will reveal more on this system at a later date as we are still going through test phrase.

As for spam bots, we can only be actively in game and take them out manually.

Is your idendity secret? Or can you give us an introduction?
[url=http://www.dragon-community.net/forum/index.php/topic,94660.0.html]Interested in a cool signature? Go here![/url]

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Quote from: Torn on March 09, 2010, 10:03:02 PM
You wont be able to donate for anything except coins (not even normal clean weapons or anything, so NO OE/OP items ever on this server), and no no special guys, gameplay > donations and thats how server will be runned.

so you will be able to donate? for coins which you will be able to exchange for items - like at donny?


Quote from: Tepak on March 09, 2010, 10:17:59 PM
so you will be able to donate? for coins which you will be able to exchange for items - like at donny?


And all this looks soooo nice. Just one thing. Why don't you try it with non-stack sub-class system?


Quote from: TheLox on March 09, 2010, 10:22:55 PM
And all this looks soooo nice. Just one thing. Why don't you try it with non-stack sub-class system?
/agree..would be nice to try it w/o subs


Quote from: shavour on March 09, 2010, 10:17:13 PM
Is your idendity secret? Or can you give us an introduction?

My idendity is no secret by all means but my job here at the moment is to prompt the new server and answer any questions related to it. I guess your question is related to how I know dragon's history? well I've been coding with drake for a few years so I've seen how dragon has progressed through this time.

I will fully introduce myself when the server is to set live but as I mentioned for now I hope to focus on prompting the server.


Quote from: TheLox on March 09, 2010, 10:22:55 PM
And all this looks soooo nice. Just one thing. Why don't you try it with non-stack sub-class system?

We have actually thought of this but decided removing the almighty dn set should bring some points back into the game again.


Quote from: Descent on March 09, 2010, 10:44:26 PM
We have actually thought of this but decided removing the almighty dn set should bring some points back into the game again.
So there won't be any custom made Dynasty sets? Does this also mean there won't be any custom made Dynasty/Icarus weapons, mainly the 'lol-gatling-gun' Icarus bows which ruined the entire purpose of archer classes and the custom bonusses on maces?