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About attribute system

Started by Toszi, April 13, 2010, 11:09:54 PM

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make wepon 4 lvl and armor 9 lvl and should be fine cus dagers lose sense to enchant wepons ;p cus blow damage with atribute is dipend from ... p atak


Quote from: gosu2kl on April 15, 2010, 08:24:15 PM
make wepon 4 lvl and armor 9 lvl and should be fine cus dagers lose sense to enchant wepons ;p cus blow damage with atribute is dipend from ... p atak
no fkin attrib ... its unbalanced, bugged and stupid as hell ... donations are unavoidable - got it - but do not, i say DO NOT implement attrib system ... It's screwing up the game ... Especially in DN edition...
/ l2 offline ... finally ...


just make attribute system like on retail or forget about it if it will stay nerfed they way it is now