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PvP Absurd ?

Started by Mab, March 28, 2010, 12:55:28 PM

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Well...if u hit ppl by 300 and u valakas by 1500...i think that u + bishop can easely solo valakas . . . will take time...but remember...u can kill valakas easier than u can kill one mage....LOL

/\ ignore it...i'm drunk
Neoz1nhu [Mi heroo] - June 2008


Quote from: Mab on March 28, 2010, 01:31:05 PM
Yes thats true that Valakas have more  hp.
But other side is: some mages  hit me  about 11000.(with rb  jevels +4) ? I have cp,songs,dances ultima defense etc...
Soo if i hit valakas  by 1500 and pvp mage by 300 , Mages hiting me by 11000 shoud  be able to kill valaks  alone ? because they hit 5xmore dmg on npc  than  pvp   something like 55000 cryt hit on valakas ?

if yours char sucks, create new one


I would like, close the topic or some thing..
Adena Plix.