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Just some suggestions.

Started by Furesy, March 10, 2010, 05:49:31 PM

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Quote from: TomekAlmighty on March 11, 2010, 10:57:48 AM
Removing raid jewels will never happen, but it would be probably good if the bonuses of them would be ALOT smaller than they are now... Im talking about maybe 5% bonuses, so it will still make some difference if you have it or not, but it would still mean that someone without them has a chance to kill someone...    ;)
differences between some1 who works hard and who doesn't MUST be settled imho...
Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 08, 2010, 12:34:09 PM
Dhart è un gladiatore (all rights reserved to Dhart)


Quote from: Furesy on March 10, 2010, 05:49:31 PM
Well, took you long enough to open a new server, but ah well, better late then never :P

Anyway some suggestions or maybe things to think about;

- Rather than making the discussion if the server should have DN subs or not (even though DN subs are hard to balance, it is the trademark of Dragon Network and is the very reason why these servers were so popular in the first place). You should consider rather allowing mutants or not, balance in DN-wise-L2 is hard enough, allowing people the option to make mutants makes that twice as hard. And something else, disabling mutants will save some of the classes which are totally dead now. (my personal opinion is with DN sub, there are hundred of retail-like servers around, yet remove mutants)

- Will this new server have the same freaked up attribute system as the one that is currently running on the other servers?

- Before you launch server, greatly consider how much effect you want 'Augmentations' to play a role in every day PvP and Olympiad, wether you choose to play with or without DN sub, with or without mutants, augmentations can ruin the balance a lot as well. (hence, look at how easy it will be to get life stones, and how high chances you have on getting certain skills) -- Same goes for enchants and enchant rates.

- Remove safe PK (or even more drastic, completely remove Repent your Sins quests) I still remember in the old days when it was actual fun to PK and actual fun to hunt them, nowadays (as you can see on other servers) nobody even cares anymore if someone PK's, the system is completely freaked up by this below-5-safe-pk.

- Already mentioned on a other topic but will do it here again, main currency? Will these Donation coins or whatever kind of coins will be on this server trade-able? It will make adena totally useless and will become the main currency (thus destroying the market eventually) I think one of the GM's already mentioned it, but, smart to not make the adena drop rate x20? Or slightly lower the rate the higher lvl you become. (a good way to keep adena flow normal, make the gatekeeper fees for high lvl chars x20 rate as well)

- Will 1st and 2nd quest items be in shops? (this also effects the way people will make clan reputation points)

- Delete raid jewels from the game (my personal favorite! Will probably never happen but I just couldn't resist putting it here!)

Can't really think of anything else at the moment.

da best suggestion


Quote from: tzuc on March 11, 2010, 12:35:13 PM
removing the safe pk or sin eater quest is a dumb suggestion imo. it's part of the game strategy, if i'm at a raidboss or any situation and i don't wanna be bothered and enemy will not accept war or won't flag i won't let them stay around and neither will risk a clan member dropping items.

having been a clan leader one of the rules was having a <5 pk count so if the necessity occurs people could PK without risking item drop. removing rb jewels means removing epic raids which is a huge pvp opportunity and a reason for competition between clans. a better idea is making their respawn retail so the jewels won't be invading the server being a benefit only for the top players / top clans who can take those raids
It's true that's annoying sometimes, but I actually find the whole sense of PK'ing safe, totally destroying the original idea, I found PK'ing a risky business back in C2/C3 and ever since C4 it has been degraded too 'because-I-can' while it used to be 'because-I-dare' which is way more fun.

Quote from: Tyler on March 11, 2010, 10:16:28 AM
I got an even more fun suggestion: Remove BSOE  ;)
That one I will add, something I totally agree with but forgot to put there!

Quote from: Mala Przyjemnosc on March 11, 2010, 03:40:47 PM
What about mages then ? Full of resists (atm Dont know how many buffs will have buffbar ) + No mcrt  ? : p Com'n valakas is required.
Removing boss jewels will remove a lot of stuff that gives resists as well, which will make lots of skills actually worth using once more. (like stun, root lol) And mages shouldn't cry, mages are one of the few classes who can deal close to max damage without having a single Boss Jewel, while fighters, especially archers need at least AQ / Baium to get close. Besides, mages were never supposed to have damage focused on magic crit rate, NCSoft implemented magic criticals at one point and ended up nerfing it more and more in later chronicles.


My suggestion is to not do anything. Just create a new clone of the 3 old Dnet servers wth a 20x exp rate and matching sp/adena/drop/spoil rates.
nightmare: bowling4soup - sk/se
dragon: bowling4prophet - pp/he
infinity: bowling4soup - pr/bd


Quote from: dvali on March 11, 2010, 06:00:20 PM
My suggestion is to not do anything. Just create a new clone of the 3 old Dnet servers wth a 20x exp rate and matching sp/adena/drop/spoil rates.
have fun
Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 08, 2010, 12:34:09 PM
Dhart è un gladiatore (all rights reserved to Dhart)


Yeah definitely need to work on adena importance... it should be made actually worth something, rather than having some coins that you use for everything lol
as for BSOE yeah I think it could be removed.
as for Boss Jewels - if you remove boss jewels then you cut out ~40% of fun that people have when they PvP to get them. Nerfing boss jewels - hmm maybe, but I dont think that is necessary. Rather make the respawn of epics longer = less boss jewels on serv.
as for PK - I have no idea what, but something has to be done.. :D when PK is not too important, it's shit. When it punishes you too much, it's shit :P The biggest problem here is PLAYERS - damn how many times did you meet a foker that would just spend 20++ minutes running around and annoy you? Did you ever met people who KS or attack your train with some AoE skills and run or simply do whatever you consider worth killing them for :D ? point is, if you make penalties for PK too low, everyone will run around PKing. If you make the penalties too high, annoying fokers will be annoying you till you log off and you wont PK them cos you shit your pants about what will happen if you do lol

btw, check out my post http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,214407.0.html (http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,214407.0.html) on how we could save DNet original stack sub system and get a rid of overpowers :)
Cool too see some people think about the gameplay!
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Quote from: Merm on March 12, 2010, 08:37:45 PM
Yeah definitely need to work on adena importance... it should be made actually worth something, rather than having some coins that you use for everything lol
as for BSOE yeah I think it could be removed.
as for Boss Jewels - if you remove boss jewels then you cut out ~40% of fun that people have when they PvP to get them. Nerfing boss jewels - hmm maybe, but I dont think that is necessary. Rather make the respawn of epics longer = less boss jewels on serv.
as for PK - I have no idea what, but something has to be done.. :D when PK is not too important, it's shit. When it punishes you too much, it's shit :P The biggest problem here is PLAYERS - damn how many times did you meet a foker that would just spend 20++ minutes running around and annoy you? Did you ever met people who KS or attack your train with some AoE skills and run or simply do whatever you consider worth killing them for :D ? point is, if you make penalties for PK too low, everyone will run around PKing. If you make the penalties too high, annoying fokers will be annoying you till you log off and you wont PK them cos you shit your pants about what will happen if you do lol

btw, check out my post http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,214407.0.html (http://forum.dragon-community.net/index.php/topic,214407.0.html) on how we could save DNet original stack sub system and get a rid of overpowers :)
Cool too see some people think about the gameplay!
Honestly I don't like your idea about the sub system , but agree at the pk argument...
imho an idea would be making pk quest that removes 1 pk count max with a certain % ( let's say 30% )
and the maximum pks you could have before you'd drop items would be 2...so this way we won't see anymore kamikaze dumb attacks of pks sure that they won't drop anything...
Quote from: Torek [IF] on June 08, 2010, 12:34:09 PM
Dhart è un gladiatore (all rights reserved to Dhart)


Quote from: Kailenaa on March 13, 2010, 11:10:37 AM
Implement MAIL system from Gracia Epilogeu! This thing just rox, cuz of it u save plenty of time

//agree, but i think it's rly hard to do....
RobertS lvl 76+ SS/PS Valkyrie (x9)
Leader of Goldragon (with Hungary)


100% agree with Furesy, tho i dont think GMs will make such changes...

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