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Started by Kev1, March 26, 2010, 01:25:27 PM

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hello , now is 2 week i play with version of l2 hellbound/kamael (Lineage_II_CT1_-_PTS) who make me always disconnect on some chars and who show me some hb feature like hsp or improve buff slot black , today i download a correct version of hb client ( L2_CT1_Hellbound-live on google give u link to torrent very fast to download )
now all is ok no more disconnect with my chars and all hb features are normal , no more black slot on buff bar :p
maybe all this crash are from this not good L2 client

i hope that can help about server crash ^^


Server is crashing any way, I think that It can be some how related to the old/wrong L2 client. Probably track said some thing like that...

Add names of your chars, and were you able to log in, or have you ever made any thing special that resulted in server crash?
Adena Plix.


char name is chuckmarice or wendji and all time i got critik error when i log at hellbound/chimera , friends log and move chars for me and now i use correct client :)
that a very bad thing who affect our server QQ


same problem to me also , but last time i went there i had no problem..
maby its cause biolo didn't exp me last 2 weeks... that must be the problem...
8B007 TH/*PP for now...


If exping you will help the server..

We have to check it oO!!
Adena Plix.