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QQ temp's

Started by xBananx, March 15, 2010, 08:49:49 PM

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ppl should make a IQ test before making new posts like this ;D


My gosh. The IQ level of this thread is below normal limit. What is next? Organish? (Niori power)


Quote from: BanThemAll on March 15, 2010, 08:55:11 PM
ppl should make a IQ test before making new posts like this ;D
first Pawciu must make IG test and dont write sh1ts on hero ;) QQ


: ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

oOMiaOo - BananaMama - TingTong - Yoshi- CooYah


Quote from: xBananx on March 15, 2010, 09:17:47 PM
first Pawciu must make IG test and dont write sh1ts on hero ;) QQ
all ppl can write what they think and feel QQ
u think u are pro because u killed valakas first time? In last Valakas when u were failed u said "we dont worry frintezza>valakas"
what u say now?. U killed Frintezza only cause after some "DC", like today at valakas
I shoud make IG test? do u remember what a lot of BB DN members wrote on chat when u failed baium? only flames in polish
U can't do nothing more like always flames. When u killed some rb, took succefully castle (aden,rune) u re happy, u think We>Temp, Temp are dead, Temp sux etc. I gonna say "u are pro", or "u are better" if u kill all epic rb and keep all main castles for 2 years or more. 2 weeks w/o our castle is nothing


QQ pawciu:)
wait 1 week more... Let's see if those strange things will continue...
QQ till then...
8B007 TH/*PP for now...


Quote from: Pawciu on March 15, 2010, 11:01:40 PM
all ppl can write what they think and feel QQ
u think u are pro because u killed valakas first time? In last Valakas when u were failed u said "we dont worry frintezza>valakas"
what u say now?. U killed Frintezza only cause after some "DC", like today at valakas

I shoud make IG test? do u remember what a lot of BB DN members wrote on chat when u failed baium? only flames in polish
U can't do nothing more like always flames
. When u killed some rb, took succefully castle (aden,rune) u re happy, u think We>Temp, Temp are dead, Temp sux etc. I gonna say "u are pro", or "u are better" if u kill all epic rb and keep all main castles for 2 years or more. 2 weeks w/o our castle is nothing

Now we cna say that we killed both this week :P and about DC you wanna tell us that only Temps got it? we were clean form it ? 40% of our ppl get dc every minute inside valakas and gues what: it was not a problem coz we kill it anyway without terrain exploit like you always do.

And now what you wanna tell us that you are pure lol u are using the same flames on every action. We cant do nothing more ? ask yourselve one more time about it. GZ for Baium :P we dont even kamp it and some ppl which stay after valky go there to take some fun.

Now you start to care about Past (2 years blablabal)? you are the first ally which didnt resolve after taking all. Nothing more than greedy zerg. if some day we will really get everything you will understand what i mean... for now i can only say QQ coz we deserve for your tears :P


Quote from: Pawciu on March 15, 2010, 11:01:40 PM
all ppl can write what they think and feel QQ
u think u are pro because u killed valakas first time? In last Valakas when u were failed u said "we dont worry frintezza>valakas"
what u say now?. U killed Frintezza only cause after some "DC", like today at valakas
I shoud make IG test? do u remember what a lot of BB DN members wrote on chat when u failed baium? only flames in polish
U can't do nothing more like always flames. When u killed some rb, took succefully castle (aden,rune) u re happy, u think We>Temp, Temp are dead, Temp sux etc. I gonna say "u are pro", or "u are better" if u kill all epic rb and keep all main castles for 2 years or more. 2 weeks w/o our castle is nothing

And ill say temps are "pro" when you will be able to win against 2x more people than you have in sieges and mass pvps, but for sure that will never happen cuz you were a zerg and still are one. Its funny how happy you are cuz you had the control over the server for 2 years, when most of good clans already left the server long ago.
KingBishop, TomekCritz, TomekAlmighty, YoMama
Quote from: Blondy on November 18, 2007, 07:15:25 PM
you will never be better as you are now ... , you reached the "best point"


Quote from: TomekAlmighty on March 16, 2010, 05:48:19 AM
And ill say temps are "pro" when you will be able to win against 2x more people than you have in sieges and mass pvps, but for sure that will never happen cuz you were a zerg and still are one. Its funny how happy you are cuz you had the control over the server for 2 years, when most of good clans already left the server long ago.

couse they surrender, they left, they didn't train next generation of people who would rule server, thats why they perish ;P
have fun because of 2 weeks of your luck and gm assistance // exploits. We will have fun too ;P Now is your zerk time, u better use it good.
moonbreaker - sh/ps
Alicja - wc/sws



Quote from: moonbreaker on March 16, 2010, 06:11:19 AM
couse they surrender, they left, they didn't train next generation of people who would rule server, thats why they perish ;P
have fun because of 2 weeks of your luck and gm assistance // exploits. We will have fun too ;P Now is your zerk time, u better use it good.

believe me, many ppl from our side thought the same about temps, when most of ppl  start to get dc every fking  minutes while temps were rushing us near klein, and we were wondering of all that zerg were alive  and  were killing us 1 by 1 while ppl logging back. And that sh1tty lags at sieges, at baium, at anthy, were all the time while ur ally star to rush us.

but that was nothing special, just server lags, ofc if u didnt use some exploit to make dc most of our ppl :D

Nightmare (30x)